Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing…) 3

I was exhausted from tossing about at the vehicle management office the day before, and Yewawa called during off-duty hours, and connected me to Xiyou to take me to decompress. The address is Nurga Canyon, the beauty and danger of the canyon… as shown in the picture, share!

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

When you go to Urumqi, you must take Ye Wawa to take you there. It is only 80 kilometers away from Urumqi. Xinjiang is really a good place, you can have fun wherever you go!

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

After coming down from the Grand Canyon, it was already 10 o’clock in the evening, and it was time to sleep in the inland, so we were going to have dinner (it was a meal, but I hadn’t eaten white rice these days, and the meal was meat. The meat is all eaten, ha) The sunset is so beautiful!

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

I got up at 7:00 the next morning and went to the vehicle management office. I waited until 2:00 pm and finally got the temporary license. The file will be mailed to the place of residence within a week. Thanks to the bald leader of the vehicle management office for giving the green light. Ha, even though he asked me to write two guarantee letters, I promise not to return the file!

After getting the card, we rushed to the special send-off meal prepared by the baby brothers without any “red light”. Ha, the specialty is meat again. After lunch, we set off for Lanzhou, the first stop, via Huoyanshan, to Hami.

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

After a night of rest in Hami, I got up at 7:00 am and set off for Dunhuang. The alarm clock went off at 7:00 am, but he pressed the alarm clock under the pillow and was still unwilling to get up at 8:00 am. We didn’t leave Hami for Dunhuang until 9:30 am. Is it possible to arrive at Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes? !

It’s more than 400 kilometers from Hami to Dunhuang. We didn’t arrive until nearly 4 o’clock in the afternoon. We just had a meal on the way. We had a show at the Xingxing Gorge on the border of Xinjiang. Finally, we left Xinjiang. I suddenly felt a sense of relaxation. Why? The mobile phone network has 4G, and you don’t need an ID card when you refuel, and the police won’t ask you to go through the security check at any time…

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

Find the Y60 again (the story of live pick-up and tossing...) 3

(to be continued)