Five countermeasures to help the development of characteristic towns

Sun Yat-sen University and Social Sciences Literature Publishing House jointly released the “Research Report on Chinese Characteristic Towns (2019)” in Guangzhou on April 27. The speaker proposed five countermeasures to help the development of characteristic towns.

Five countermeasures to help the development of characteristic towns

Improve relevant policies and regulations to form a special policy system

The creation of characteristic towns has many contents and involves a wide range of areas. In addition to routinely issuing guidance on the construction of characteristic towns and announcing the list of characteristic towns, government departments at all levels should gradually formulate special policies, supporting implementation plans or implementation rules, and form A complete policy system ensures that characteristic towns have documents to guide, policies to support, regulations to guarantee, and systems to regulate in a series of links such as selection, operation, implementation, guarantee, rewards and punishments, and exit. For example, formulate policies and regulations to protect historical and cultural towns and ancient towns, establish a guarantee mechanism for the inheritance of local historical memory, spread specific traditional culture, and protect the unique regional features of ancient towns; formulate special policies for the development of leading industries, so as to regulate investment and attract private enterprises. , improve policies and regulations through financing, taxation and other aspects, stimulate and encourage enterprises to carry out independent innovation, increase investment in technological innovation, and provide support for the development of this leading industry; formulate special financial policies for the development of characteristic towns, so as to improve investment , financing and fund-raising mechanisms, providing support for local governments, banks, enterprises, individuals and other characteristic town creation entities, especially through innovative financial policy systems such as risk compensation policies, credit guarantee policies, and PPP financing policies, to provide convenience for corporate financing , to reduce the risks and concerns of all parties participating in the construction of characteristic towns; to formulate policy plans for creating a certain type of characteristic towns, such as the construction plan for cultural and tourism characteristic towns, the construction plan for historical and folk characteristic towns, and the characteristic towns for leisure and recreation Construction plan, high-end manufacturing characteristic town construction plan, sports competition characteristic town construction plan, etc.; formulate characteristic town selection plan, provide characteristic town evaluation reference standards, and standardize the information documents submitted by participating towns; formulate characteristic town supervision Assessment and dynamic elimination policy plan, combining quarterly assessment and annual assessment in stages, and different types such as warning, downgrading and elimination, so as to cancel the one-time naming system and realize the survival of the fittest in characteristic towns.

Gradually strengthen the understanding of the creation of characteristic towns

The national ministries, commissions and bureaus correspond to relevant government functional departments at the provincial (autonomous region, municipality) level, the provincial (autonomous region, municipality) level corresponds to relevant government functional departments at the city level, the city level corresponds to relevant government functional departments at the county level, and the county level corresponds to relevant government functional departments at the town level , interlocking, carry out the interpretation and training of policies related to the establishment of characteristic towns step by step, pay attention to the dissemination of guiding ideology, basic principles, cultivation requirements, purpose significance, organizational leadership, support policies, etc., especially for the establishment of characteristic towns At present, relevant concepts that are easily confused with characteristic towns (such as characteristic small towns, industrial parks, tourist attractions, beautiful villages, pastoral complexes, etc.) are analyzed, so that relevant government departments at all levels can deeply grasp the connotation and characteristics of characteristic towns, and realize Characteristic towns are “non-towns (administrative towns) and non-districts (industrial parks)” innovation and entrepreneurship platforms for “deep integration of industry, city and humanities”. The essential requirements of “combined”, “small and beautiful” in shape, and “new and lively” in mechanism. Strengthen the evaluation and assessment of the understanding of relevant policies, implement the responsibility system, avoid formalities and formalism, and ensure that the functional departments of governments at all levels can “understand” the policies, so as to use the policies to guide the practical activities of characteristic towns.

Improve the quality of planning and scientifically guide the construction of small towns

One is to ensure that there are at least two documents in the materials submitted by the participating towns: the overall planning of the town’s leading industry and the town’s creation plan. Among them, the overall planning of the industry focuses on the current situation of industrial development, problems, trends, overall requirements, main tasks, main spatial layout, zoning design, recent development priorities, investment estimates for each period, development strategies and safeguard measures; The general overview of the town, basic conditions, development orientation and goals, overall spatial layout, characteristic industry development, infrastructure construction, livable environment creation, system and mechanism innovation, project investment and construction plan, etc. The second is to pay attention to the orderly connection of planning. We should not only pay attention to the connection between the overall planning of the town’s leading industry and the town’s creation plan, and give full play to the planning synergy effect, but also pay attention to the connection between the creation plan and the overall planning of the town and the overall planning of land use. Orientation, three-dimensional and high standards plan the development of the town. The third is to correctly handle short-term and long-term relationships, partial and overall relationships, and macro- and micro-cosmic relationships in planning compilation, focus on in-depth investigation and research, highlight key tasks, focus on major projects, and reasonably determine the construction sequence of each project. Fourth, planning must be scientific, forward-looking, restrictive, and operable, with particular emphasis on the protection of traditional cultural heritage and natural landscape resources, strengthening the exploration and continuation of the town’s context, and strengthening the shaping of the town’s characteristics. Fifth, the planning should highlight the “characteristics”, dig deep into the regional characteristics, resource characteristics, cultural characteristics and industrial characteristics of the town, especially to be able to discover the characteristic industries with the most foundation, the greatest potential and the most growth, and transform the original non-characteristic industries. The area is transformed into a new town with industries and characteristics. The sixth is to guide multiple parties to participate in planning and conduct comprehensive demonstrations. The establishment of characteristic towns involves many subjects, and the planning should broadly reflect the common will of the government, enterprises, local residents, and planners, draw on opinions from multiple parties, and adopt the methods of government organizations, experts leading, multi-sectoral cooperation, social participation, and scientific leadership to brainstorm , Improve the planning hearing system and publicity system, strive to effectively supervise and evaluate the rationality and scientificity of planning schemes, and enhance the gold content of planning.

Adapt measures to local conditions and reflect regional differences

The development of characteristic towns needs to be based on their own reality, follow objective laws, tap characteristic advantages, eliminate blind imitation, adapt measures to local conditions, and reflect regional differences. Due to China’s vast territory and obvious differences in regional characteristics, the development tendency of characteristic towns in different regions should be different: in the eastern region, due to its prominent economic strength, convenient transportation, strong industrial foundation, dense population, and supporting facilities and equipment And the service concept is relatively complete and advanced, which can focus on guiding the development of characteristic towns with leading industries such as high-end industries, emerging industries, commerce and trade industries, creative innovation industries, modern service industries, and information technology industries; in the central and western regions, high-end and emerging industries The foundation is relatively weak, lacks corresponding industrial support, and the industrial chain is not complete. Relying on rich natural resources, beautiful landscapes and countryside, and rich historical deposits, it can focus on guiding the cultural tourism industry, leisure and health care industry, agriculture, forestry, fishery industry, and historical folk customs. and other characteristic towns with leading industries.

Correctly handle the relationship between the government and the market

The creation of characteristic towns is a long-term systematic project that requires in-depth cooperation between the government and enterprises. It should adhere to the creation mode and management method of government guidance, enterprise main body, and market-oriented operation. On the one hand, governments at all levels should focus on the overall situation and be responsible for macro-level guidance and guidance. By establishing a characteristic town office under the Development and Reform Commission (bureau), setting up a special management agency and implementing professional staff, the focus of work should be on organizing planning and development. , promote planning guidance, strengthen planning implementation, introduce a policy system to promote the development of characteristic towns, create a good institutional environment, and accelerate the improvement of infrastructure and public services. In particular, it is necessary to innovate the investment and financing system and mechanism, explore investment and financing models such as industrial funds and PPP (social capital and government cooperation), activate private capital to solve the problem of insufficient funds in characteristic towns, and ensure the orderly progress of town construction. On the other hand, while giving full play to the government’s guiding function, it is necessary to give full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources, give full play to the role of enterprises as the main force in the construction of characteristic towns, and highlight the dominant position of enterprises. Each characteristic town must clearly identify the main body of investment and construction, which can be state-owned investment companies, private enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises or mixed-ownership enterprises, fully guide enterprises to invest effectively, benchmark first-class standards, expand high-end supply, and stimulate entrepreneurial creativity and people’s consumption needs , pay attention to the introduction of domestic and foreign industry-leading large enterprises and large groups, establish a contact mechanism for key customers, promote project construction with large enterprises and large groups as the core, encourage leading enterprises to independently or take the lead in building characteristic towns, and encourage enterprises to adopt unified planning, The development mode of unified investment promotion and unified construction.