Follow the “a touch of postal green on the Sichuan-Tibet line” and experience the unique self-driving gameplay of the postal road in Ganzi Prefecture

Recently, the news that the zip code will be cancelled has caused heated discussions among netizens. Just when everyone was remembering the era of posting stamps and writing love letters, the State Post Bureau came out to refute the rumors. There is no such thing as “cancelling postal codes” or “abolishing postal codes”. Those who are still nostalgic can go back to their respective homes.

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But the antique-level thing like “zip code” reminds me of another thing. In Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, there is a national first-class trunk postal route opened since the Sichuan-Tibet line was opened to traffic in 1954, from Chengdu, Sichuan to Qamdo, Tibet, passing through five counties of Kangding, Daofu, Luhuo, Ganzi and Dege , The whole round trip is 1208 kilometers, and it has been going on for 65 years.

In the era of underdeveloped communications, this postal route may be the only lifeline for the people along the route to communicate with the outside world. Even today, for the left-behind elderly, children and school students living in Tibetan areas on the plateau in western Sichuan, every mail and package is full of parents’ concern for their children, and the filial piety of children to their parents! They look forward to three or four o’clock in the afternoon every day, and the flowing postal green will appear in front of their eyes.

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Because the average altitude of this postal route is above the snow line of 3,500 meters, it is also called the “snow line postal route”. The highest plateau mail route”!

The “world’s highest postal route” on the beautiful Sichuan-Tibet line!

Self-driving route: Kangding → Xinduqiao → Daofu → Luhuo → Ganzi → Manigange → Dege

If you are a philatelist or a cross-country veteran who loves to challenge self-driving routes, you will definitely like this Sichuan-Tibet niche self-driving route that is famous for postal services! In addition to the must-see attractions in western Sichuan: Hailuogou, Daocheng Yading, and Gongga Snow Mountain, there are also frightening Zheduo Mountains and Queer Mountains along the postal route~ Curious how to play the postal road in Ganzi Prefecture? Let’s look down!

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Part.1 Kangding City – Zheduo Mountain, Xindu Bridge

This section of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway, which is destined to be extraordinary, starts from Kangding and has to climb over the Zheduo Mountain at an altitude of 4298 meters. The Panshan Highway is a veritable “nine bends and eighteen bends”. ” to describe it! Zheduo Mountain is an important geographical boundary, and only after passing Zheduo Mountain can one enter the real Tibetan area. When the weather is fine, you can enjoy the wild flowers in full bloom along the way, and there will be yaks, horses or sheep grazing leisurely on the green grassland. It can be said that “everything you see is the scenery”!

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When you drive to the pass of Zheduo Mountain, you can hike to the top of Zheduo Mountain and admire the many triangular or square flag arrays composed of Mani prayer flags. The colorful prayer flags are all waving in the wind. In the wind and rain, it has long lost its once gorgeous colors, but it has never affected the devout hearts of Tibetans. Here, you can also overlook the “King of Shu Mountains” – Gongga Mountain with an altitude of 7556 meters.

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After crossing the pass of Zheduo Mountain and going all the way down, you will enter the paradise of photographers – Xindu Bridge. Xindu Bridge is located at the intersection of the South and North Lines of National Highway 318, with an altitude of about 3,300 meters. Although there are no prominent landmarks, the scenery along the line for more than 10 kilometers can be called a “photographer’s corridor”, with rolling mountains on both sides. , Tibetan villages are scattered among them, and the plain scenery in western Sichuan is so beautiful!

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Tips: During the annual heavy snow period (September, October-early summer of the following year), the Zheduo mountainous road section is often icy, and self-driving needs to be detoured. Just on May 8 this year, heavy snow fell on this section of the road, and temporary traffic control was implemented. When going to play, you need to pay attention to the local weather information at all times! When driving on a downhill section, be sure to slow down and drive slowly to avoid accidents. The beautiful scenery of Xindu Bridge appears in the section from Zheduo Mountain to Xindu Bridge, and the section from Xindu Bridge to Tagong. When traveling by car, pay attention to the distance between the front and rear vehicles, and then choose to stop.

Part.2 Daofu County – Yala Snow Mountain, Huiyuan Temple

“Garze is very beautiful, Daofu has eight beauties”! Where is the most stunning scenery in Bamei Town, Daofu County – Yala Snow Mountain, one of the four sacred mountains in Tibetan areas, will definitely come out on top. The full name of Yala Snow Mountain in Tibetan means “Eastern White Yak Mountain”, with an altitude of 5884 meters, and the top of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round. It stands at the junction of the three counties of Kangding, Daofu and Danba! It is still a virgin peak, and no climber has successfully reached the summit. Looking at this holy mountain from a distance, if you look at it from different directions and angles, the shape of the mountain is also different: from the direction of Bamei Town, it is a crown crown, from the direction of Xindu Bridge, it is in the shape of a lotus flower, and from the Tagong Grassland, you can see the snow-capped mountains. Competing with the Muya Golden Pagoda…

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Drive ten kilometers along the asphalt trail in the direction of Daofu. Among the mountains, tens of thousands of acres of golden rapeseed flowers are blooming and fragrant, like a paint plate knocked over by an oil painter, drawing a beautiful picture scroll! Huiyuan Temple, which has a history of hundreds of years, is surrounded by golden rapeseed flowers, as if a long-standing ancient temple is blooming with golden Buddha light!

It’s already midsummer now, why are there still rapeseed flowers in western Sichuan? This is due to the climate of the plateau. Every year in early July, “Sichuan Province’s largest rapeseed base” Daofu Xiede Township will usher in a sea of ​​rapeseed flowers that is no less than Qinghai Menyuan. It is said that the flowering period can last for a month. If the time is too late, you can set a flag and continue to make appointments next year!

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At the foot of the Yala Snow Mountain, there is an ancient lotus temple – Huiyuan Temple, which is a Gelug Sect temple of Tibetan Buddhism and the highest-level temple in Tibetan areas at present! Huiyuan Temple now has a collection of many precious cultural relics. The temple recites scriptures for various sacrificial activities 245 days a year. But”, believers from all over the world will come to worship and chant sutras.

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Tips: Daofu County has a very strong Tibetan style. Tourists can often see men riding horses galloping past. Many local people are used to wearing national costumes in their daily life. Starting from Kangding City to Daofu County, the whole journey is about 140 kilometers and takes about 3 hours and 50 minutes by car.

Part.3 Dege County – Queer Mountain, Xinluhai

After turning over the Zheduo Mountain mentioned earlier, there is also the Queer Mountain, which is known as “the first danger in Sichuan and Tibet”, waiting for you! The Queer Mountain Highway is built on a cliff, covered by ice and snow for more than 2/3 of the year. The road is narrow, the snow is thick, and the curve is sharp. The altitude of the pass is 5,050 meters, and the narrowest point is less than 4 meters. . Even a veteran driver with superb driving skills, every time he shifts gears, accelerates, and turns, he is fighting with death. The locals say, “A car passing through Queer Mountain is like entering a ghost gate.” It is really a road that only the brave dare to walk!

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At the foot of Mount Queer, there is the largest glacial terminal moraine barrier lake in China – Xinluhai, with an altitude of 4040 meters. The water source comes from the melting of glaciers and snow in Mount Queer. The lake water in Xinluhai is as clear as a beautiful mirror, surrounded by high mountains, the lake water and the snow-capped mountains reflect each other, like a pure paradise, the hustle and bustle of the world seems to be separated by an invisible barrier.

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Xinluhai not only has beautiful scenery, but also has snow-capped mountains, lakes and plants, and it is also a provincial nature reserve! If you are lucky, you might be able to see the lively and lovely white-lipped deer, a national first-class protected animal. In the fairyland-like Xinluhai Scenic Area, you only need to spend 20 yuan camping fee + bring all the camping equipment, and you can experience a quiet and serene wild luxury camping trip. Here, you will be woken up by birds in the morning~ (PS: If you are a camping novice, you can read the previous article: Basic equipment list for outdoor camping, have you got it as a novice? I hope it will help you help.)

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Tips: Xinlu Seaview Scenic Area is located next to the Sichuan-Tibet Highway, 100 kilometers away from Dege County, and the ticket for the scenic spot is 30 yuan/person. If you really plan to camp in the scenic spot, you need to pay attention to the strict prohibition of fireworks here and abide by the tourism regulations of the scenic spot. In addition, you should pay attention to safety in outdoor activities, and it is best to go together. The weather in the plateau changes greatly, and the temperature difference between day and night is large, so you should bring more clothes just in case.

A Sichuan-Tibet self-driving tour route that is exactly the same as “the world’s highest postal road”, it brings together many beautiful scenery and steep roads that test the driving skills of old drivers! Want to add a divine touch to your road trip feat? The direction of the heart is faith, what are you waiting for, let’s go!

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