Get rid of Pajero’s feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Hainan Province is serious about banning the sale of fuel vehicles; Hainan is even more serious about implementing the “National VI Standards”.

On April 9, 2018, at the sub-forum of the 2018 annual meeting of the Boao Forum for Asia, the governor of Hainan Province proposed an amazing plan-to popularize new energy vehicles by 2030. This also means that by 2030, fuel vehicles may withdraw from the Hainan market.

On April 13, 2018, General Secretary Mao Zedong solemnly announced at the meeting celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Hainan Province and the establishment of a special economic zone that the Party Central Committee decided to support the construction of a free trade pilot zone on the whole island of Hainan.

On April 14, 2018, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the “Guiding Opinions on Supporting Hainan’s Comprehensive Deepening of Reform and Opening-up” (Zhongfa [2018] No. 12), which clearly focuses on the existing pilot free trade zone content and combines Hainan’s characteristics , to build the China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, and the implementation scope covers the whole island of Hainan Island.

One of Hainan’s strategic positioning is the National Ecological Civilization Experimental Zone. Firmly establish and practice the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, clearly propose a ban on the sale of fuel vehicles, and give a specific timetable. The actions of Hainan Province are very bold and fast, making it the first province in China to eat crabs .

In June 2019, the General Office of the Hainan Provincial Government recently issued the “Notice on the Implementation of the National Stage Six Motor Vehicle Emission Standards for Light Vehicles”, clarifying that from July 1, 2019, light vehicles registered in the administrative area of ​​​​Hainan, It must meet the requirements of the “National Six Standards”, and the registration of light vehicles lower than the “National Sixth Standards” is prohibited. On July 1st, many parallel imports and National V vehicles will suffer according to the policy. The “National VI Standards” will affect many cars, the most important thing is some large-displacement parallel imported vehicles. , Watching the Mitsubishi Pajero Middle East Edition V97 rain all the way, that’s it! If you want to change the car, you should make a decision early to catch up with the policy window in June, so as to avoid the unscrupulous Redmi additions in the later stage of the distribution of monsters and ghosts .

I feel a bit forced to buy the car. I didn’t even have the enthusiasm to pick up the car. In the end, I asked a friend to help pick up the car~~~ Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

The standard route prevailing in the national standard, go out on the road and turn right into the gas station + fill it. Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

It is very easy and simple to apply for a household registration. Submit the information, check, make a certificate, and leave.

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Too many friends around me suggested to be domineering, and touched their pockets… Thinking about it again, isn’t this Mitsubishi Pajero feeling the most suitable for landing at this time…Anyway, the word “cost-effective”, besides, it is usually used in small cars in cities , don’t say anything, that’s it???

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Indeed, in the process of use, such as climbing roads with frequent small heights in short distances (hot weather + air conditioning), the water temperature and oil temperature rise rapidly (add an external OBD plug-in that can display the oil temperature of the water temperature wave box) Header) Summarize the solutions proposed by everyone on the Internet for the problem that the oil temperature of the gearbox is easily too high. After comparing it, it is decided to replace the large water tank with a thickness of 26mm (joint venture Jiangyang KOYO original factory brand) and gearbox oil of the V77 model. The temperature and cooling fan automatic control system should be done once and for all, without any worries.

At first, I bought the magician meter used by this OBD plug launched by Tianjin Qunyou, which can visually check the monitoring instrument of water temperature and gearbox oil temperature at any time. At the beginning, every time I used the car, I stared at the instrument to see the change of the digital value from time to time, which was quite comfortable. . . You can check the number of revolutions and vehicle speed without looking down. It is said that the meter can also detect vehicle fault codes and eliminate fault codes~~~

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

The previous idea was to install this custom instrument to monitor the changes of the two temperatures at any time, so as to make early predictions.
But after thinking about it, it is still not scientific and intelligent enough. The car is to control it in a stable range instead of monitoring it with the ancient and primitive manual way of serving it… It was
decided to replace the thickened water tank and install a non-destructive cooling fan automatically. Control System.

1. After replacing the thicker water tank, compare it with the water tank of the original car in the Middle East. The original car has a thinner single drainage tank and does not have a wave box oil-water cooling cycle device. Replaced with a V77 KOYO water tank (note that the genuine Jiangyang KOYO water tank has a series of label marks and the bottom oil temperature circulation connection is all aluminum, it is said that the copper-colored pipe is a fake water tank), compare them , Indeed, the thickness is very variable, and it also has a wave box oil-water cooling circulation device. After expansion, such a choice can not only ensure the stability of the replacement parts, but also allow the high temperature to come later. . .

2. Non-destructive installation of cooling fan automatic control system. Use the position of the oil temperature radiator of the original car gearbox to add a cooling fan, use the spare line plug port of the original car, non-destructive docking power supply (control), OBD socket display screen. When the temperature is set, the fan will automatically start to rotate, and when the temperature is lowered, the fan will automatically stop. Automatic control, without manual intervention, very good concept design. Of course, if you want to manually intervene to start the fan, you can cancel AUTO and use manual control instead.

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

The Middle East version does not have the seat heating function and the rear heater control function, and there is no need to install it after thinking about it. It just so happens that this car is not equipped with a USB charging port. It is so old that this function cannot be missing. Based on the idea of ​​the original texture, I found the front and rear installation positions for addition. See the picture for details.

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

The group of friends said that the mahogany pattern of v93 looks comfortable. The v97 in the Middle East is equipped with dark mahogany as standard. How to embellish it can improve the effect. I thought about the cover strips of the four-door handle, the shift position, + mahogany. After completion, the effect good.

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)

Get rid of Pajero's feelings, Middle East V97 (continuously optimize the function ing during use)