Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

The long-planned 2019 trip to western Sichuan of the Great Wall Column finally started smoothly on October 18, 2019. The convoy set off from Guiyang with 8 people in 5 vehicles and lasted 8 days. From Guiyang—Ya’an—Baoxing—Kangding (Baokang Line)—Xindu Bridge (Crossing Line)—Litang—Daocheng—Yading—Lugu Lake (Lugu Lake) Sub-line)—Xichang—Zhaotong—Guiyang, the whole journey is about 3000 kilometers. After returning to Guiyang safely on October 25, 2019, I would like to share with you the wonderful moments along the way.

The first day (October 18) Guiyang—Ya’an

Gather at Guiyang West Toll Station at 8:30 in the morning.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Ready to go, the first car is the leader of this trip to the west of Sichuan, the captain of the Great Wall column Jingwei, the second car is Lao Jiang, the third car is Yong, the last car is Chang Yi Tianbian, and Xiao Jiang who caught up behind, a total of five cars car.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

After passing through the vitality toll gate in the Festival City, you will enter Sichuan

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Take a break at the first service area after entering Sichuan—Gaoqiao service area

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

When you come to Sichuan, how can you not have a hot pot meal?

On the first day, the journey was about 700 kilometers, and they ran all the way. They arrived in Ya’an City at 6:00 pm. They purchased oxygen tanks, food, water and other materials in Ya’an to prepare for crossing the Baokang Line on the second day. The next day (October 19) Ya’an—Baoxing County—Kangding

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Finally set foot on 318, a little excited.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Pass Baoxing County, the ancient city of pandas

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

The paving of about 100 kilometers from Ya’an to Zhonggang Village, Baoxing County is coming to an end.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

As soon as he got on the non-paved road, the left rear wheel of the No. 3 car was caught.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Brother Jiang just came back from Russia by car. When he heard that the column was going to go to western Sichuan, he immediately signed up.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

This is the car logo bestowed on Old Jiang by the Russian Great Wall Cheers Association

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Not far from Zhonggang Village, I saw the Panda Park under construction. It seems that the Baokang Line will disappear soon.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

I started climbing the mountain, and today I will cross a 4200 pass.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

There are landslides and flooded sections along the way

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

At an altitude of 3600, I finally saw the snow-capped mountains.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour


Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

After crossing the pass at an altitude of 4200, you can see the blue sky and white clouds in front of you.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Entering the paved road, the cattle raised by the Tibetans began to block the road, so they had to pass carefully. They are all households with ten thousand yuan, and they cannot be provoked.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, simple replenishment, spicy chicken noodles and self-heating hot pot.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

In the evening, arrive at Mugecuo Hot Spring in Kangding, which is very cost-effective, 130 yuan per person includes hot spring tickets, accommodation, dinner and breakfast. The third day (October 20th) Mugecuo—Xindu Bridge—Daocheng Due to the traffic jam in Zheduo Mountain, the convoy decided to take the crossing line to bypass Zheduo Mountain, from Mugecuo to Kangding Airport to Xindu Bridge Go to 318.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

As soon as you step on the crossing line, the snow-capped mountains come into view.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Bypass Zheduo Mountain and enter 318

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

318 on the tunnel construction, alternate traffic.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

it’s lunch time

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

the team flag comes out

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Captain’s home-cooked spicy chicken

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Old pumpkin, with meat and vegetables.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Continue to leave after eating

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Passing through Yajiang County

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

All the way up the mountain, there are some twists and turns.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

All the way is scenery, stop and go all the way.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Passing through Litang, the highest city

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Rabbit Mountain is 4600 meters above sea level, with a slight high reaction, so withdraw quickly.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Finally arrived at Daocheng at 7:00 pm, and lived in Daocheng tonight. The fourth day (October 21st) Daocheng — Yading Daocheng to Aden about 100 kilometers, today will play a day in Aden.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

After breakfast, leave Daocheng for Yading

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Not long after leaving the city, the captain’s car had a problem, and the right front wheel made an abnormal noise.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

The team leader can repair the car himself. After inspection, the right front shock absorber rubber sleeve was broken. Since he didn’t bring a spare part, he had to install it and move on.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Arrive at Yading scenic spot after 10 am

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

After parking in the parking lot of the scenic spot, transfer to the scenic bus and enter Aden

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Aden in autumn is like a fairy tale world

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Small animals in Yading Scenic Area are not afraid of people

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

After climbing Xiannairi, everyone shouted at Lao Huo, and the plan to climb the milk sea the next day was cancelled.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Live in Shangri-La Town at night, make skewers, and cross the Luya Line the next day.

The fifth day (October 22nd) Aden — Lugu Lake will cross the famous Luya Line today, from Aden — Geka Township — Jixia Township — Eya Village — Yiji Township — Wujiao Township — Qiansuo Township — Lugu Lake is about 280 kilometers long, it may take about 9 hours, and it depends on luck, this line is often impassable due to landslides.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Depart from Shangri-La Town at 8:30 in the morning

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Stop and go along the way, the road to Eya Village is better.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

There are many landslides in this section of Russia and Asia

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

In the landslide section of Russia and Asia, the brothers of the Bishan Division of the Chongqing Brigade overturned their cars. After everyone’s efforts, the rescue was successful. The people were fine and the car was no longer a problem. They decided to form a group to cross the Luya Line. In this way, our five Great Walls plus four 212s from Chongqing Brothers, a total of nine vehicles are quite eye-catching on the Luya Line.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Arrive at the landmark steel-framed bridge of the Luya Line. After crossing the steel-framed bridge, turn left and you will see the famous Luya Line. Due to the limited load-bearing capacity of the steel-framed bridge, the team decided to pass the steel-framed bridge by single vehicle.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

The entire road in the front section is suspended due to landslides, which is very dangerous and can only be passed quickly by bicycle.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

The section from Eya Village to Yiji Township is currently the most dangerous section of the Luya Line.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

After passing through Yiji Township, camped, motorcycles discarded by Tibetans on the roadside.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

The two brothers communicate with each other

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

After lunch, we continued to cross, and ran in the forest all afternoon. The road surface is good, all of which are paved, and there are a few landslides.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

There was a landslide on the road section of Wujiao Township, and the construction team was rushing to repair it. After 40 minutes, the road was opened to traffic and continued to move forward.

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

Finally arrived at Lugu Lake around 7:30 in the evening

Great Wall Column 2019 West Sichuan Tour

After dinner, drink tea and chat at the inn. Today, the 280-kilometer Luya line ran for 11 hours. Except for rescue and traffic jams, the actual running time on the road was about 9 hours. Most of the road sections are paved, and there are only tens of kilometers of non-paved roads. It seems that the classic Luya line will disappear soon.