Health care for anti-epidemic heroes: they protect the people, and Roewe protects them

Since March, the domestic epidemic situation has gradually improved. Behind the gratifying numbers of cures is the joint efforts of all walks of life, front-line personnel, volunteers, and countless ordinary people in various positions. As a responsible and responsible Chinese auto brand, SAIC Roewe also actively participated in the fight against the epidemic. It not only cooperated with all dealers to launch heart-warming services such as online viewing of cars, door-to-door test drives, and quick home repairs, but also quickly developed healthy and safe car products. Protective products to ensure that users travel with peace of mind.

Health care for anti-epidemic heroes: they protect the people, and Roewe protects them

During the anti-epidemic period, SAIC Roewe also discovered many Roewe car owners who were struggling on the front line, and achieved extraordinary things with ordinary bodies. For example, Zhao Liang, a doctor in Shanghai, had only one ordinary mask and one set of protective clothing every day at the beginning. Besides his daily work, he had to travel around highway intersections, residential areas, and isolation hotels to build a safety barrier at the grassroots level in Shanghai. Beijing doctor Zhang Kui (pseudonym) is fighting in the consulting room, disinfecting her whole body every four hours, her palms are dry and peeling; she wears a mask for a long time, her face is allergic, and facing high-intensity work, she just said lightly, “I’m used to it.” “.

Together with medical workers to fight the epidemic, there are also civilian police who are active on the front line day and night. Huang Chendi and Fan Siyu (pseudonym) are two policemen in Beijing. “Since I wear this police uniform, I must take responsibility.” “From the moment I put on this police uniform, it is my duty to protect the safety of the masses.” The two people who did not know each other said similar things in the face of the epidemic. One of them established the first line of defense at the subway station and worked 17 hours a day, and the other guarded the last line of defense in the jurisdiction, with 24-hour phone calls, and tried their best to guard the heart of the motherland. In addition, Cheng Hao, a veteran in Hubei, the epicenter of the epidemic, fought with his father at the grassroots level; Xiao Peng, who volunteered to become a volunteer, guarded his hometown and became a zero-infection village… The epidemic will eventually pass, but the heroes who emerged during the fight against the epidemic Deeds will be remembered forever.

Health care for anti-epidemic heroes: they protect the people, and Roewe protects them

In order to dispel the travel concerns of front-line Roewe people in the fight against the epidemic, SAIC Roewe contacted every front-line Roewe car owner immediately after the products were in place and dealers resumed work, and sent a “health care gift package”, which included the car’s fresh air system, UVC Deep ultraviolet optical antivirus system, 360° fumigation and sterilization service, etc., the maximum value is 3,000 yuan. In terms of specific functions, SAIC’s fresh air system has 3 major filter layers, the first layer filters 99.3% of dust, the second layer has an air purification rate of 97.3%, and the third layer biochemically sterilizes 94.6%, filtering + killing all-round interception Bacteria and viruses in the air; the UVC deep ultraviolet optical antivirus system pioneered by SAIC can achieve medical-grade antivirus and sterilization effects without damaging the interior and producing harmful gases. The sterilization rate of the entire vehicle exceeds 99% in 90 seconds; 360 °Fumigation and Sterilization Service Deeply clean the dead corners in the car. It only takes 20 minutes to sterilize through the air-conditioning system. The sterilization rate reaches 99.99%. One fumigation brings long-term protection for 3 months, eliminating the need for frequent cleaning. trouble.

Health care for anti-epidemic heroes: they protect the people, and Roewe protects them

In addition to sending love to the extraordinary Roewe people, thanks to the long-term emphasis on the health of the car, SAIC Roewe also quickly developed the “active purification health cabin” at the early stage of the epidemic with the advantage of integrating resources and forward-looking. And open options to all Roewe users. At present, every Roewe employee can choose the required car health protection products according to different needs, and create their own clean travel space. What’s even more surprising is that after completing the purchase on March 31, you can enjoy a surprise caring price. At the same time, SAIC Roewe will also waive installation and service fees, allowing users to easily enjoy a clean interior environment.

The epidemic is not extinguished, and the national anti-epidemic forces will continue to gather. SAIC Roewe is still looking for more anti-epidemic heroes to send the best travel protection. If you or those around you have extraordinary anti-epidemic stories, welcome to share with SAIC Roewe and win a health care gift package! For details, please consult your local SAIC Roewe dealer.