How to rent an RV to get around? do we need to care something? The intelligence brother will answer you one by one

Hello, everyone, I am Intelligence Brother. I found that with the improvement of people’s living standards, the choice of travel methods is becoming more and more diverse. More and more people choose to travel in RVs, but for the vast majority It is still unrealistic for ordinary consumers like Brother Intelligence to buy a RV, and RV leasing is a good choice. Today, Brother Intelligence will tell you how to rent a RV and some things you should pay attention to when renting a car. Hope this helps you in renting a car.

How to rent an RV to get around? do we need to care something? The intelligence brother will answer you one by one

Before renting a RV, everyone should pay attention to these points. The first thing to do is to confirm the number of people, get a general understanding of the RV model, and ensure that the model you choose can meet the food and accommodation needs of everyone traveling. The current RV models can be divided into self-propelled and trailers Type, self-propelled can be divided into ABC type, everyone should have a general understanding of these models before travel, and decide according to your own situation. For example, Brother Intelligence went to Lixiang Lake this time. There are four of us in total, so we chose one The C-type RV with Chase V80 chassis meets our travel and accommodation requirements.

How to rent an RV to get around? do we need to care something? The intelligence brother will answer you one by one

Then choose the car according to the driver’s license level, because there are many RVs that cannot be driven by C, of ​​course, the common B-type and C-type RVs can be driven by C. You only need to have a general understanding of the above points and be aware of them. The store will also give a detailed introduction to the specific details when you rent a car.

The next step is to make an appointment to rent a car. There are two types of reservations for renting a car. One is to make online reservations. Most car rental companies now have online reservation channels. You can make reservations and place orders through online operations. Brother Intelligence made online reservations for car rentals this time. Personally, I feel that it is very convenient. The other is It is also very convenient to go to the store to make an appointment, and to look at the car and choose a car directly in the store.

How to rent an RV to get around? do we need to care something? The intelligence brother will answer you one by one

After the appointment is completed, we can go to the store to pick up the car. Before departure, everyone must remember to bring their ID card and driver’s license. These documents are not only used when driving, but also when signing a car rental contract.

How to rent an RV to get around? do we need to care something? The intelligence brother will answer you one by one

When renting an RV, the store will conduct car training. Listen carefully at the moment, which will be of great help to you in using the car. After the training is completed, check the vehicle from the inside to the outside to see if there is any damage. Communicate with the store, and if necessary, take a photo to leave a certificate, so as to avoid unnecessary disputes with the store when returning the car.

After confirming that there is no problem with the vehicle, you can sign the car rental contract. When signing the contract, you must carefully read the terms and understand the necessary information such as the insurance type of the vehicle and the car rental deposit, so that you know what to expect. After doing this, we can sign and handle the payment matters.

How to rent an RV to get around? do we need to care something? The intelligence brother will answer you one by one

Before we get the key and start off officially, we need to familiarize ourselves with the driving information of the vehicle. We must understand the size of the vehicle. RVs are generally tall, so pay attention to the height and width restrictions when driving. When this step is completed, we will even rent a car, and we can go out to play in the RV. Of course, Brother Intelligence would like to remind everyone that there are thousands of roads, and safety comes first. Be sure to pay attention to safety when traveling. If there is any problem with the vehicle, you must contact the store owner and the rental company in time.

The last thing is to return the car. The car must be returned to the dealership within the time specified in the contract. After the dealer confirms that the condition of the car is correct, our car rental will be concluded successfully. As for the refund of the deposit, it depends on the specific situation. The car is the same, and a small amount of deposit will be left (our deposit is 30,000 this time, and 27,000 will be refunded, and 3,000 yuan is the deposit for violations). If there is no violation after one month, it will be refunded directly.

How to rent an RV to get around? do we need to care something? The intelligence brother will answer you one by one

 Well, this is some little knowledge about RV rental and car use brought to you by Brother Intelligence. If you have any doubts, I hope you will comment enthusiastically. If you have any questions, you can consult them at any time.