How to resume work in labor-intensive industries during the epidemic? Changan Automobile gave a high-scoring answer

For many days, the raging epidemic has affected people’s hearts, and the battle against the epidemic has tested each of us. This is not just a battle of medical staff, but a battle against the “epidemic” that requires the participation of the whole people. As the resumption period is approaching, the automobile industry is a labor-intensive industry. If the epidemic prevention and control measures are not in place after the resumption of work and business, accidents will not only affect the production of enterprises, but also bring harm to the lives and health of employees.

In the face of the epidemic crisis that has not yet been resolved, Changan Automobile has carried out a series of preparations for the resumption of work and business, and realized the production of enterprises under the premise of ensuring the health and safety of employees. Recently, the “Changan Automobile Employees Must Read for Returning to Work” (hereinafter referred to as the must-read for returning to work) compiled by Changan Automobile has been circulated on the Internet. It also provides a very professional reference for the production and construction of other enterprises.

How to resume work in labor-intensive industries during the epidemic? Changan Automobile gave a high-scoring answer

Ensure employees return to work safely

Talent is the foundation of enterprise development, and employees are the cornerstone of enterprise construction. In the face of possible infection risks in public transportation such as airplanes, trains, high-speed rails, and buses, the “Must Read for Returning to Work” recommends that employees must pay attention to the following items:

1. Wear an N95 or medical surgical mask without a breathing valve throughout the process;

2. Sealed bag (for masks not worn temporarily);

3. Soap or a small bottle of alcohol-based hand sanitizer;

4. Alcohol pads.

For those returning to work by car, Changan Automobile also gave reminders to open more windows for ventilation and prepare a bottle of hand sanitizer. In addition to traveling, Changan Automobile has also proposed a five-step protection method for the prevention and control of the epidemic after employees return to their residences:

1. Take off the mask. When taking off the mask, please pay attention to avoid touching the inner and outer sides of the mask with your hands to prevent hands from being contaminated, and wash your hands immediately if you touch it.

2. Indoor ventilation. Ventilate in the morning and evening, 20-30 minutes each time, keep warm when ventilating, and do not keep the air conditioner on.

3. Change clothes in time, keep warm, and put the clothes in a ventilated place to dry after washing.

4. Comprehensive disinfection, you can use 84 disinfectant and 75% alcohol to wipe the tabletop, floor, furniture, etc. for disinfection.

5. Wash your hands carefully, wash with running water and soap according to the seven-step rule.

How to resume work in labor-intensive industries during the epidemic? Changan Automobile gave a high-scoring answer

At present, the epidemic has reached the stage of strict prevention and defense. To fight against the epidemic, we must not take chances. We must stay awake at all times, go all out, and unite as one. To this end, Changan Automobile has formulated the “Guidelines for Resumption of Work and Business”, which clearly proposes to strictly follow the “five in place” of resumption of work and preparation before resumption of work, the “nine must be done” of process control after resumption of work and resumption of work, and the “one timely” emergency response.

How to resume work in labor-intensive industries during the epidemic? Changan Automobile gave a high-scoring answer

How to resume work in labor-intensive industries during the epidemic? Changan Automobile gave a high-scoring answer

Strictly prevent and control “risk groups

Closely track the trajectory of people, and those who have recently been to/passed through the epidemic area in Hubei, or have been in contact with people in the epidemic area and have not passed the observation and isolation period, or have fever symptoms themselves, etc., will be included in the management of “risk groups”.

How to resume work in labor-intensive industries during the epidemic? Changan Automobile gave a high-scoring answer

At the entrances and exits of the traffic vehicles and the factory area, Changan Automobile has set up temperature measurement points. All personnel entering the company and the factory are subject to temperature measurement. Those with a temperature higher than 37.3°C are immediately arranged for isolation and observation or seek medical treatment nearby.

We really care about and care for the sick, hospitalized and isolated employees, and solve their worries. During the war against the “epidemic”, what we isolate is the virus, not love and warmth.

How to resume work in labor-intensive industries during the epidemic? Changan Automobile gave a high-scoring answer

All personnel should bring their own masks on the day of returning to work. They must wear masks when entering the factory or office area. All employees must wear masks throughout the whole process and throughout the day.

How to resume work in labor-intensive industries during the epidemic? Changan Automobile gave a high-scoring answer

Innovative way of working

During the epidemic prevention and control period, try to reduce large-scale meetings and activities, innovate office methods, and try to communicate online and non-contact.

How to resume work in labor-intensive industries during the epidemic? Changan Automobile gave a high-scoring answer

Disinfection and ventilation in key public areas

Elevators are disinfected twice a day in the morning and evening, and stairs are recommended for lower floors

How to resume work in labor-intensive industries during the epidemic? Changan Automobile gave a high-scoring answer

Dining in the canteen must strictly follow the principle of distributed dining

Encourage employees to bring their own tableware and meals;

After picking up meals in the cafeteria, return to your own work area to eat, and do not eat in the cafeteria;

Remove your mask at the last moment before eating;

Employees take all the leftovers home and dispose of them by themselves.

How to resume work in labor-intensive industries during the epidemic? Changan Automobile gave a high-scoring answer

The office strictly implements disinfection management for offices and workplaces, conducts strict routine disinfection every day, and arranges special inspections for personnel every day to ensure that the lives and health of employees are not harmed, and the epidemic prevention and control work is deeply implemented on every “Chang’an person”.

How to resume work in labor-intensive industries during the epidemic? Changan Automobile gave a high-scoring answer

Warm Tip: During the epidemic period, the central heating of the science and technology building will be stopped. Please pay attention to adding clothes to prevent cold and keep warm and avoid catching a cold.

The mask covers the face and the smile, but it cannot stop everyone’s determination to win the “epidemic”. The fight against the epidemic starts with me and the small things around me.

Build a strong psychological line of defense against the “epidemic”

Human emotions are contagious. The epidemic has filled the whole society with panic and made people restless. In response to tension, anxiety and other emotions that are prone to appear in special times, Changan Automobile specially launched a 24-hour employee mental health consultation center, namely CA-EAP center, in the early stage of epidemic prevention and control, to help employees in need with psychological counseling and crisis intervention. In addition, Changan Automobile has also prepared a professional and reliable free psychological counseling hotline for employees, including third-party institutions such as the Department of Psychology of Beijing Normal University and Simple Psychology.