If you want to drive an SUV to Tibet, these must be known in advance

In recent years, with the trend of selling SUV models, the proportion of SUVs in family cars is getting higher and higher. As a model with certain off-road capabilities, SUV has naturally become the first choice for car owners to travel by car.


If you want to drive an SUV to Tibet, these must be known in advance


After Tibet is famous all over the world for its majestic, magical and magnificent beauty, traveling in Tibet by car has become a great goal that domestic car owners hope to accomplish. Today, I will bring SUV self-driving strategies to Tibet for those car owners who plan to travel by car to Tibet.

I don’t recommend a self-driving tour of Tibet. Due to the diverse terrain and weather in Tibetan areas, the quality of the road conditions is uncertain, and rash actions may not only damage the life of the car, but even threaten the safety of life. So a self-driving tour plan is a must.

First of all, you must make a rational assessment of the condition of the car, because the conditions in Tibet are relatively closed and backward, and the population is sparsely populated. Once there is a problem with the car, it is very troublesome to repair it.

Secondly, you have to make a plan for the travel route, avoid those routes with poor road conditions, and always pay attention to changes in road conditions during the itinerary, and be psychologically prepared for emergencies. It is best to have someone who can take turns driving with you, because many dangerous roads require a high degree of concentration, and fatigue driving is prone to safety accidents.

List of items to prepare (very important)

Driving license, driver’s license, ID card, map of Tibetan areas

There is a checkpoint on National Highway 109 leading to Lhasa, you need to show your ID card when passing, and the map is used as a backup (car navigation and mobile phone navigation may have no power or signal).

food, water and clothing

Convenience is the main food, self-heating rice, eight-treasure porridge, compressed biscuits, beef jerky, etc. are convenient and easy to carry, high-calorie food. Whether it is used as a snack or a relief food, it is very nice. It is also important to have a change of clothes, and a pair of shoes that can cope with various terrains is also very important, otherwise the feet will suffer.

Medical kits, auto repair kits, oxygen bags

Due to the large temperature difference between day and night on the plateau and the characteristics of large weather changes, both cars and people will experience some discomfort. People are prone to colds and illnesses, and colds in plateau terrain are very troublesome. The medical kit can effectively control the symptoms of colds. The car repair toolbox can allow you to solve some minor problems that may occur in the car. It is best not to turn off the car in high altitude areas, because the change of ignition point will make it difficult to start the car. Oxygen bags are used for people with altitude sickness and hypoxia.


Lighter, flashlight, swiss army knife, sleeping bag

These four items are all for extreme situations. Anyone with a little field knowledge of the role of fire should understand it, so I won’t say more. There are some wild beasts or Tibetan mastiffs in Tibetan areas. When encountering wild beasts or Tibetan mastiffs, the strong light of the flashlight can act as a deterrent. If it is not possible, we also have a Swiss army knife for self-defense. Women can wear anti-wolf spray as a self-defense item.

Spare tire, tire pump, tire pressure gauge

When the road conditions are bad, pay attention to the tire pressure at any time. Once there is an “air leak”, you can use the air pump to solve it yourself.

Driving strategy on the road (very important, very important, very important)

First of all, please understand that although an SUV has certain off-road performance, it is not an off-road vehicle. When encountering harsh terrain, make a careful assessment, and do not pass recklessly, otherwise it will cause great damage to the car.

When driving in Tibetan areas, please maintain a high degree of concentration and control the speed of the vehicle. Note that the speed limit on Tibetan roads is 80 yards . After entering the Tibetan area, please carefully check the tires of the car and whether the various parts in the hood are normal before each departure.

1. Mountain terrain


If you want to drive an SUV to Tibet, these must be known in advance

The speed of the mountainous terrain should be controlled at about 40 yards . The vehicle is driven against the mountain, and the speed is lowered when cornering. If there is a blind spot in the field of vision, the horn must be called to attract attention. Pay attention to the conditions of the mountain when driving. Only when sand and rocks roll down can you avoid it in time. Do not stop on dangerous terrain, which is very dangerous.

2. Dirt road

There will be many ditches, ridges and potholes on the dirt road. At this time, you should focus on the road. Try to avoid these potholes. If it is unavoidable, you must pass slowly at a low speed. If the speed is too fast, the tire may burst due to excessive pressure.

3. Grassland terrain


If you want to drive an SUV to Tibet, these must be known in advance

Tibetan terrain. Grassland terrain is relatively easy to drive, because the view is very wide, but the speed is best controlled at 60 yards, because it is very likely that children or cattle and sheep will jump out on both sides of the road.

4. Dirt road

When encountering such a road dominated by puddles and mud, determine the depth of the water and the thickness of the mud if the puddles cannot be avoided. It is best to let the people in the car get out of the car and let the car pass alone to avoid the car from getting stuck in the mud pit .

5. Water destroys the road


If you want to drive an SUV to Tibet, these must be known in advance

This kind of terrain requires people to get out of the car first to determine the depth of the water flow, and whether there are cracks and sharp stones. Like a dirt road, it is best to let the people in the car get out of the car and let the car pass alone.


The above are some of my suggestions for you, hoping to bring help to donkey friends who want to travel Tibet by car. In short, we must maintain rational thinking, clear judgment, calm response and cautious attitude.

Source of text and pictures: suv driving to edit the manuscript