In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

Day 18, Nagqu to Golmud

Be sure to start early, start early, start early, and say important things three times!

I read a lot of travel notes before, and the return trip is from Nagqu to Golmud for one day, but no one said why it must be driven in one day and how long it will take.

We set off around nine o’clock in the morning and arrived in Golmud at three or four o’clock in the morning on July 21! When we saw through the navigation that we would have to drive for 15 hours, we thought it was because the navigation was broken, and finally decided to just drive until we had a place to stay at night, but there was no accommodation all the way! ! ! ! The average speed of 70 miles in 15 hours is actually all grasslands, all are no-man’s land, but occasionally some small towns appear, so small that there are two rows of containers next to National Highway 109.

So, the people who ride 109 are really gods, there are no supplies, no rest stops, all of them are no-man’s land, by the way, the famous Hoh Xil no-man’s land is on this section of the road, and the two-way single-lane road is basically There are large trailers and large trucks on the road, which are extremely dangerous. If you have friends who want to ride 109, you should think twice.

However, the scenery of Qinghai-Tibet Line 109 is really beautiful, which made me deeply understand the two words blue and sky. The sky is like a huge blue eggshell covering the earth. The ancients said that the sky is round and the place is still very reasonable. There are also cute Tibetan antelopes and green leather trains on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. Finally, the sunset at 9 o’clock in the evening and the full moon at 12 o’clock in the evening understand that every time the circle is the moon It’s not a street light, it’s just that bright.

Finally, I would like to warn everyone not to drive the Qinghai-Tibet line at night. It is too damn dangerous. There are two-way single lanes, no guardrails on both sides, and no isolation in the middle. The road is full of large cars whizzing by at high speed. There is still snow on the road, yes, it is snowing in Hoh Xil. Tonight is definitely the most dangerous day along the way, scarier than seeing mudslides and landslides. The atmosphere in the whole car was extremely tense. They drove the night train for several hours, but they didn’t sleep and no one talked. You said you were scared or not.

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

On the nineteenth day, Golmud has a rest day

After eating the long-lost Chongqing skewers, Ba Shi was miserable, and the familiar taste is fragrant.

In the afternoon, I went shopping to buy special products. I went to a special product wholesale market in Golmud. It was super cheap. I bought a bunch of things for only a few hundred yuan.

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

On the 20th day, Golmud to Chaka Salt Lake

It rained all day today, and it was foggy everywhere. When we came to the realm of the sky, the fog was reflected, so a whiter world appeared in front of us. Let’s check it out.

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

On the twenty-first day, Chaka Salt Lake to Xining

Second brush Qinghai Lake, Kumbum Monastery. Qinghai Lake is still so beautiful. The Chaka Salt Lake upstairs is also the second brush, the first time I went there on a sunny day, it is still worth recommending. It turns out that the wings of the windmill for wind power generation are so big.

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

On the twenty-second day, Xining traveled to Longnan via Lanzhou.

I was on my way all the way today. I originally planned to go to Huahu Lake in western Sichuan on the return trip. In the midst of the boss’s ten life-threatening serial calls a day, let’s end this life like a wave of the sea.

When I went to Lanzhou at noon to look for Lanzhou beef ramen, I found that Lanzhou did not have it. The name of the shop is usually a beef noodle restaurant, um~ Sure enough, Lanzhou ramen tastes the same all over the world.

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

On the twenty-third day, from Longnan to Chongqing, passing through the ancient town of Langzhong

From Longnan to Chongqing, passing through Langzhong Ancient Town, Langzhong Ancient Town is still very impressive.

Counting the one day I stayed in Chengdu when I set off, the whole trip was 22 days, and it ended successfully. Thanks to all the friends I met along the way, we will see you again. Add a photo of Chongqing night scene taken casually and a hot pot meal that you must eat first when you come back. Great Chongqing welcomes everyone.

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

In 2018, the self-driving explorer crossed 318 and traveled around Tibet in 22 days! Dangers abound! (three)

The 318 Grand Ring Road is not as dangerous and difficult as imagined, but it is also full of uncertainty and danger. If you are not mentally prepared, it is better not to drive or ride there. Many people die on the 318 Grand Ring Road every year. There are too many uncontrollable factors such as physical conditions, high altitude sickness, colds, falling rocks, landslides, rain and snow, car accidents, mudslides, traffic jams, etc. Be prepared, exercise your body, check your vehicle, and go on the road with this idea Well, people always go crazy a few times.

To be honest, I took 318 to fulfill my own dream, and I also want to find something along the way, to find my own development direction? Looking for your beliefs? Looking for something deep in your soul? I don’t know what I’m looking for, and I don’t know what I can find. When I finally returned home, I didn’t seem to find anything. I traveled so many places in the north and south, and I didn’t even find the meaning of travel on this road to realize my dream. , is travel meaningful? I don’t know, what’s the meaning, I don’t know, but I just like to go out, go farther and farther, I will go wherever there are few people, I will go wherever the scenery is good, I will go wherever there are stories and wine where to go. What is the meaning, is it delicious? When we go far and see a lot, its meaning will naturally be revealed to us inadvertently, so let’s go if we want to go, life is suffering, it’s rare to be crazy a few times, let’s go if we say go, If you rush into Kyushu in a hurry, it’s over when you leave.

Colleagues, I will never forget the 20-odd days with you.

I will never forget Brother Lu’s care for us all the way, and the full back of the tattoo that was inadvertently revealed when squatting down, haha, I knew you had a story when I saw you at the first sight, fortunately, I am not a coward, and I don’t say anything Dare to get in the car and go with you if you say so, otherwise there will be no story for us to follow.

I will never forget that Xiaoqi, as the only girl in the car, became the best choice for us to joke along the way.

I will never forget Brother Xu’s profoundness. In 1993, he insisted on making himself look like he was in 1973, and spent a total of 21 nights, haha.

I will never forget Xue Xiaoqi’s expression when he was taken away by the police uncle because of the drone.

I will never forget that the cars of Brother Zhang Feng and Sister Fenghuang have no problem traveling with our SUVs all the way through mountains and rivers, even overtaking them from time to time.

I will never forget Brother Yang’s big bald head and big sunglasses, the modified version of H5, how he pulled the Prado out of the quagmire, and his fluent Shanxi dialect with his sister-in-law.

I will never forget that we started playing mahjong every night from the second day of departure until the night when we played in Litang, the highest city in the world. What kind of experience is playing mahjong at an altitude of 4,000 meters? Go to play mahjong at 8:30 in the evening. By 9:30. “What time is it, I feel very late” “It’s only 9:30, why do I feel like it’s late in the night?” “I can’t take it anymore, I’m hypoxic” “One more We’ll leave when we’re young.” When we hit 10:30 in the end, we felt like we hadn’t slept all night. We were all listless and our heads were about to explode. No wonder there are so few people playing mahjong in Tibet. It’s because of the lack of oxygen.

… There are many, many more, which will never be forgotten. The rivers and lakes are so big, we are destined to meet again.