In addition to the advent of Hongmeng, Arrizo 5 Pro has attracted much attention

I still remember reading “Journey to the West” when I was a child, and the opening chapter mentioned that “since Pangu broke the majesty, he opened up the distinction between clear and turbid”. At that time, we were so amazed at Pangu’s creation of the world. To this day, the most amazed and proud event of the 1.3 billion Chinese people this summer is still a few days ago. Huawei, known as the “light of domestic products”, officially released a new distributed operating system called “Hongmeng” at the 2019 Developer Conference. .

The birth of “Hongmeng” announced that in the field of operating systems, a “Chinese whirlwind” led by Huawei is about to show its skills on the world stage. In the current situation where the operating system is monopolized by the two foreign giants Google and Apple, Huawei’s self-developed operating system “Hongmeng” is indeed, as its name implies, an “opening up the world” move, whether it is for Huawei or for Chinese technology. Self-reliance and self-improvement, all have milestone significance. Just as Chery has insisted on independent research and development of automobile engines for many years, it designed, developed and manufactured China’s first engine in 1999, creating a precedent for China’s self-produced engine. So today, the editor takes this “Chinese whirlwind” and introduces a Chery A-class sedan — Arrizo 5 Pro.

In addition to the advent of Hongmeng, Arrizo 5 Pro has attracted much attention

Hard core “Chinese core”

As the power source of a car, the engine is called the heart of the car, and the quality of the engine also has the most direct impact on the performance of the car. Arrizo 5 Pro is equipped with a self-developed 1.5L naturally aspirated engine with a maximum power of 116 horsepower and a maximum torque of 143 m, and meets the National VI emission standards. For a family car, the power does not need to last every second, but it must be smooth and easy to control, so that users can drive easily and stress-free. When you drive Arrizo 5 Pro on the road, you will have a good push back feeling The smooth driving experience makes you feel relaxed and comfortable. More than that, with the support of such a “strong heart”, Arrizo 5 Pro has released a big move, giving the engine an ultra-long extended warranty of one million kilometers for ten years, and doing its best to provide users with the best strong guarantee. Such a “hard-core” operation is also unique among Chinese auto companies.

In addition to the advent of Hongmeng, Arrizo 5 Pro has attracted much attention

“Made in China” intelligent system

In terms of intelligent technology configuration, Arrizo 5 (parameter|picture) Pro adopts the latest Lion Zhiyun intelligent network connection system, whether it is Android or IOS system, it can easily realize seamless connection with the car-machine system. Compared with Carplay and Carlife , no data cable required, more convenient and quick to use.

The intelligent connection system not only supports the online connection of Amap, online music, Koala FM, violation inquiry, weather forecast and other common functions of mobile phones, but also is equipped with a new generation of enhanced natural voice interaction to achieve highly natural voice recognition that simulates human beings. And processing power, it can realize voice control of car windows, air conditioners and other functions. Just say “Xiao Ai, hello” in the car, and its voice function will be automatically awakened. What’s even more amazing is that this voice interaction system supports 46 dialects. No matter which ethnicity you are from, you can use the local dialect to have a hearty man-machine dialogue with “Xiao Ai”. Such a powerful intelligent network connection system is the strong cry of “Made in China”, showing Chery’s advancement with the times in China’s intelligent technology business.

In addition to the advent of Hongmeng, Arrizo 5 Pro has attracted much attention

Spacious and comfortable driving space

Since ancient times, in the cognitive world of the Chinese people, the aesthetic attitude of “beauty with bigness” has been maintained to show the grandeur and grandeur of China. Therefore, in the process of buying a car, Chinese consumers pay more attention to the spaciousness and comfort of the car. Insight into the consumption needs of Chinese people, Arrizo 5 Pro has a 1825mm ultra-wide body that surpasses the same level, bringing users a super-large style driving space. Ruize 5 Pro is also equipped with upgraded fully-covered ergonomic leather seats, and has 38 decibels of NVH quietness, providing users with a comfortable driving experience to the maximum extent.

The emergence of Huawei’s Hongmeng system is of great significance to China and the world. It has broken the situation that the global smartphone system is dominated by IOS and Android, and created a brand new ecological operating system for the entire Chinese Internet industry. Add a thick stroke of ink and color. This is just like Chery Automobile, which has always adhered to the concept of speaking for “Smart Manufacturing in China”. The newly launched Arrizo 5 Pro is not only equipped with a high-quality “Chinese core” engine, but also endowed with superior qualities such as space design and technological intelligence. From now until August 31, all Arrizo 5 Pro products can enjoy multiple financial car purchase plans such as 0 down payment, 0 interest rate, etc., so act now!