In February, Erlong raised its head

March 8th is the second day of the second lunar month, which is said to be the day when the dragon raises its head. From March 8th to 10th, 2019, Beijing Haval H9 Brigade Tianqing No. 9 convened and organized a cross-country trip in the Wengniute Desert.

On March 8, 24 H9 vehicles arrived in Wudan, checked in, and checked into the Quanning Hotel. On March 9, they went to the desert for a day. Playing in the desert on the other side of the lake, I originally planned to play for half a day and go back in the afternoon. I didn’t want to walk in the desert here, and there were more car traps. I didn’t leave the desert until 18 o’clock. There were 27 cars in the desert off-road this time, and half of them were entering for the first time. As a newbie in the desert, there are more cars trapped and more rescues, and many vehicles are injured. Everyone is in pain and happiness.

Haval H9 has good off-road performance. When the sand is not particularly soft, the sand mode is very good. The sand mode is characterized by fast speed and light action; but the sand is soft, the ground has been planed, and the slope is large, so you need to use a low speed. In the four-wheel drive mode, if you want to play in the desert, you can either install a competitive bar or remove the front plastic bar, and the rest will be fine. The managers (core backbone) of the Haval H9 brigade were very responsible, and the rescue was very hard, which made all riders feel at ease and at ease, and everyone realized the off-road spirit of “no brothers, no off-road”.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

At 11 o’clock on March 8, I drove to Tongzhou District to pick up Lao Zhang, and had dinner nearby. The sesame seed cakes were filled with meat, and each sesame seed cake was added with 2 taels of stewed meat. It was very delicious.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

At 12:20 we took the Sixth Ring Road from Tongzhou, transferred to Beijing-Chengdu Expressway, and arrived at the Miyun service area at 13:30 to assemble. We gathered more than 20 H9s one after another.

In February, Erlong raised its head

Tianqing No. 9, the management (core backbone) of the Beijing Hongjiu Brigade, is a caring person who designed and produced the “Wengniute” badge for this event.

In February, Erlong raised its head

At 14:05, we set off from the Miyun service area to Chengde Chifeng, and stopped at the Shuangfeng Temple service area at 15:35 to release water.

In February, Erlong raised its head

We continued to take G45 and turned to G16 at Chifeng. We all arrived in Wudan at 18:35 and went to the gas station to refuel. My car filled 55.18 liters and drove 566 kilometers all day (at a speed of 100-120 kilometers per hour), with an average fuel consumption of 9.7 liters. We stayed at Quanning Hotel.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

The Quanning Hotel was booked on Tianqing 9th. Everyone signed in, got the room card, and took the luggage upstairs. At 19:40, we ate at the restaurant on the second floor. We sat at three tables crowded together, mostly meat dishes, liquor and beer. enough.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

On March 9, it snowed in the morning, and the outdoor temperature was 0 degrees. The snow fell on the artificial ground and melted into water. After breakfast at the hotel in the morning, start the car and get ready.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

At 9:10, we set off in formation to the 27-kilometer off-road point, and drove 30 kilometers down the road. Before entering the desert, we deflated the vehicles and planted flags. It snows, and the sand surface will become hard when it is wet. Based on the tire pressure of my car (Goodyear Explorer AT tires are softer) and the air pressure was set to 0.8 for two laps, this time I put the tire pressure at about 1.1.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

Get ready, follow Tianqing No. 9 into the desert, cross from northwest to southeast, and soon the team of more than 20 vehicles will be separated due to vehicle traps, vehicles will be trapped everywhere, and rescues will be everywhere.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

Ongniut is familiar with the terrain of this desert. It crosses from northwest to southeast, and from west to east, there are mostly long undulating and gentle slopes. It is not difficult. I can use the sand mode to deal with it. There is a cliff-like steep slope, the radio guide: the front of the car is facing downhill, as long as the front of the car is straight, it will be fine, the speed of the descent is slow, give some oil, the speed is fast, and use the brakes; when I reached the edge of the slope, the wheels did not return Right, I can’t move forward, I can’t move in reverse, the car is stuck, I get out of the car to check, first I see that the direction is not back to normal, there is resistance, and second I find that the esp is not turned off. I got on the car and turned the wheels in the right direction, switched to the low-speed four-wheel drive mode (ESP is automatically turned off), fueled up, and the car went downhill, and the self-rescue escaped smoothly.

Everyone continued to follow the team and came to a big sand beam. This sand beam was steeper. We went down the big sand beam one by one to play on the big sand slope.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its headIn February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

This big sand is 20 to 30 meters high, and some places are even steeper. All the riders went down. I turned the front of the car facing the downhill. I didn’t give oil to go down this big sand beam, and the car slid down by itself. The downhill slope looks smooth, but it is actually as rotten as a vegetable field, but it is not newly planed, and the car is driving on it, with small undulations.

Down a big slope, the slope looks smooth, but it is actually rotten like a vegetable field, but it is not newly planed, and the car is driving on it, with small undulations. The riders who have gone down the slope wait for the riders who are on the slope to come down.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

The brigade continued to set off to find the Wengniute Sacred Tree, and rescued the car while walking along the way. The team was scattered in four or five places.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head Let’s continue walking. We arrived at the famous Wengniute sacred tree (an ancient pine tree) at 13 o’clock. Everyone stopped for lunch. The mobile phone signal was erratic, and there was no signal for a while, and 2G signal for a while.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

After the meal, we lined up the H9 in front of the Wengniute sacred tree (an ancient pine tree), took out the team flag and took a group photo.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

Due to the wind direction, the topography of the Ongniud Desert forms a certain pattern. It is less difficult to pull along (from west to east), but more difficult to reverse (from east to west). We return. On the way, there are many big sandy slopes, many cars, and some cars climb If the car sinks on a slope, the sandy slope will be scratched, and the top of the slope is easy to sink the car. I switched to the low-speed four-wheel drive mode and rushed to the big oil. There are bumps on the big slope , so it is easy to knock the front bumper. Look at the front bumper of my car, the clip on the bottom edge broke.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

Continue to go out, the driver in front is stuck in the car, I rescue him, my car has a tow rope under the car, the front trailer is hooked under the car, and I need to climb to lie on the ground under the car and hang it.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

I didn’t get stuck in the car today, and the rescue rider got stuck in the car once at 18 o’clock. Some of us went out of the desert to pump up the tires and make up the air pressure.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

At 19:00 we returned to the Quanning Hotel in Udan and drove 93 kilometers all day, but actually only drove more than 30 kilometers in the desert.

In February, Erlong raised its head

19. Everyone came back one after another. At 19:40, we ate at the restaurant on the first floor. Laojiu, Baiyang, Off-Road Butterfly, Righteousness and others rushed over from Duolun. We sat at four tables, most of which were meat dishes, liquor and beer. Enough, the managers toasted at the table, having fun.

In February, Erlong raised its head

On March 10th, there was still light snow in Wudan, the temperature was a little lower (subzero degrees), and the snow did not melt.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

9:20 We set off to Xiangsha Lake with 27 vehicles, drove more than 30 kilometers, and arrived at Xiangsha Lake at 10:20, and it snowed lightly.

In February, Erlong raised its head

We waded through a small lake, parked the flag, deflated, and changed the tire pressure from 2.5 to 1.1. I didn’t find the rule of giving up quickly (experienced people use a valve core wrench to remove the valve core, according to the shape of the tire, Put it back again; I am very worried, the air pressure is too high, so I have to re-inflate it, so I dare not do this, the deflation will be slower), the deflation is a bit slow, we went into the desert at 11 o’clock, originally planned to play for half a day, now it seems Definitely going to be delayed.

In February, Erlong raised its head

Oh, to enter the desert, you have to climb up a sandy slope first, and then go east. The sand is very soft today, and the ruts have dug the sand like a rotten vegetable field. There are three car traps scattered on the slope. I will use the sand mode to rush Going up the sandy slope, the road was blocked by the vehicle in front.

In February, Erlong raised its head

The sand today is very soft. The front car dug the sand like a field of rotten vegetables, and there were three car traps scattered on the slope. I first used the sand mode to rush up the sand slope, but was blocked by the front car. When I wanted to rush up another sandy slope, my car stalled forward and couldn’t move. When I reversed and couldn’t move, the car got stuck. Looking at the rescue scene, I got out of the car, took out a big shovel, and put the four wheels behind me. The sand was dug away, and the low-speed four-wheel drive was engaged, and I was out of trouble.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

Within 1 kilometer, cars were stuck one after another, and rescues were everywhere. The managers were too busy. Everyone continued to go down the V-shaped ditch and down the steep slope. When they got to the bottom of the slope, they had to increase the accelerator to rush to the opposite sandy slope. The accelerator was not enough. The big meeting hangs on the upper part of the sand slope. I was passing through another V-shaped ditch. I saw that the top of the long slope was full of planed sand. Reversing the car down to the bottom of the ditch, tilting the rear of the car as much as possible, choosing a sandy slope without ruts and continuing to charge, with the accelerator at the end, and finally rushed up. Standing on the top of the sandy slope, there are cars stuck in the front and back, and rescue vehicles are also stuck in the car, and some cars are stuck on the top of the slope, and there is no room for a trailer. The rescue vehicle is in danger of sliding down the sandy slope. The team of 27 vehicles was scattered in five or six places, and the vehicles that were not stuck in the middle lost their guides and the passers-by waited and hesitated. It was difficult to go further in this situation.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

The vehicles at the end of the team finally arrived. We continued to go to Yingxiong Slope. There were car rescues along the way. Often, the cars in front of a sandy slope kept rushing up and down the slope. I had no choice but to find a way to go around. The convoy was divided into two places, and the beginning and the end could not be seen.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

The convoy is divided into two places, not far away. At 13:30, the riders stopped to eat separately. There are stoves for cooking and self-heating box lunches.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

14:30 Since the team is too big and there are too many cars for beginners, they no longer go inside and go back the same way; it is even more difficult to go backwards, not only have to detour, but also have to keep rushing to big slopes, some sandy places Especially soft, it is easy to get stuck in the car, the car gets stuck in three or four places, and the rescue vehicle is also stuck in the car;

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

When the car in front of me was going uphill, it got stuck. I made a detour to the front and backed up to try to rescue him, but the sand was so poorly planed that the car got stuck. I got out of the car and used a big shovel to dig out the sand to get out.

In February, Erlong raised its head

Although there were car rescues everywhere, the off-road butterfly led us six or seven cars back. The slope (rushed to the top of the slope and stalled the car), he used the walkie-talkie to guide the direction of reversing and the direction of the wheels (to avoid the wrong direction and rollover), and we came out one by one smoothly.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

dashing off-road butterfly

At 16:40, a small number of our riders came out, and everyone stopped to refill the tires (from 1.1 to about 2.5). Off-road butterflies are back to the rescue.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

Most mass-produced cars (with off-road performance) are quite satisfactory, taking care of the needs on the road more, so the approach angle and departure angle are relatively small (the bar is relatively low), and it is easy to knock when walking off the road and in off-road terrain ; Sandy landforms vary in variety. Harvard H9 has a relatively small approach angle and departure angle. When encountering a slope that is not too difficult, it is okay to go on the ground without rushing. , the driver will push the accelerator hard on the slope. The angle between the bottom of the slope and the slope is the obstacle to damage the front bumper. Injured, really painful and happy.

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head Our group of riders finished pumping up the car. On the radio, I heard that the rescue of the car behind was in full swing. Some of our riders reported that they would leave first. On the way back to Wudan, I ran out for a while After 20 kilometers, I can still hear the call for rescue from the car lovers in the desert on the radio. The managers have worked too hard.

Instant scene in the desert (photographed by Lao Zhang)

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

At 17:30 we returned to Wudan, instead of having dinner in the expressway service area, we might as well have dinner in the county town. We went into the city, found a restaurant, and ordered sauced bones. The dishes were not small, and we were full;

In February, Erlong raised its head

In February, Erlong raised its head

At 18:35, I got on the G16 highway. On the road, I met some riders who were finally evacuated from the desert. The managers worked too hard. They rushed away like lightning, and some of them had meals and lodging in Chifeng. Go slowly, turn to G45 high speed and go back. After passing through Inner Mongolia, Hebei, and Beijing checkpoints, you must check the trunk, check the ID card, driver’s license and driving license (the checks are strict during the two sessions).

In February, Erlong raised its head

G45 transfer to the 6th ring road to Tongzhou, thick fog began to appear, and the visibility was very low at one time. At 0:30 on March 1st, my car Lao Zhang arrived at Tongzhou’s home, and then took the 5th ring road to go home. I arrived home safely at 11:30. up. Drove 669 kilometers all day.

In February, Erlong raised its head

From March 8th to 10th, in February Erlong raised its head, the off-road activity in the Wengniute desert of the Beijing Hongjiu Brigade ended. It took two days to play in the desert and traveled 1329 kilometers back and forth.

In February, Erlong raised its head

Mileage before departure

In February, Erlong raised its head

Mileage after the event