In the new year, we must continue to travel!

It’s easy to meet someone you can chat with, but it’s hard to meet someone you can travel with.

Instead of continuing to search and wait in the crowd, it is better to carry a backpack and travel alone.

Don’t think about any troubles and worries, just walk in time and enjoy the beauty encountered in a person’s life, that’s enough.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

Although I have been to many places, I know that there are still many virgin lands in China. They are so cold, but so beautiful!

for example:

Great Nine Lakes

Coordinates: Dajiuhu Village, Jiuhu Township, Shennongjia Forest District, Muyu Town, Hubei Province

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

In Shennongjia, where there is no three-mile level, and you can see Xiongshan when you look up, there is hidden the Dajiu Lake in the alpine plain of “Shennong Jiangnan”. Beyond one mountain, there are also nine small lakes strung together by streams.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

Dajiu Lake in autumn is surrounded by forests, yellow, red and green mountains meet each other, small lakes are shimmering, mountains and lakes reflect each other, and it is beautiful.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

In winter, it is covered with snow and the trees bloom with silver flowers, just like a silver pond fairyland.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!


Coordinates: Chaihe Moon Town, Zhalantun City, Hulunbuir City, Inner Mongolia

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

Chaihe has an extremely romantic name——Moon Town, where mountain flowers are blooming in spring, green fields are shaded in summer, colorful in autumn, and covered in snow in winter.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

There is almost no tourist atmosphere, clean air, and quiet forest area. Every time you take a deep breath, you will feel that your chest is extremely transparent.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

The woods are full of chamaejasma flowers blooming everywhere, there is no human noise, and the sound of birdsong can be heard, one after another.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!


Coordinates: Lishui City, Zhejiang Province

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

Waterfalls, terraced fields, bamboo seas, lakes, Lishui gathers all the beauty of nature in the world.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

In early spring, when the wind is still chilly elsewhere, the fairy capital of Jinyun is already in full bloom.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

In midsummer, unlike the cicadas and frogs in other places, there is a quiet and elegant ancient weir painting town, with green mountains and clear waters, rippling fishing boats, and old villages and ancient alleys.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

In the golden autumn season, the clouds and rice terraces are heavy, like golden pagodas, together with the wonderful landscape of clouds and mists, it becomes a series of unpredictable natural pictures.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!


Coordinates: Hejing County, Bayingoleng Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, 100 kilometers north of Bayinbulak

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

She is as pure and beautiful as Kanas, but few people know about it. She was once overshadowed by the light of Kanas, and her low-key made people feel distressed.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

In early spring and April, the wild apricot blossoms on the Xiangyang hillside on the north bank of the Gongnaisi River, covered with white snow, bloomed early, composing a song “Apricot Blossoms Scatter the Snow and Sprinkle the Fragrant Embankment”.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

Every June, the galloping Kunes River flows through valleys, grasslands and dense fir forests, bringing summer greetings.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

In autumn, when many tourists go to Kanas, Gongnais has quietly become a poetic scene. The blue sky, white clouds, emerald green water, yellow and green meadows, and golden birch forests… the colors of nature blend together in this valley, creating the most moving autumn colors.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

Gongnaisi in winter is a place where “thousands of mountains and birds are flying away, and thousands of paths and people are gone”, and it is also a fairyland on earth where “you dare not speak loudly for fear of frightening the heavenly people”.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

sea ​​grass hill

Coordinates: Southeast of Dahai Township, Huize County, Qujing City, Yunnan Province

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

Many people think that the standard features of Yunnan are flowers, ancient towns, and snow-capped mountains… so when you first see the sea, grass, and mountains, you will be surprised by the cattle and sheep everywhere, and the emerald green grasslands.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

The grass here is vast, but not as endless as Hulunbuir, but full of exquisite curves.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

In spring and summer, grass grows and warblers fly, flocks of sheep are like clouds, and in autumn and winter, clouds and mist and snow cover, the superposition of beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery makes this place lonely but colorful.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

Just imagine, lying on the “colorful grass blanket” in the warm sunshine, closing your eyes, and letting the mountain breeze blow your face, how beautiful it is.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!


Coordinates: Kanbula Town, Jianzha County, Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

If Qinghai Lake is already intoxicating, then Cambula is also not inferior. The continuous and steep red Danxia peak forest, the green and clear Yellow River reservoir, the scenery of mountains and rivers is fascinating.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

The 18 Danxia mountain peaks with thousands of walls stand tall like that on the vast forest sea, rushing straight to the clouds. It is dazzlingly red, undisguisedly steep, and magnificent like a grand palace.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

The mountain peaks are tall and straight, majestic and majestic, full of masculinity, the water flow is gentle, green and transparent, but also has a feminine beauty.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, you can’t imagine the scene of “the high gorge emerges from the Pinghu Lake, and the red cliff reflects the blue sky”, and the stone walls, isolated peaks, ancient trees, and wild flowers here are so pleasing to the eye.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

party ridge

Coordinates: Dangling Village, Bian’er Township, Danba County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

When mentioning Sichuan, Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong may immediately come to your mind. But you may have never heard of Dangling. This is a place that few people know, but it is an out-and-out paradise on earth.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

Majestic and majestic snow peaks, hot open-air hot springs, verdant and dense virgin forests, slowly flowing clear streams, and green meadows like blankets… As time goes by, Dangling is as beautiful as ever.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

The mountains are colorful in spring and summer, and the forests are white and golden in autumn and winter. The clear and emerald green lake water and the reflection of the golden and fiery forests are just like the landscape painting just painted by the artist. It is so beautiful and unreal, but it is real.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!


Coordinates: Southern mountainous area of ​​Banjiegou Town, Qitai County, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, 45 kilometers away from the county seat

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

On the rolling slopes, the waves of wheat are rolling, and the light and shadow are dancing, so that all tourists can’t help but immerse themselves in the green of Jiangbulake.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

Every summer, the green mountains, green gullies, green pines, and green houses are so beautiful that people are frightened.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

The fresh earthy breath filled the eyes and the emerald green of the heart, driving away the haze of reinforced concrete in the chest.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

In autumn, Jiangbulake is covered by the warmth of the sun, the clouds are passing by, and the golden wheat fields are particularly dazzling.

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

There are many options for traveling alone, but it is better to find another way and go to these places that few people know and are so beautiful!

In the new year, we must continue to travel!

In the new year, don’t forget to promise yourself what to do, and don’t forget to promise yourself to go far away.

No matter how difficult it is, no matter how far it is, as long as you have been there, you will never regret it.