[Industry] Behind the “slow motion” of the RV market

In the current world, we can clearly see that the developed regions of the leisure and tourism industries are obviously such as Europe, the United States, Japan, and Australia. Simply summed up, they are basically located in developed capitalist regions, and It also happens to be the most developed area for the RV and camping industries. In contrast, after years of development , the overall scale of China’s tourism industry is undoubtedly very large in the world, but returning to the individual, it is obvious that the Chinese people’s intention and investment in leisure tourism is undoubtedly still huge. potential.

As for China ‘s RV camping industry, although investment institutions and investors from the central government to local governments and all walks of life are fully promoting it. After more than ten years of development, it is obvious that the participation of individual citizens is not as expected . As enthusiastic as in the industry, the development speed of the industry has not reached the blowout state expected by the industry insiders. So how to explain this phenomenon, this article will conduct a certain discussion from the social development model.

[Industry] Behind the

The general insecurity of the people

Compared with the traditional sightseeing tours in the past few years, the main feature of RV tourism in the RV camping industry is to slow down, drive a RV with family or friends, and go to one or several tourist destinations along the planned route . Either the scenery is beautiful , or the humanistic color is rich, and I have lived a slow life for a period of time, but this kind of lifestyle is difficult to achieve in China at present.

First of all, there are some rigid and congenital factors that restrict the development of the domestic RV camping tourism industry, such as unsuitable policy environment, insufficient number and density of camps, lack of policies for towing RVs on the road, insufficient RV ownership, supporting camp land policies, and different standards in different regions , management is not unified, etc., these are the external surface factors that restrict the development of the industry.

Secondly, the traditional cultural mentality in East Asia has caused employees to feel that if they take too long vacations, they will leave a bad impression on their superiors and colleagues, and they have a strong worry mentality. This is not only in China, but also in the Confucian cultural circle. The same is true of South Korea and Japan. Although they all have a complete vacation system, they cannot guarantee its actual implementation. What’s more, each region and employer actually have the “final right to interpret” vacations. In times of economic downturn, it is good for corporate employers to ensure that workers’ wages are not cut; South Korea ranks first in the proportion of office workers who cannot use all paid holidays. There are 61 Korean office workers who cannot take all paid holidays. Among them, the main reason is conflict with work, 6.3 out of 10 office workers answered that they had postponed or canceled their vacation due to work. The situation that this kind of paid leave cannot be implemented in China is even more serious.

[Industry] Behind the

Third, citizens lack a sound welfare system and generally lack a sense of security. As a result, they dare not spend money if they have money. Although China’s social welfare security system has made great progress in recent years, such as unemployment, serious illness, medical care, pensions, etc., from the actual situation, due to the large size of the country and the excessive historical debts, the amount of money that can be provided to the people It is only the most basic guarantee. A serious illness may completely knock a family from the middle class to the poor. What’s more, children’s future education, from kindergarten to university, is waiting for a huge investment. Families cannot function normally, not to mention that many people are still burdened with heavy pressures such as mortgages and car loans. Therefore, the relaxation and vacation of slow life is really a dream for countless people in the country. There is also a profound social background for the development of this industry. It can only be used to take advantage of the country’s statutory holidays and weekends to go out quickly and simply relax. Jump back into the stressful life again. Therefore, every Golden Week, Spring Festival and longer statutory holidays in China will be crowded on a large scale. Behind these appearances is a manifestation of the deep insecurity of the Chinese people.


However, we don’t need to worry too much about this situation . From the rapid development of China in recent years, we can see that the development speed of any industry and industry in China is a process of rapid development. , It may be completed in ten or eight years in China. In recent years, the pursuit of quality of life and product quality is gradually becoming the mainstream of social consumption . Therefore, maybe in the near future, China’s RV camping industry will enter a channel of rapid development.