[Industry] “Camping + Station” solves the problem of retaining customers

Speaking of the types of campsites, the so-called mountainous, seashore, and forest types that are widely circulated in China according to the topography and landform do not have much meaning. Internationally, campgrounds are usually distinguished according to the degree of development or functional form. For example, according to the degree of development, it can be divided into Primitive, Semi-primitive, Semi-developed and Developed; according to the function, it can be divided into Destination and Post Transit type (Transit), also known as overnight type (Over Night). Here we mainly discuss post-style camps, because from the current domestic campsite construction, there are still very few real post-style camps, and the market demand is huge, especially in the vast western region. The reason for this situation may be that people still have certain misunderstandings about the concept of campsites, and believe that only large-scale, complete facilities, and many projects can become campsites.


What is a station camp

As the name suggests, post-style campsites are service places only for self-driving tourists to rest overnight during the journey. It is a type of campsite, and it is the simplest type with the least investment and the fastest effect. The obvious difference between it and the destination campground is that there are not too many subsidiary entertainment facilities and service items. The main function is to meet the needs of self-driving tourists for overnight rest and supplies during long-distance travel. Except for fences, entrances and exits and necessary security facilities, its main facilities and equipment only need water, electricity, sewage facilities and a clean and convenient public toilet. So is the post camp really that simple? It is so simple from the perspective of facility investment, but this is only one aspect. A good camp includes many aspects such as site selection, planning and design, operation management, and marketing. Failure to keep up with any aspect will affect the image and income of the camp. Let’s first look at site selection.

Where to build an inn-type camp—the seemingly simple inn-type camp has more stringent requirements for site selection. First of all, it is necessary to clarify the popular self-driving tour routes with the largest traffic through careful market research, and then determine the areas in the routes that have the greatest demand for overnight stays, and find suitable locations for building campsites in this area. For example, among the ten boutique self-driving tour routes in the west that the National Tourism Administration has just released, many areas have such demand. Especially for routes in Xinjiang, the scenic spots are far apart, and there are no accommodation facilities such as hotels or resorts on the way. Self-driving tour guests need to drive continuously for a long time, without adequate rest and supplies in the middle. It is very necessary to build a post camp every 3 to 4 hours on such a route, and it will also receive good benefits.


How to design and build a post camp

Next, let’s look at how to plan and design. After the site selection is confirmed, the size of the campsite must be determined based on the usual passenger flow, and the market demand and the camp accommodation rate during peak hours and weekdays must be scientifically predicted, so as to determine how many accommodation units need to be built; and then look at what kind of accommodation to build Units, such as tents, cabins, or RVs. If the self-driving tourists on this route are mainly young off-roaders who have relatively low requirements for accommodation comfort, then tents are enough. In particular, the current tent products are not the same as before, and there are many forms of large tents; if the guests are mainly families, it is necessary to build wooden houses or accommodation units such as tents and tents with high comfort. Meet the accommodation needs of multiple people. We said above that a clean and convenient public toilet is essential.

Just imagine how important it is for guests to take a hot shower in a clean and bright shower room after a long drive and bumps on the way, and the experience brought to guests will definitely be good. In addition to lodging and showers, the lighting and roads at the campsite are designed to accommodate guests arriving at night. Factors such as well-signed entrances, adequate lighting, smooth roads, and clearly visible signposts within the campsite are all very important to guests. In the process of design and construction, we must follow the characteristics of post camps, grasp the basic needs of guests, and do not have to consider too many entertainment and leisure facilities and service items. Because the guests only stayed here for one night, and they had to continue on their way the next day. On the basis of satisfying the guest’s accommodation, we must also ensure the catering, especially the supply and service of breakfast, to provide guests with high-quality food and thoughtful service. When considering the construction of self-driving camps, we must also think about the future RV camps, so that when the number of RV self-driving guests increases, the existing camps can be quickly upgraded to RV camps.


Operation and management of post camp

The operation and management of the camp is the key to success or failure. At present, there are many well-designed and well-built camps in China, with exquisite hardware, many entertainment facilities and service items. But it was not well received, and even received a lot of complaints just after it opened. There are many reasons for this situation, but the most important one is that the managers do not really consider the experience and feelings of tourists. In the operation and management of the camp, you should put yourself in the shoes of a tourist and look at every nuanced touch point and link in the operation, such as whether the attitude of the guard shows concern and welcome when the guest arrives at the gate of the camp, whether the reception and registration are fast, Whether the service personnel take the initiative to help guests complete the registration procedures and find their own camp as soon as possible, whether the environment and facilities on the camp are clean, tidy and intact. Whether the entire service process from check-in to departure is standard and convenient requires a set of rules and regulations.

It is not enough to have rules and regulations, but also managers and employees at all levels who conscientiously implement these rules and regulations. Often such post-style campsites do not require too many management personnel due to the lack of service items. It is even more important whether each employee can think about what the guests think and be anxious about what the guests are anxious about. The pre-opening training and daily supervision and management are to cultivate employees’ enthusiasm for work and professional skills. This is not easy for camp managers, it requires professional qualities and a passion for working in the outdoor service industry.


In terms of marketing, post campsites should firmly grasp the customer channels of self-driving tours, and publicize the information of the campsites through the Internet as widely as possible. Especially for the promotion and marketing of the target customer group, let the majority of self-driving tourists know through channels such as self-driving clubs, travel agencies and outdoor media agencies. At the same time, be aware of various large-scale activities and events in the region in order to be fully prepared and increase accommodation bookings and occupancy rates.


Station camps are different from destination camps in terms of design and construction, but they cannot be ignored in terms of operation and management. It is believed that under the increasingly popular market conditions of domestic self-driving tours, more and more targeted and well-known campsites will emerge to provide satisfactory services for the majority of self-driving tourists.