[Industry] Find out where the resources are before investing in the camp

Under the background of fierce competition in traditional industries and shrinking profit margins, the tourism industry as a whole has become hot, and the development of tourist destinations such as scenic spots, resorts, theme parks, homestays, farmhouses, and tourist towns has shown a blowout trend. Among them, RV camps and Self-driving camps have also become the focus of attention. Then, where to build a camp has become the primary issue that investors need to consider, and what investors need to explore in the final analysis is where are the front-end resources of the camp?

[Industry] Find out where the resources are before investing in the camp

Investors who want to enter the tourism and camping industry, especially those who come from other industries and have traditional industry genes, first need to figure out where the resources covered by the tourism and camping industry are basically located and roughly divided into. Several categories, who to cooperate with, and what characteristics each type of resource has. Usually, we divide the resources covered by the tourism and camping industry into several major categories: water conservancy scenic spots, forest parks, geological parks, nature reserves, etc.

what are the resources

These resources can be divided into national, provincial, and prefectural levels according to administrative levels. Generally speaking, the higher the grade, the better the landscape resources and environmental conditions, and the more suitable for sightseeing, entertainment, leisure, vacation or scientific, cultural and educational activities. This type of resource, especially the functional area with the prefix of “country”, plays an extremely important role in maintaining project safety, protecting the ecology, improving the living environment and stimulating regional economic development. In the industry, it is the type that is focused on by various investors. They will become a new growth pole of the tourism and camping industry under the premise of solving the mandatory requirements such as ecological red line and water source safety. However, it needs to be emphasized that the corresponding red line conditions such as ecological policies and environmental policies for such resources are quite strict, and there is almost no room for more flexibility. When actually investing in such tourism resources or camps, you must figure out what the function of the scenic spot you want to invest in within the main functional area of ​​the country, what are the relevant ecology, environmental protection and policies, what is the bottom line, what can be done, and what can’t be done , Otherwise, under strict policies and regulations, many originally expected business ideas will not be able to be implemented at all, let alone profitable.

[Industry] Find out where the resources are before investing in the camp

what is the advantage

All kinds of traditional A-level scenic spots can also be considered as resources for searching for tourism and building camps. The quality grades of tourist attractions in my country are divided into five levels, from high to low, they are AAAAA, AAAA, AAA, AA, and A-level tourist attractions. The focus of all parties is usually 5A and 4A scenic spots, and the resource advantages of these two types of scenic spots are quite obvious. Judging from the current situation, the proportion of public-owned tourist attractions in my country’s more than 20,000 tourist attractions currently accounts for more than 80%, and most scenic spots undertake multiple functions, such as nature protection, cultural relics protection, scientific research, and inspection reception. In fact, the operating function of most scenic spots is just one of the very small functions. Most of the operating income of scenic spots comes from tickets, especially natural and cultural tourist attractions, which are subject to various factors, such as traffic, tourist base, infrastructure, etc., and various characteristic business activities in many scenic spots have not been carried out smoothly. , unable to form an industrial chain. In addition, the management cost of scenic spots is high and the burden is heavy, so the operating efficiency of most scenic spots is not ideal, and it is difficult to maximize the value, which to a certain extent has caused resource restrictions and waste. It is worth mentioning that the function of the scenic spot is not only the single function of sightseeing, for example, the Bird’s Nest, the Water Cube, the Palace Museum, etc. are also 5A scenic spots, but it is basically impossible to build RVs and self-driving camps in such scenic spots. It is impossible.

how to use

Judging from the reality of most scenic spots, the management system of A-level scenic spots is mainly divided into two methods: corporate management and non-corporate management. The former includes state-owned enterprise management, private enterprise management, joint-stock enterprise management and overall leasing management. Non-enterprise management can be divided into management with administrative functions and management without administrative functions. For example, some large-scale scenic spots will have separate tourism bureaus, management associations, and management committees. There is also a resource gradually formed by the development of emerging industries, such as tourist resorts, characteristic towns, pastoral complexes, comprehensive RV campsites, creative industry parks, industrial parks, technology development zones, research and study travel bases, industrial bases, film and television bases, natural education bases, etc. Different from the previous types of resources mainly relying on natural resources, or resources formed by major landmark buildings and recreational function areas, this type of resources gradually formed relying on emerging industries is not easy to simply classify, mainly because in a certain The region gradually formed on the basis of an industry belongs to the typical economic model of “integration of production, life and ecology”. It is a beneficial exploration of the development model under the new normal of economic development. Comparative advantage and supply capacity. This type of resource development model, such as the current tourist resorts, industrial (industrial) parks, and airport ports, is relatively mature. RV campsites, small towns, complexes, and research trips are all on the supply side, and the big market climate has not really formed.

[Industry] Find out where the resources are before investing in the camp

It is worth mentioning that the model of characteristic towns is currently developing rapidly, and a large number of projects have emerged. However, in the development of the country for many years, there will often be a rush to the top, which will cause a large amount of land and capital resources to be wasted. , This phenomenon should be avoided in the development of small towns as much as possible. A well-developed small town should be supported by industries. Talking about the construction of small towns without industries will have considerable risks.

In the development of such emerging projects, many investors acquire large land at the initial stage, and the development and construction cycle is relatively long. Under the premise of not violating the planned land use policy, the marginal land, planned green space, supporting parks, etc. It is also feasible to use other areas to build self-driving and RV camp projects. Moreover, due to the surrounding industrial support, it can also effectively solve the pain points of the daily operation of the camp project from Monday to Friday. An important source of daily visitors to the camp. Finally, when it comes to the classification of tourism resources, unique core model resources cannot be ignored, such as theme parks, beautiful villages, resorts, farms, homestays, specialty hotels, tent camps, RV camps, etc. These resources usually only rely on one or two advantages Features can gather a lot of popularity, such as the homestay in Moganshan, the catering in Yuanjia Village, the No. 1 RV camp in Taihu Lake, the tent camp in Gradan, etc. Horizontal extension around this kind of resources may be the development direction that investors should focus on.