[Industry] Non-scenic spot regional tourism boosts the cross-border development of the camping industry

Global tourism is the product of the upgrading of the national economic structure and supply-side reforms. The purpose of global tourism is to create a global tourism destination with the entire industrial chain through the integration of global resources. The key areas for global tourism development are mostly undeveloped non-scenic spots, nature reserves, characteristic towns, national parks, leisure camps, etc. In the open class of Camping World, Professor Fan Yezheng of the China Tourism Talent Development Research Institute said that the implementation of the concept of global tourism can serve as a bridge between various industries, and the development of campsites is also related to the integration of surrounding resources. Investment, planning, operation, and marketing are all influential An important factor in integrating resources. 

[Industry] Non-scenic spot regional tourism boosts the cross-border development of the camping industry

Policy assists global tourism to land 

With the adjustment of the national economic structure and the continuous development and advancement of the industry, the government is also actively promoting the development of the industry. Since 2015, 21 ministries, commissions and agencies including the State Council and the National Development and Reform Commission have issued more than 20 policies. These policies provide solutions for the development of the campsite industry in terms of camp planning and construction, management and operation, new business formats, industrial chains, infrastructure construction, investment and development, land security, and talent security. So, how does global tourism promote the cross-border development of the camping industry? Fan Yezheng believes that it is mainly through the following four parts: new forms of global tourism, car camping tourism industry, global tourism and car camping, car camping and cross-border development.

Camping is not just about enjoying the scenery

China’s RV market developed relatively late, but small cars are developing very rapidly. When there are no service facilities on the current self-driving tour scenic road, you will think that if you can cook here, if you can live here, even if it is simple it is good. Holiday camps not only consider RV enthusiasts and self-driving tourists, but also add many other tourism and recreational facilities and activities. People can stay in the camp for a day or two, so holiday camps are the future development direction of the self-driving travel industry.

Self-driving travel cannot be separated from the car, and self-driving travel is naturally inseparable from the supporting facilities of the campsite. In order to receive self-driving tourists, the campsite must have basic catering and entertainment facilities, etc., forming a complete tourism system and extending it into a social system. From the perspective of the industry itself, it also forms a new chain. Just now we talked about global tourism, camping life and campsites. If we want to promote the development of camping, we must promote the development of RVs and camping. This is the future hope of the camping industry.

[Industry] Non-scenic spot regional tourism boosts the cross-border development of the camping industry

The New Situation of Global Tourism

With the popularity of self-driving travel, consumers have gradually developed from scenic spot tourism to non-scenic spot tourism and national holidays and leisure. This is also catering to the core concept of global tourism, realizing the coverage of “all resources, all time and space, all industries, and the whole society” of the tourism industry in the region, realizing the integrated layout of global resources, and creating a global industry. After decades of tourism development in China, scenic spots have developed tourism projects based on good resources, and the relevant supporting facilities have been relatively developed. The surrounding areas may also become potential areas for the development of global tourism.

Construction of non-attraction area tourism

In addition to tourist attractions, there are actually many unknown scenic spots and non-sightseeing tourist areas with better ecological resources. Due to the fragile local ecological environment, tourism development is restricted by policy provisions. Therefore, local tourism infrastructure and reception facilities These areas are relatively scarce, and these non-scenic areas are exactly what we need to attach great importance to when implementing global tourism. Non-attraction areas are often supported by natural landscapes, such as deserts, mountains, snow-capped mountains, virgin forests, etc., which will act as important areas for global tourism, and these global landscape areas will also bring some opportunities to campsites.

[Industry] Non-scenic spot regional tourism boosts the cross-border development of the camping industry

Attributes of Global Tourism Destinations

The creation of an all-for-one tourism destination needs to have tourism and leisure value, and it needs to rely on natural and human resources. In terms of natural resources, such as rivers, forests, wetlands, canyons, grasslands and other areas with beautiful environments and poor development; in terms of human resources, villages, towns, and urban leisure parks may all become areas for the development of global tourism. Tourism products need to be close to nature, conducive to outdoor tourism, suitable for self-driving tours, and have good experiential characteristics. These areas are places that have not been touched by traditional tourist attractions and scenic spots. When implementing the concept of global tourism, they will bring huge opportunities and opportunities to the campsite industry.

Some people think that urban leisure places, tourist towns, rural tourism, tourist attractions, scenic heritage sites, national parks, etc. have already been built, and tourist areas have been highly developed, and resources in some areas have even been overloaded. can be ignored. In fact, around traditional scenic spots, there are many undeveloped areas with high-quality resources. Combining the tourist flow and supporting resources of scenic spots, camping sites can be better developed.

“Campsite +” cross-border thinking development model

Rural holiday camp, i.e. camp + country

Car camps have relatively small investment in roads and other infrastructure, because the service products provided by such camps are relatively simple, mainly providing basic services such as supplies and camping. In addition, due to the remote location, security work is the focus of camp services. Rural holiday camps are arranged around villages and towns, which can use the existing infrastructure of the villages and towns, or rely on the towns to build RV towns, so the development and construction costs are lower than the former.

Rural holiday camps mainly provide caravan or mobile cabin rental and tent rental services. The main leisure activities are rural tourism activities such as field picking, fishing, and barbecue. Due to the limited type and capacity of accommodation facilities provided by residents in villages and towns, the construction of holiday camps has enriched the reception of rural tourism accommodation and enriched activities such as rural leisure and entertainment. Through the construction of rural car camps, the rural tourism resources have been integrated and improved, and the overall attractiveness of rural tourism has been improved.

[Industry] Non-scenic spot regional tourism boosts the cross-border development of the camping industry

Scenic camp, that is, camp + scenic spot

This type of camp can use existing facilities and reduce infrastructure investment; rely on tourist attractions and activities in existing scenic spots; use existing reception facilities in scenic spots to provide high-quality service support; camps can provide a variety of accommodation options for camping tourists in scenic spots . It not only has passenger flow, but also can better improve the overall economic benefits of the scenic spot.

Landscape environment camp, that is, camp + landscape environment

Set up RV camps in tourism resource areas with high landscape environmental value, such as near deserts, mountains, forests, and rivers.

Leisure holiday camp, that is, camp + leisure vacation

The car camp that adopts this development model requires a large initial construction investment, mainly in the preliminary planning, infrastructure construction, supporting tourism service facilities, and the construction of the entire park project site. Compared with the services provided by the first three car camps, this type of camp has complete functions and more novel and diverse products. It has comprehensive functions of leisure and vacation, and is a complex of leisure and vacation in the suburbs.

National Park Campsites, i.e. Campsites + National Parks

Relying on the excellent ecological environment and landscape of national parks, build RV campsites and provide supporting services, such as Yellowstone National Park in the United States.

Heritage site camps, i.e. camps + heritage sites

Give full play to the cultural attraction of scenic spots and heritage, and implant the reception function of campsites.

[Industry] Non-scenic spot regional tourism boosts the cross-border development of the camping industry

Characteristic town camp, that is, camp + characteristic town

Relying on the unique characteristics of the town, create a unique RV campsite, as a supplement to the characteristics of the town, and at the same time integrate resources and products, take the initiative to take advantage of relevant national policies, and build a characteristic town with the theme of camping.

Air tourism camp, ie camp + air tourism

Build an aviation base in a place with beautiful landscape and environment, and provide supporting camp facilities and equipment, and provide activities such as helicopter experience.

Study and study tourism camp, that is, camp + study and study tourism

Research and study tourism is centered on practice and experience. Campsite tourism facilities can be used for study and study tourism, and the venues in the camp can also be used to carry out various interesting orientation and quality training according to the needs of the team.

Hotel camp, that is, camp + hotel hotel

Give full play to the accommodation function of campsites, and develop tent hotels in combination with hotels and hotels.


The cross-border development of car camping is essentially the cross-border integration of the entire industry chain. The integration of camps and surrounding resources determines the market, function, scale, products, business formats, and services of camps. The implementation of the concept of global tourism can act as a bridge between various industries, combine the RV camping industry with other related industries, and create a chemical reaction between the two, which can effectively activate some traditional industries such as scenic spots and scenic spots that are gradually declining. It also opened a new door for the development of the campsite industry.