[Industry] Rise of experiential consumer economy in the era of popularity harvesting

People’s consumption behavior is usually both rational and emotional . Consumers ‘ experience before, during and after consumption is the key to purchasing behavior and brand management . When coffee is sold as “goods ” , it can be sold for two or three hundred yuan per pound, and when coffee is packaged as “commodity” and “service” is added, coffee becomes an ” experience “A cup of such coffee can be sold for dozens or even hundreds of dollars. Increasing the “experience” content of products can bring considerable economic benefits to the company. The real profit of Starbucks lies in “experience”.

With the progress of material civilization, the standard of living and consumption demand are constantly upgrading, and what people pursue is not only the basic food and clothing. In the post-industrial society, people are more concerned about the quality of life, seeking to obtain higher psychological and spiritual satisfaction, and experiential consumption is the provider that represents this level of satisfaction. Fierce market competition accelerates the speed of communication, and the goods and services provided in the industry are becoming more and more similar. It is precisely because the convergence of goods and services obliterates the personalized and unique feelings and experiences that goods and services bring to people, so the feeling of experience is very precious, which is particularly prominent in the automotive service industry.

[Industry] Rise of experiential consumer economy in the era of popularity harvesting


Experiential marketing means that the enterprise makes the target customers personally experience the products or services provided by the enterprise by letting the target customers observe , listen, try, try out, etc. A marketing method of buying and selling, with the goal of satisfying the experience needs of consumers, using service products as a platform, using products as a carrier, to produce and operate high-quality products, and to shorten the distance between enterprises and customers .

Taking the automobile service industry as an example, experiential marketing usually includes: car tours, test drives, self-driving tours and other activities. So, is experiential marketing the magic weapon for car sales? Not necessarily, according to Mr. Tommy (Li Xiaobin), a brand car self-driving tour platform , every year, each manufacturer and dealer will organize or entrust a public relations company to organize 50 to 100 large and small events, and the experiential marketing will promote the whole year. Orders only accounted for 50%, but experiential marketing is still an activity . Experiential marketing not only considers the functions and characteristics of products, but more importantly, considers the needs of customers , the personal experience that customers get from the experience of consuming products and services, and the feelings of customers about the entire lifestyle related to products. It’s something that experiential marketers really care about. Each brand also organizes various long-term and short-term experiential marketing methods to allow users to have a deeper understanding and experience of vehicles and increase trust in the brand.

[Industry] Rise of experiential consumer economy in the era of popularity harvesting

for the purpose of spreading

If this is the case in the popular automobile circle, then the niche RV companies cannot ignore this link, and the experiential marketing of RV is particularly important. First of all, RV is still a new thing in our country, the sales system of RV is not perfect yet, while the proportion of consumers’ emotional needs is increasing, and consumer demand is becoming more and more different, personalized, diversified and values ​​are changing rapidly. The change in the concept of modern consumers has led companies to put a lot of effort into brand promotion. As a result, more and more RV companies have also launched experiential marketing such as organizing car friends to travel around the country for self-driving tours, free test drives, RV round-the-island, buying a RV and getting a camp space, and all of them have received different market responses.

Before holding an event, it is first necessary to determine whether the target group of invited customers is accurate, whether they intend to buy customers or just pay attention to them. Different groups have different effects. Of course, the effect of a self-driving tour is completely different from that experienced in a fixed venue of a 4S store . In such an immersive environment , customers can experience the car they want to buy. , SUVs, off-road vehicles, pickups, RVs, etc. Different cars bring people different lifestyles, allowing consumers to feel a new state more directly. For RVs, for weekend activities , it is recommended that the travel radius be within 300 kilometers . Because the caravan belongs to the slow life, if you want to have a more comfortable experience, it is more suitable to . Finally, through the chain reaction marketing method of word-of- mouth , it may be more stable than simply implanting a solid trust .

[Industry] Rise of experiential consumer economy in the era of popularity harvesting


Now is the period of rapid growth of SUVs, and the growth of family-based RVs will be even faster in the future. As the consumption concept, lifestyle and quality of life of the post-80s and 90s have changed and improved, RV travel is an inevitable trend in the future. Although experiential marketing is not a factor that affects the proportion of most final transactions in the entire marketing system, the RV itself is a new thing. The domestic RV market is still in its infancy. In the initial stage , enterprises Consumers experience RV travel and promote RV camping culture, which can help companies understand consumers’ true feelings and needs in a deeper level, thereby effectively improving corporate brand awareness and establishing a solid brand position in the industry.