[Industry] RV camping business or six hidden dangers

In many years of practice, we have in-depth contact with a large number of domestic government departments, enterprises, institutions and various institutions that are trying to enter or have entered the RV camping industry. From the current situation of the preliminary construction and operation of many domestic camps that we have come into contact with, we found that The problems are mainly manifested in the following aspects:

[Industry] RV camping business or six hidden dangers

First, in China, although the Ministry of Land and Resources and China National Tourism Administration issued relevant land policies at the end of 2015, overall, the land used for domestic camps is still expensive, resulting in huge operating costs. Financial pressure, such as a southern camp that we have contacted , the cost of land alone has reached more than 80 million, and it is almost impossible to recover the cost only by the cost of parking the RV . Other issues such as project approval of car and RV camps, land properties, supporting construction indicators, ecological and environmental protection policies, sewage treatment, fire inspection and acceptance, and special approval are all practical .

Second, due to the unclear relevant policies and other reasons, the current domestic RV popularity is slow and the number of caravans is small. The number of RVs is far from meeting the needs of the fast-growing camps. This also determines that the operating methods of domestic camps are bound different. In addition Relevant policies on the implementation of various types of RVs, such as on-road, charging, and driving, have not been finally clarified, making it difficult to popularize RVs for a period of time, especially in China where cheap trailer-type RVs account for the vast majority in Europe and the United States It is even more difficult, and this kind of work has yet to be further promoted and implemented by the relevant departments of the country.

Third, the operating service level of domestic RV camps needs to be further improved. Judging from the current actual situation, hundreds of domestic RV camps have not formed a unified service standard , although many companies have begun to devote themselves to operating The unification of chain, franchising, and service standards in different regions, but it will take time to reach the service standards of the current mature hotel industry . In addition, the dispersal of the accommodation units in the caravan camp has led to an increase in service costs. How to propose a more effective solution also needs further discussion . It will quickly drive the service level and standardization of the camp.

Fourth, due to the need to increase the popularity of RVs, the manufacturing capacity of many RV companies is generally insufficient. A consensus in the industry is that in the next three to five years, RV camps will still be the main customers of RV companies, especially trailers . However, the number of domestic self -propelled RVs occupies the absolute mainstream in the market, and many environments for trailers to go on the road are not yet available. However , it is foreseeable that after the relevant policies and regulations are thoroughly clarified, the RV can quickly enter the public family and enter the fast lane of development.

[Industry] RV camping business or six hidden dangers

Fifth, since the caravan camping industry has only really started , what kind of products such as scattered and non-standard caravan hotels, wooden house hotels, container hotels, and tent hotels are more suitable for the tastes and needs of the people? Preferences, due to the lack of sufficient big data support, still need further exploration. At the same time, the consumption habits of the people also need to be gradually cultivated. It takes a process to go from getting used to traditional hotels to liking personalized and natural camp accommodation products . In addition, various supporting facilities of RV camps, such as entertainment facilities, parent-child facilities, accommodation products, landscape facilities , etc., are all things that need to be gradually explored in future operations. It cannot be accomplished overnight. This may be a long process.

Sixth, many domestic investors still have a lot of misunderstandings about camping. They think that as long as they find a similar plot of land and put a few RVs, wooden houses, or tents , they can charge without worry. . Don’t you know that for those camps that are already very mature abroad, the primary operating elements are the landscape resources and the project content of the camp. It is impossible for a camp without content to attract tourists. In addition, it is necessary to clarify what the unique resources of your camp are and what Kind of rides. Therefore, enough attention should be paid to the content of the camp and the construction links of .

[Industry] RV camping business or six hidden dangers


To sum up, these are just some problems seen in the practice process, not comprehensive. However, I believe that with the change of national consumption concept and social and economic development and the support of national policies, the RV camping industry will develop steadily.