[Industry] RV market leads to “excellent”

With the gradual heating up of the RV market in recent years , is the RV and RV aftermarket dangerous, or is the road leading to the sky? To answer this question, we also need to correct two major misunderstandings that the public has about the “RV” as a travel tool.

First of all, the misunderstanding of the price of the RV. RVs in the eyes of the public the category of subjectively positioned as luxury consumption. Most consumers think that they cannot afford RVs, so few people care about them . But the real status quo of the industry is that although China’s RV started relatively late, since China’s first self-propelled RV with independent intellectual property rights rolled off the assembly line in 2001, China’s . RV sales are mainly based on independent marketing by enterprises, forming a complete industrial chain integrating production-sales-operation-camping sites-clubs-members. The market price of RV itself, in addition to high-end RVs, RVs with a starting price of around 200,000, which is similar to the price of mid-to-high-end passenger cars, also has a lot of products that ordinary consumers can afford.

Secondly, the misunderstanding of the driver’s qualifications. Because at the level of purchase and consumption, consumers have generally misunderstood, and the size of RVs is generally larger than that of passenger cars, so the issue of driver qualifications has also been misunderstood. At the unmanned driving theme forum of the Tianjin World Intelligence Conference, Zhu Weidong, general manager of SAIC MAXUS RV, introduced to everyone that SAIC MAXUS has a variety of RV products, and the driver can drive with a C license.

[Industry] RV market leads to

The main problems in the development of the current RV market

After analyzing the misunderstandings, let’s look at the problems and restrictive factors in the development of the RV consumer market. First of all, the problem of self-purchased RV parking. China has entered the automobile society. The production and sales of new cars have ranked first in the world for more than ten years, and the number of car ownership is close to 200 million . We often only see that the per capita car ownership in China is very low, and there is still a huge gap compared with developed countries such as the United States, but we ignore that China has a large population, a vast land area but a limited livable area, and more physical space per capita. It is a limited objective fact. The problem of difficult parking has long plagued many first- and second-tier cities, and the main groups of personal consumption of RVs are still generally concentrated in first- and second-tier cities. Where to place such a big guy has naturally become the most important factor restricting the rise of the RV consumer market.

Secondly, the problem of travel scenarios . Although the industry is vigorously promoting the application of RVs in travel, their driving is not as flexible as passenger cars , the supplies are cumbersome, relatively troublesome for short-distance use, and the travel speed and efficiency of long -distance use are not as good as trains and airplanes. Feeling tangled. In some small scenic spots and resorts, there have been many attempts to . However, in addition to its lackluster market response, as a means of transportation, the caravan’s travel value is also greatly reduced.

[Industry] RV market leads to

Third, the basic supporting facilities and services such as supplies are not perfect enough. Basic support is already a commonplace issue in the industry. With the RV nowhere to park, fortunately it is convenient to park, but various supplies during the trip have become a new problem . In addition, professional RV road rescue is also an unavoidable problem on the road to the development of the RV consumer market.

Fourth, there is the problem of information asymmetry between demand and supply capacity. With the positive dissemination and interpretation of RVs by colleagues in the industry , we can see that consumer demand is increasing day by day. In addition to the above three problems , the new problem that follows is that those who want to use RVs cannot find a car. Those who own RVs have been idle for a long time and cannot improve their utilization rate. Although there are many clubs , in the RV market, the information asymmetry between demand and supply capacity has not been well resolved by the industry. Due to information asymmetry , the number of RV tourism users is relatively small, and the supply of professional routes and services suitable for RV travel is insufficient, resulting in weak market demand, resulting in a market with no service, vehicles with no one to rent, campsites without parking, and routes No one knows, and there is an embarrassing situation of low production capacity and low sales volume.

In the RV market itself, there are still many bottlenecks that need to be broken through. The directly related insurance, accessories, maintenance and many other post-market fields are naturally subject to great constraints and many challenges.

[Industry] RV market leads to

The RV consumer market has a bright future

However, we are delighted that more and more forces are joining the RV industry. The niche market of RV campgrounds is also growing like mushrooms after rain. In addition to the fact that scenic spots with suitable conditions in various places are vigorously creating a RV camping travel mode, benchmarking corporate entities such as “318” are also making great efforts to create a RV tourism consumption culture on camping sites; RV companies represented by SAIC MAXUS, They are also working hard in the field of RV leasing; many RV media are also testing the information link service between the demand side and the supply side.

According to the data provided by SAIC MAXUS, the number of RV camps per million people in China is 0.57 in the United States and 0.86 in Europe, but this market has sufficient potential. In 2015, among the 4 billion domestic tourist trips, self-driving tourists already Accounted for 5.85 billion, reaching 2.34 billion person-times.

Most of the current RV projects are closely integrated with tourist attractions—this is similar to the fact that many national parks in the United States have promoted RV tours. It is reported that this year, the scenic spot represented by Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan has issued an investment plan . Through the construction of new energy caravan bases, mobile hotels, time-sharing rental of new energy electric vehicles and other businesses, it will create a new type of RV travel that is different from the “crowded sea” of the Golden Week. experience.

In addition, the state has issued a number , which has also directly or indirectly promoted the development of the RV tourism market. Premier Li Keqiang once said that the Chinese government attaches great importance to the status and role of tourism, and will build tourism into a strategic pillar industry of the national economy, while deepening all-for-one tourism and tourism actions. From this, we foresee that the tourism market related to automobiles, the automobile sports and leisure industry will usher in a new stage of vigorous development, and the automobile club will become a source of new momentum for the development of the automobile sports and leisure industry due to its significant agglomeration effect of car owners. main force.

We have reasons to believe that although China’s RV market is still dangerous at the moment, it has a promising future.