[Industry] “Suppressed” but silent China’s RV rental market should wake up

The advent of the new product experience era usually precedes the product consumption era, and the RV is no exception. As an emerging travel mode integrating travel and accommodation, RV has shown a great leap forward development trend in China in recent years. However, it has to be admitted that the current “arrogant” price range of RVs has to discourage many RV enthusiasts, so this also frees up huge profit margins for the domestic RV rental market.

The domestic RV rental market is like a child who can just stand up and walk, stumbles and falters. Fortunately, not everyone is a toddler, and many people have already stepped out of the beautiful posture. The urgent problem to be solved in China’s RV rental market is to find its own path as soon as possible in combination with foreign advanced systems and norms. Integrate resources, adjust structure, unify and standardize, and stabilize the market, so that the fertile soil of RV rental will gather sand and form a tower, and finally complete a qualitative leap. Looking at the foreign RV leasing market, after decades of development, the RV leasing market in developed countries has formed a very standardized RV leasing system, which can be said to have great influence on the Chinese RV leasing market both in terms of system and norms. High reference value.


go out

The US RV rental market has the largest number of large RV rental companies in the world. Today, the RV rental market in the United States is quite mature. In 2017, most of the top 10 large RV rental companies in the United States can provide global RV rental services. Among them, the RV rental company with the most extensive coverage in the world is Motorhome Republic, which serves 29 countries. That is to say, after you have determined your travel destination, you can easily solve the RV rental problem as long as you make an online reservation through the Internet, and these companies all support the car return service in other places, escorting your “go and go” trip . The Canadian RV market is also very mature. At the end of last year, the General Administration of Finance of Canada issued a new policy, which mentioned that the tax categories of Canadian RV camps and parks will be readjusted, and the adjusted camp tax will increase by at least 30% compared with the past. This policy may cause most camps to be overwhelmed and eventually close down, and the future development of the matching RV market is also unknown. The gradually decreasing number of campsites has slowed the sales of RVs in Canada. At the beginning of last year, the sales volume of trailer RVs in Canada increased slightly by 0.6% compared with the same period last year, and the development of the related rental market in recent years has not been optimistic. This is also related to the campsite policy. adjustments are closely related.

Compared with the “one good and one bad” RV rental market development status in the United States and Canada, the European RV rental market seems to have been in a calm state. After Brexit, the performance of the UK RV rental market in the second half of 2016 has not been affected much. Part of the reason for this is that the economy has a certain lag compared to the policy, and half a year is not enough to cause much change in the UK RV rental market. The Australian caravan rental market is slightly stronger than caravan sales. Free-spirited Aussies are more inclined to rent a motorhome than buy it. Unlike Europeans and Americans, Australia’s diverse cultural foundation has laid a diversified national thinking. They are not as enthusiastic about the same thing as Europeans and Americans. The experience of different models when leasing a caravan is higher than that of owning a caravan.


There are nearly 200 RV rental companies in Australia, and the most important feature of these companies is that they have a variety of models to choose from, whether it is a five-wheel trailer, a caravan trailer, a folding tent trailer, or a self-propelled A-type , B-type, and C-type are all available. Diversified options seem more attractive than having a fixed model.

led in

In contrast to the domestic RV rental market, due to the late start of RV in China, the RV sales market has not yet formed a complete system, not to mention the RV rental market. At present, the high price of imported brand RVs discourages many consumers, so the RV rental market must become a touchstone before the rapid rise of the RV consumer market. According to statistics, the average monthly sales volume of a self-owned brand RV is about 10-15 units, while RV rental is about 180 units/month, and the rental price of a RV for a day also varies from a few hundred yuan to several thousand yuan depending on the brand, model, and configuration. . It can be seen that Chinese consumer groups are more willing to spend hundreds or even thousands of yuan to experience a RV trip rather than buying a RV. This consumption tendency is welcome to the Chinese RV rental market, and it once again shows that there is an unimaginable profit margin in the Chinese RV rental market.


Then, looking at the development status of the domestic RV rental market, late start, slow development, lagging policies, and lack of unified management have become the nodules that restrict the development of the RV rental market. However, this does not mean that latecomers cannot catch up. With the rapid development of my country’s RV and camping industry and social economy, people’s consumption level and entertainment and leisure needs have also increased accordingly, which has created basic conditions for the large-scale development of the RV rental industry. Under the guidance of sound laws, regulations and policies, the foreign RV rental market has been on the right track of development. Facing the development status of the Chinese RV rental market squarely, there is not only a lack of effective policies to control the status quo of the “RV rental market”, but also the main players of various enterprises have no The groping and bumping like a fly has also made this irregular market even more chaotic. In order to eradicate the chaotic and lawless status quo of the RV rental market, relevant departments must issue unified management norms and policies so that the Chinese RV rental market can have laws to follow and laws to abide by. On the other hand, the rise of the camping industry is inseparable from the development of the RV rental market, and good supporting facilities are also the key to the rapid formation of the RV rental market.


Looking around the world, many international RV leasing companies have launched their RV leasing business globally, and there are also a group of ambitious foreign RV leasing companies that have already spread their hands across the ocean to the Chinese RV leasing market. Under the circumstances, China’s RV rental urgently needs a leader-like RV rental company to lead the Chinese RV industry to break through this predicament. If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This rule is applicable in any field. In the current competition between plants and trees, we have no choice but to speed up development. It is time for the Chinese RV market to wake up!