[Industry] Talking about the diversified development of self-driving outdoor camping

“In the old days, the swallow before Wang Xietang flew into the homes of ordinary people.” With the steady advancement of national policies, the spontaneous and active guidance of governments at all levels, the rapid development of China’s economy, the rapid expansion of population aging, and the continuous deepening of urbanization, China The further optimization of road traffic efficiency, the all-round construction of global tourism, characteristic towns, and folk homestays, RVs and camping, which represent the latest, healthy, inclusive, and positive energy tourism, leisure, and elderly care models, are becoming more and more prominent. Superiority, in the foreseeable 10 to 30 years, the traditional Chinese family concept of taking care of the old, enjoying the young, and doing something in the middle will be further optimized and sublimated through RVs and camping, and will surely become a Chinese style in the new era A new development for a better life.

[Industry] Talking about the diversified development of self-driving outdoor camping

outdoor trend

After solving large household consumption expenditures such as housing consumption and automobile transportation consumption, Maslow’s demand theory indicates that with the self-improvement of individual or family needs, family tourism consumption expenditures will account for an increasing proportion of the entire household consumption expenditures in the future , with the improvement of Chinese people’s consumption concept (from the division of labor of scooters, off-road vehicles, caravans, and pickup trucks) and consumption levels, China’s consumption potential will be fully released in the short term.

As an important branch of outdoor activities, camping has produced several representative forms due to different methods: camping + RV = RV camping conference/exhibition, camping + off-road = off-road camping conference (Alxa Heroes Club, etc.) , camping + individual/group = tent festival (Taining, Wugong Mountain Tent Festival, etc.), camping + tourism = cultural tourism festival, etc., relying on geographical advantages, relying on camps, and on this basis, the respective camping + cultures are full of personality And blend with each other.

camp carrier

Camps, as an important carrier of camping activities, (especially urban camps in big cities, which are limited by the number of parking spaces in the city, have unique advantages) show different development states due to geographical advantages, construction time, and operating costs. : The status quo of large basic investment, high operation and management costs, single profit model, and long payback period.

After full communication with the person in charge of Hangzhou Xixi Snail RV camp, one of the top ten camps in the country, it was found that: “Due to the limited development time, the development of camps generally stays in infrastructure and other hardware. For the core soul of the camp, that is, the camp culture, Limited by the camp’s operational thinking and operating experience, a relatively distinct regional camping culture has not yet formed, and there is still a long way to go before the prosperous stage where a hundred schools of thought contend and a hundred schools of thought come together.”

[Industry] Talking about the diversified development of self-driving outdoor camping

Functional Division

From the perspective of geography or development, special RV camping only exists in Beijing. The success of the RV camping exhibition directly determines the medium and long-term development of the camp. At present, most camps are still in a semi-open state and only serve RV riders. As the main profit point, it is struggling to balance the balance of payments. Some industry exhibitions set up a RV area (RV manufacturers and dealers), RV family area (to ensure the flow of consumer customers at the exhibition), RV accessories exhibition area (supporting issues for RV manufacturers), outdoor equipment area (camping supporting facilities, wild luxury tents, wooden houses, At the same time, through time setting, a closed loop is formed. During the non-camping exhibition period, it is a wise operation method to fully absorb various RV manufacturers or influential dealers in the industry for a long time.

There is a clear gap between cities outside Beijing and Beijing due to the consumption environment, camping atmosphere, and the number of consumer groups. Camping complexes are a more pragmatic middle channel. That is to rely on the advantages of the campsite to hold comprehensive activities, divide according to functional areas, and absorb corresponding customer groups: such as setting up RV areas (brand manufacturers, local RV manufacturers and dealers, etc.), RV family areas (local RV riders or transiting the area Riders, etc.), camping area (local characteristic camps, branded wooden houses, modular buildings, etc.), self-driving off-road area (off-road brigade riders in the region, brand off-road vehicle manufacturers, local 4S stores, etc.), tent area (brand manufacturers, donkey friends, etc. ), auto supplies and outdoor equipment, fitness and sports leisure area (brand manufacturers, outdoor equipment manufacturers, sportswear brands, etc.), homestay area (featured homestay, folk customs, handicrafts, etc.), tourist route area (featured routes, all levels in the region Tourism Bureau), media area (local influential various media), special product area (local representative specialty products, tourist souvenirs, etc.), special food area (local representative gourmet snacks, etc.).

[Industry] Talking about the diversified development of self-driving outdoor camping

Cross-border increment

Related forums, music festivals, carnivals, brand shopping festivals, cross-country races, football matches, local characteristic events and local characteristic folk culture exhibitions will be held during the exhibition, which will not only gather relevant practitioners to form a joint force to promote the overall camping culture, but also fully achieve For the purpose of commercialization, it can also carry forward local characteristic culture, display local characteristics to the extreme, allow participants to circulate freely in the platform, and cultivate new potential campers in a subtle way, thereby boosting the overall development of the RV and camping industry.

Through multiple participation experiences, the author found that there is an internal upgrade path for campers, from personal hiking or cycling (18-35 years old, unmarried, personal play), to self-driving off-road (25-50 years old, already Marriage, father-son file or father-daughter file, small family/group play), and then to RV travel (45-70 years old, three generations playing together, big family/group play). With the growth of age, the increase of family members, and the improvement of spending power, there is a clear upward trajectory from individual soldiers to small family gatherings and then to big family gatherings.

[Industry] Talking about the diversified development of self-driving outdoor camping

Based on the characteristics of the above camping tools, RVs have high comfort, poor passability, and fixed positions for supporting equipment; off-road vehicles have limited space, excellent passability, and low equipment intensification; self-driving outdoor equipment, as an important part of the camping industry and RVs , an important extension of off-road vehicles, is a perfect jigsaw puzzle in camping life. It includes foldable tents, folding tables and chairs, mobile kitchens, outdoor stoves, etc., which greatly expands the space and functions of existing RVs and off-road vehicles. The quality of the camping experience has been further improved, and it also allows campers to fully enjoy the comfort and coziness of the outdoors at home, complementing each other, thus creating a new mobile home culture and a new way of travel and leisure.

For individuals or companies that are in the midst of great development in the industry, under the environment where the whole society respects the “artisan spirit”, there are unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Improving the customer’s camping experience and improving the quality of the customer’s camping will be the starting point of all practitioners , in this process, try to carry out multi-category permutation and reorganization, and seek diversified development.