[Industry] The development of camp education follows the trend

In the 1990s, Sun Xiaoyun exposed many weak links in Chinese education in “Summer Camp Contest”, allowing everyone to see the gap between Chinese and Japanese children, which ignited discussions among Chinese people about traditional education. Under the guidance of the “one child” policy, the group of only children became parents one after another. They grew up in the emerging era, and they were more open to the educational concept of the next generation. They also paid more attention to the improvement of children’s innovation ability, personality development and comprehensive quality. They are more and more aware that off-campus experiential education, mainly based on camp education, helps to cultivate students’ life ability, survival ability and moral quality. With the new wave of consumption upgrades, parents’ demand for children to receive experiential educational products is becoming stronger and stronger.

[Industry] The development of camp education follows the trend

New outlet 

At present, camp education has become the mainstream in our country, and about 70% of families are investing in quality education every year. According to the market forecast made by the investment institution Blue Elephant Camp for camp education: the main audience of camp education is primary and middle school students aged 6-18. According to the 2010 census data, urban children accounted for 47.32%. Considering the urbanization process in recent years, it is estimated that urban children accounted for about 50% in 2018. Assuming that a child participates in 1.5 camp programs in his life, based on the unit price of 4,500 yuan and a market penetration rate of 30%, we can see that camp education can reach a market size of tens of billions. The market will reach a scale of 100 billion.

In December 2016, the Ministry of Education and 11 ministries and commissions issued the “Opinions on Promoting Research Travel for Primary and Secondary School Students”, proposing that “research travel will be included in the education and teaching plan for primary and secondary school students”, marking that research travel and camp education will become a part of growth education for primary and secondary school students. just needed. With the strong promotion of government policies and parents’ emphasis on improving children’s personality development and comprehensive quality, the demand for experiential education is becoming stronger and stronger. In fact, for families in most cities, “camp education” has become an indispensable course, and the school penetration rate of camp education in my country will also increase from 5% to 20% to 30% within 3 to 5 years. This is not only an important milestone in my country’s camp education, but also an era change in the consciousness of the crowd.


Schools are always instilling “what is”. The content of learning is mainly knowledge, with the purpose of examination, and the mode is listening, reciting, and reproducing. Family education is a step forward. Responsible parents will spend time discussing “why” with their children, hoping to improve their children’s thinking and curiosity. In the camp, the children encountered more “what to do”: how to pack backpacks? How to set up tents? How to cooperate with games? Demonstrates amazing abilities.

[Industry] The development of camp education follows the trend

Ms. Zhao Wei, the founder of Qixing Camp Education, believes that camp education is a “catalyst” for school education and family education. Because school education is institutionalized education, on the one hand, it has the advantages of institutionalization; on the other hand, it still lags behind in training children to cope with future social changes. Although family education is relatively more personalized and free, it also faces the dilemma of insufficient professionalism. Camp education is an education method rooted in society. It takes into account the systematization and professionalism of education, and can well put the achievements of school education into practice, such as systematic knowledge acquisition, etc., and internalize them through camps. education to enhance the abilities of students. Camp education can also help families improve their children’s comprehensive abilities, such as social skills, scientific and humanistic qualities, etc., through professional educational means.

The unique value of camp education lies in its role in school education and family education. Camp education has become an indispensable or even irreplaceable form of education in China, and its significance needs to be explained more systematically.

integrated borrowing 

In the education system, camp education has become indispensable. As an extension and supplement of school education, it is attracting attention and attention from all walks of life, and investment and construction efforts have been unprecedentedly improved. Under the market economy system, “integration and borrowing change” is a common topic. Before the fierce competition forms, we want to take advantage of the favorable policy and the power of capital to follow the trend, focus on the camp education market, make good strategic rules, and do a good job in professional education. service, it is very likely to quickly occupy market share before fierce competition comes.

Camp education is a social education model relative to school education and family education. It encourages and guides children and young people to explore themselves, discover their potential, and embody a school without walls and education without boundaries. However, the current situation of domestic camp education is that the form is relatively simple, the experience activities and educational content are insufficient, and the youth value education, physical education and psychological education have not been cultivated from the height of the overall quality of citizens. There are excessive channel dependence, low brand recognition, education missing attributes etc.

[Industry] The development of camp education follows the trend

child centered 

If school education is to cultivate people’s humanity, then camp education is more about cultivating students’ “wolf nature”, that is, to let students publicize their personality, exercise their bodies, cultivate their emotions, and release their depression.

The purpose of camp education is to give children the opportunity to practice, survive and escape, confront each other, and live by themselves. He is different from the passive learning of knowledge in schools. In the camp, children have enough space for self-development, which is conducive to cultivating children’s self-awareness and independent thinking mode. A real camp has education and inheritance. You can see his growth, and he can also see your growth. The essence of camp education determines the direction of educational content output, and teachers should be able to provide better educational services through refined categories and standardized courses; this requires camp companies to design all products with children as the core.

At present, domestic camp education is still in the stage of “barbaric growth”. On the one hand, on the demand side, the popularity of camp education is not high; The institution is also mainly engaged in the business of schools; in terms of camp construction, curriculum system and teacher qualifications, there is a lack of corresponding standards in China. In fact, the competition of camp education companies is the competition of educational products. Establishing their own product system and designing courses and products according to the training goals of children at different ages will win in this “chaos”.


The educational philosophy of camp education emphasizes the interaction between people and creates a good educational atmosphere. In the classroom, the teacher “teaches” knowledge to the students; in the camp, the counselor teacher “preaches” to the campers to cultivate their abilities, which is also different from educational institutions. The characteristics of camp education will use a large number of mentors, who are the soul of the entire camp. If an industry wants to develop, the most important thing is people: Only when excellent talents continue to gather in this industry can the industry have vitality and prospects; if an enterprise can continuously attract young people with ideas and enthusiasm to join, the enterprise can finally grow and develop stand up.

[Industry] The development of camp education follows the trend

Educational attributes are the most important attribute of camp education products, so it is very important to have a stable supply of teachers. Camp education needs to put the quality of instructors and people in the most important position. Because a mentor is a role model and a guide, the person who is most likely to influence children and help them grow. In the camp, children are everything to the tutor. The tutor needs to focus on the situation of each child every day, ranging from the safety equipment of the activity venue to the subtle emotional fluctuations of the children. They play many roles in the camp: friends, family members, leaders, guides…Facing children with different personalities from different family environments, they need to be patient enough to help them, love them, and listen to them , any subtle problem cannot be missed. Camp education is a practice in which life affects life. Doing a camp is not a vacation, or taking children to see the scenery that they no longer want to go after once or twice. Camp education is a real education that accompanies children to grow up. Children sometimes cry, homesick, and mischievous. The tutor needs a lot of patience to accompany and guide them. Therefore, we position camp education practitioners as educators, and “people” are precisely the core of education.

Minimal but not simplify 

Camp education aims to experience, gradually internalize the process of experience, and turn it into a transferable ability. Children participate in various projects every day, and each project has a small link. These links seem very simple, but they have very profound connotations. When children participate in various activities in the camp, they will accept various physical and psychological challenges. It seems that they are playing aimlessly, but in fact, the well-designed projects of a good camp will make the children’s The overall quality can be improved.

First of all, exam-oriented education urgently needs quality education to join. In fact, regardless of whether children in Western countries or China are under a lot of academic pressure, students are not surrounded by endless homework and extracurricular tutoring classes, so that quality education penetrates into every aspect of the educational process. Stages, every link, change the current state where everything revolves around the baton of the college entrance examination, and everything is based on the rate of entering a higher school. Camp education just meets the requirements of parents and children, which is why more and more parents choose camp education for their children during the holidays.

Second, gain a sense of honor and be recognized. Some links in camp education require everyone to work together. Collective rewards will give children a greater sense of honor. Tasks within a certain range of ability will be recognized and praised by instructors and parents, making them more confident. The sense of collective honor and achievement is more conducive to motivating them to learn. At the same time, the recognition from the adult world is also the motivation for them to participate in the new round of camp projects. In camp education, children will gradually learn to accept failure, go through the process of “try-fail-try-fail again”, gradually learn to laugh at failure, and gain something from failure.

A relatively free natural environment, the environment is particularly important for children, and a classroom environment that is different from the slightly dull classroom environment will definitely arouse children’s interest. From fresh air to tree-lined forests, from gurgling streams to majestic mountains, even an ordinary flower or a tender green grass may become a point of interest for children. Curiosity is the nature of children, and it is also the starting point for exploring the unknown world. Taking nature as an educational place helps to cultivate students’ living ability, survival ability and moral quality, and is an indispensable education method in the education system. The core of any form of education is still the learning concept itself, and the two cores of camp education are experiential learning and project-oriented learning.

Education no longer just happens in a walled school, it can happen anytime a child is awake: weekends, vacations; any location: school, home, outdoors, etc. What camp education needs to do is to provide such a generation with the possibility and platform of learning.