Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

After the opening of the Yakang Expressway, Ganzi Prefecture also implemented preferential policies such as half-price scenic spots in 2019.

1. Ticket prices for state-owned and non-state-owned 3A-level (including 3A-level) and above scenic spots in the prefecture, sightseeing cars, battery cars, and cableway fares will be halved on the basis of the prices approved by the price department; at the same time, Ganzi state-owned and non-state-owned 3A Other preferential policies previously open to tourism groups for scenic spots above the 3A level (including 3A level) remain unchanged.

2. The prices of star-rated hotels, brand hotels, and boutique hotels across the prefecture shall be 50% of the execution price in winter off-season.

3. The tolls of tourist team vehicles (buses, minibuses with more than 10 seats) from Chengdu to Kangding will be subsidized by 50% by the People’s Government of Ganzi Prefecture (the subsidy will be calculated by the scenic spot); For chartered cars, the off-season price will be implemented at 50% of the peak season price.

4. Tour groups flying from Chengdu to Daocheng can enjoy a discount of 30% off on the round trip, and tour groups flying from Chengdu to Kangding can enjoy a discount of 2.5% on the round trip.

It can also be seen from the announcement above

Preferential measures for hotels, tickets, sightseeing cars, cableways, etc.

In this way, you can think of the half price in Daocheng

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Although Ganzi is only a state in Sichuan, it occupies half of the beautiful scenery in western Sichuan!

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

There are majestic snow-capped mountains, vast grasslands, pure lakes, and green virgin forests.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

This is not Tibet, but it has a plateau scenery that does not lose to Tibet.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

This is piety full of faith, a true poem and afar!

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

The beauty of Sichuan lies in western Sichuan,

The beauty of western Sichuan lies in Ganzi.

The beauty of Ganzi is one that cannot be forgotten at a glance; today, the president will tell you what must-see places in Ganzi.

Daocheng Yading

Daocheng Yading is known as the last piece of pure land on the water blue planet, snow mountains, glaciers, canyons, forests, meadows, lakes… and the people living here, they make the world pure, Guard a piece of pure land, a soul that has not been polluted.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

If you have a chance, go to Daocheng, go to the distant place in the book, the place where the dream begins.


Some people say that if you have no special beliefs, take travel as your belief. If you have a place of pilgrimage in your heart, that place should be Seda.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

When the silver frost covers the igloo, the world is vast, and only faith flows, you will understand in a short time: “After Seda, there will be no Seda”

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Danba Tibetan Village

Jiaju Tibetan Village is the first among “the most beautiful villages in China”. The entire village is built according to the mountain, with beautiful scenery.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

The picture comes from the Internet

The houses full of ethnic characteristics are like pearls connected in series, and the emerald-like green grass and green trees reveal the simplicity of nature.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

The picture comes from Mafengwo [Space] Elegance

Xindu Bridge

Xindu Bridge, it is called “The Corridor of Photographers”, from here you can overlook the king of Shu Mountain – Gongga Mountain, the beauty of the scenery is beyond your expectations!

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

In autumn, the leaves of the cypress poplars in Xinduqiao turn golden yellow, and the fallen leaves are colorful and gorgeous.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

During the peak season, there are not many tourists here, and the world is quiet and clean. You will be addicted to the natural world and don’t want to wake up.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

© Mafengwo Yanwei

Lake Tsoka

Tsoka Lake, the jasper-like lake is crystal clear, collecting blue sky, white clouds, green trees, green mountains, and red temples like a kaleidoscope. It is the incarnation of gods in the minds of Xinlong people.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

There are no birds, no boats, and no debris on the lake. It is very quiet and clean. If Mugecuo Lake is a scarf draped in the mountains, then Tsoka Lake is an emerald inlaid on the Khamba Plateau.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for


Hailuogou, crawling at the foot of Gongga Snow Peak, is famous for its low-altitude modern glaciers. The majestic glaciers make this place so beautiful that you will be amazed by it in any season.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Hailuogou in winter is the most beautiful. Throughout the winter, Hailuogou is covered in ice and snow, and the Hailuogou glacier has restored its original appearance.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Yaqing Temple

This is the largest Juemu Temple in the world, which is a place that is even more beautiful than Sertar.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Every morning or dusk, the smoke from the kitchen fills the air, the river shines with golden light, and the sound of chanting sutras comes from far away with the wind, like the sound of heaven.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Wu Xuhai

Wuxu Sea, known as “the No. 1 sea in Kangba”, was published in the American “National Geographic” magazine as early as 1930, allowing the world to appreciate the beauty of western Sichuan in China for the first time!

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

© Baidu Encyclopedia

Standing by the lake, looking out as far as the eye can see, the lake is green and transparent, as quiet as a mirror. Looking at the lake, the heart will calm down, as if you are in the deep and distant sky.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

© Baidu Encyclopedia

There are also many cows and horses grazing leisurely by the lake, blending with the lake and mountains, and the landscape is poetic, probably so.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Derge Printing House

This is the “Encyclopedia of Tibetan Culture”, and it is an all-encompassing Tibetan world.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Over the past hundred years, the workers of the Sutra Printing House have never stopped the original printing. The stone roads around the courtyard have been polished extremely smooth by the years, quietly telling its long history.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Gongga Mountain

The peak platform of Gongga Mountain is covered by ice and snow all the year round, and the valleys and hillsides below the snow line are covered by dense virgin forests, surrounded by forests and clear lakes, which will always maintain a primitive and beautiful natural appearance.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

This is a famous mountain that is very popular with mountaineering enthusiasts. Hiking or cycling, you will find inner peace in this holy mountain.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for


Mugecuo is the largest alpine lake in Northwest Sichuan. The water quality is clear. When the breeze blows in the afternoon, the sandy beaches around Haizi present a dazzling golden yellow.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

The mysterious and beautiful Mugecuo Seven-color Sea is hidden deep in the green mountains. Here, the scenery is four seasons a day, and the weather is different in the morning and evening.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Tagong Grassland

Tagong grassland is more than 3,700 meters above sea level, and the undulating green grassland stretches as far as the eye can see.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

The thousand-year-old Tagong Temple stands quietly here, and the majestic Yala Snow Mountain is in the distance

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Zheduo Mountain

Zheduo Mountain, the first high mountain pass that needs to be crossed on the Sichuan-Tibet line, is known as “the first pass in Kangba”.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Zheduo Mountain is not only the watershed between the Dadu River and the Yalong River, but also the dividing line between Han and Tibetan cultures. After crossing Zheduo Mountain, you will officially enter the Kangba Tibetan area.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Quanhua Beach

There is a colorful calcification pool comparable to Huanglong Wucai Pool, which is very beautiful in the sun, like a dream.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

There are more than a dozen five-color pools of different sizes and shapes on each terrace. In the colorful pools, water and plants are interdependent, and stone flowers are dotted. It is suspected that the fairyland has come to the world. It is an indescribable beauty!

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Moxi Ancient Town

Moxi Ancient Town has a long history. Since ancient times, it has been the settlement of Han, Tibetan, Yi and other ethnic groups. Most of the town is ancient buildings left over from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, which are simple and quiet.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

What is worth stopping in the town is the Gothic church built by French missionaries in those days. It has a very different style. Although it appears in such an ancient town, it is very different, but it also has a special flavor.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

party ridge

Dangling Village is located at the foot of Xiaqiang Nie’a Snow Mountain, and the gurgling Geshizha River flows around the village, nourishing the cattle, horses, sheep and hardworking Jiarong Tibetan people here.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

© Trekking China

Here is located deep in the mountains, without the hustle and bustle of the city at all, and there is no busy traffic, only peaceful people and the curling smoke.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

There are also bright and pure Haizi, holy snow-capped mountains, and unbelievably fresh air. You can drink buttered tea and watch the clouds and clouds in the distance, which is very pleasant.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

© Trekking China


Mosca, a little-known fairy tale world, is also the fairyland in the legend.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Mosca, with its majestic mountains, tall and straight forests, amazing Haizi, and simple villagers, you will feel as if this place has been forgotten by the years when you walk in it.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

© Baidu Encyclopedia

Here, you experience the perfect state of “harmony between man and nature” between man and nature, full of harmony and beauty between man and nature.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

fairy lake

Fairy Lake is surrounded by snow-capped peaks, and the lake is blue-green in the daytime, like a piece of pure emerald inlaid among the snow-capped peaks. Every June and July, rhododendrons bloom by the lake, which is even more beautiful like a fairyland.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

pam ra.

Pam Ridge, one of the world’s three largest Vajra Hai mother mountain.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Pam Ridge is known as the paradise of Yajiang, where people feel elegant and peaceful, just like entering a paradise, the complicated and troubles in the busy city are completely gone.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Casa Lake

Kasa Lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides, the water surface is wide, and it is difficult to see the bottom.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

©Li Weizhong

When the weather is good, white clouds are floating in the blue sky, and fish are swimming in the clear water. At this time, it is very pleasant to take a walk by the Kasa Lake, or sit on the grass, in a daze.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Zongta Prairie

There are flocks of cattle and sheep on the broad grassland, with tents on top, and the famous Kham fox and lion sacred mountain is full of historical imprints lying quietly in the center of the grassland, as if immersed in endless worship.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Daofu Mystery

Some people say, “Garze is very beautiful, and Daofu has eight beauties.” In Daofu, an ancient city on the plateau at an altitude of 3,000 meters, you can always find a different beauty of the world.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

This lotus-like pure place has simple folk customs and a natural beauty that no one in the boudoir knows. Compared with Xinduqiao and Tagong, which are crowded with tourists, this place is obviously much quieter.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for


Xinluhai is named Yulong Lacuo in Tibetan. In Tibetan, jade means heart, dragon means tilt, and Lacuo means holy lake. From the name, we can tell that this is a place of beauty to the bone.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

© Baidu Travel

In the morning light, the mist hazes the green lake, and the milk-blue lake water becomes more and more holy. There are nima stone piles and six-character mantras beside the lake. You stand quietly by the lake, and you can’t bear to disturb the tranquility between heaven and earth.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

© Baidu Travel

Maoya Prairie

In summer, under the clear blue sky, there are flocks of cattle and sheep, the sky is full of green grass, and the wild flowers are in full bloom. You can feel the fragrance of flowers when you just roll around;

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

© Mafengwo

In autumn, the sky is clear and high, the clouds are white, and the vegetation is golden; in winter, it is covered with snow, and the original Chi wax statue. Seasonal changes endow the prairie with boundless charm and grace.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

sister lake

Haizishan Sister Lake is located between Litang and Daocheng, known as “the bright pearl on the Sichuan-Tibet line”.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

© Baidu Encyclopedia

In the distance of the busy G318 National Highway, two blue and clear plateau lakes are closely related to each other, like two beautiful girls, exuding intoxicating beauty between their breaths.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

The picture comes from the Internet

On a sunny day, the sky is blue, the clouds are rolling, and the dazzling sunlight on the plateau passes through the clouds, forming brilliant light and shadows between the snow-capped mountains and the two beautiful lakes. The beauty is indescribable!

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

© Baidu Encyclopedia


Cuopugou Natural Ecological Reserve is located in Batang County, Haizi Mountain, Ganzi Prefecture, western Sichuan. It condenses the beauty of Sichuan and Tibet, snow mountains, grasslands, forests, lakes, temples, mountains, Tibetan customs…

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

For thousands of years, she has lived quietly in a corner of western Sichuan, independent of the world, and the years are quiet. There are too many beauties here that you can’t imagine. If you meet her one day, you will never forget it.

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

© Ctrip

Ganzi hides too much beauty in Sichuan. At present, the Chengya Railway has been opened to traffic, and it takes 3.5 hours to travel from Chengdu to Kangding! Are you excited?

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for

Ganzi, although located in Sichuan, does not lose to Tibet,

There is so much beauty hidden here,

At a glance, you will be addicted to the beauty,

Damei Ganzi, you have to go once in your life.

(ps. The picture is reprinted from the WeChat official account of Travel Consulting Agency)

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· END ·

Information丨The whole territory of Ganzi Prefecture is half-price for 3A and above scenic spots, and various tourist discounts are really worth fighting for