Information丨Yakang Expressway speed limit you need to know! More than 1,400 “eyes” realize precise monitoring

Information丨Yakang Expressway speed limit you need to know! More than 1,400

On December 31, Yakang Expressway will be completed and put into trial operation nine months ahead of schedule.

As the first expressway leading to the hinterland of the Western Sichuan Plateau, how to ensure traffic safety is a major challenge. On December 30, the day before the trial opening of Yakang Expressway, the police from the Ninth Brigade of the Fourth Sub-Bureau of the Expressway Public Security Bureau of the Sichuan Provincial Public Security Department revealed to reporters that this expressway has the highest technological content in traffic safety and the most intelligent expressway in Sichuan.

Information丨Yakang Expressway speed limit you need to know! More than 1,400

Full visibility: More than 1,400 sets of high-definition monitoring fully cover the abnormal automatic alarm in the tunnel

According to Wang Tao, Captain of the Ninth Brigade of the Fourth Branch of the Expressway Public Security Bureau of the Sichuan Provincial Public Security Department, there are four monitoring centers on the Yakang Expressway, including the Daxing Monitoring Center and the three sub-centers of Tianquan, Xingou, and Luding. When the police situation is discovered, the nearest police force is scientifically mobilized to deal with it, which greatly improves the efficiency of road accident handling.

A total of more than 1,400 sets of high-definition monitoring equipment have been deployed on the entire section of Yakang Expressway, with a coverage rate of 95%, and a coverage rate of 100% on key sections. The next step will be to achieve 100% coverage of the entire section. That is to say, no matter what you do on Yakang Expressway, there are at least a pair of “eyes” looking at you.

So many high-definition bayonets, what functions do they have? According to Wang Tao, in addition to routine speeding, not wearing seat belts according to regulations, intentionally covering license plates, changing lanes at will, and occupying emergency lanes in non-emergency situations, high-definition monitoring can also be used to pick up and call phones while driving. Capture phone behaviors, analyze vehicle decks and fake licenses, and send alarms to suspect vehicles. The camera in the tunnel also integrates the image fire recognition function and the parking detection function, mainly for fire safety warning and parking capture in the tunnel. Brake failure detection.

At the same time, Yakang Expressway currently has 35 F-type information boards, 3 portal-type information boards, and 800 meters of LED information boards in the tunnel, which mainly play a role in the following four aspects: safety warning, traffic guidance, publicity and education, and duty assistance.

Information丨Yakang Expressway speed limit you need to know! More than 1,400

The whole process can be measured: monitoring 6 kinds of meteorological information and automatic full-time early warning of geological disasters

According to the reporter’s understanding, the monitoring equipment on the Yakang Expressway can realize the functions of flow monitoring, fixed-point and interval speed measurement; capture illegal activities such as not wearing a seat belt, driving and answering mobile phones, and analyze the trajectory of the vehicle, and count multiple times in a day. Number plate analysis, etc. Through the bayonet system to capture pictures, it can also realize the face recognition function.

However, the area that Yakang Expressway passes through has complex terrain and large altitude drop, and it is not only the vehicles driving on the road that cause safety hazards.

According to Wang Tao, nine meteorological systems have been deployed along the Yakang Expressway, which can monitor six major meteorological elements: atmospheric temperature, atmospheric humidity, wind speed, wind direction, air pressure, and rainfall; Monitoring, and real-time feedback to the background for automatic analysis and early warning.

A total of 75 sets of Beidou geological disaster early warning modules have been installed on the Yakang Expressway to monitor the settlement data of important points for 24 hours and send them back in real time. Through background analysis, it is possible to know whether there is a geological disaster risk in the road section in a timely manner.

In addition, the Road Safety Department of Yakang Expressway Company has also established a normal drone patrol unit to conduct hidden danger inspections on high and steep slopes and bridge sections, and eliminate safety hazards in a timely manner.

Information丨Yakang Expressway speed limit you need to know! More than 1,400

The whole process is controllable: multi-party cooperation “integration of five positions” “advanced technology + scientific management” to ensure the safety of Yakang

According to the reporter’s understanding, the Ninth Brigade of the Fourth Sub-bureau of the Expressway Public Security Bureau of the Sichuan Provincial Public Security Department accelerated the reform of the police mechanism. Intercommunication, resource sharing, flat and efficient command system.

Through the above-mentioned advanced technological means and scientific management mode, Yakang Expressway can basically achieve early detection, early warning and early disposal of severe weather, traffic accidents and emergencies, and ensure the accurate collection of illegal evidence and accurate records of emergencies to the greatest extent.

Wang Tao said that at 18:18 on November 6 this year, a truck spontaneously ignited in the Labahe Tunnel Group of Yakang Expressway. The road safety personnel of the highway company, highway police, and traffic law enforcement arrived at the scene one after another and successfully completed the disposal work, which perfectly embodies the scientific operation of the “five posts in one” model.

It is reported that in 2018, Yakang Expressway Public Security and Yakang Expressway Company investigated 2,734 hidden dangers. The “video patrol + Beidou disaster system + road inspection” function was obvious, and 1,742 hidden dangers were found and rectified; 217 construction areas were supervised. When the Lu section was opened to traffic 21 months ahead of schedule, the Yakang Expressway police checked the safety protection settings in the construction area through video. Up to now, there has not been a single safety production accident; in 2018, 23,285 violations were cracked down through video dynamics, including 23,122 speeding captures 106 cases of illegal parking in emergency lanes, 198 cases involving license plates and certificates, 8 cases of high-speed reversing, retrograde, and U-turns, 5 stolen and stolen vehicles were blocked, 6 cases were transferred for suspected illegal operation, and 61 people were detained administratively.

In the next step, in combination with the actual work of public security on expressways in Tibetan areas, 10 sets of bayonet equipment will be added to the Yalu section of Yakang Expressway, and 9 sets of bayonet equipment will be added to the Lukang section. At the same time, the ultra-long tunnel group of the Lukang section will be equipped with police To manage technology and equipment, Yakang Expressway Public Security will establish a law enforcement and case-handling cooperation mechanism with public security organs along the station to do a good job in the management of Yakang Expressway and create a good road traffic environment for the people to enter and exit Ganzi.

Which cars can go on Yakang Expressway? What is the speed limit? Authoritative interpretation of high-speed traffic police

In order to do a good job in the road traffic safety management of the Yakang Expressway, the Ninth Brigade of the Fourth Sub-bureau of the Expressway Public Security Bureau of the Sichuan Provincial Public Security Department intervened in advance, put forward construction requirements for public security management, and worked with the Yakang Expressway Company to study and solve related safety hazards, and do a good job in taking over Various work preparations. The high-speed traffic police authoritatively interpreted the traffic flow and control situation after the opening of Yakang Expressway.

Information丨Yakang Expressway speed limit you need to know! More than 1,400

1. Traffic characteristics of Yakang Expressway along the whole line

[One Bridge] Xingkang Super Bridge, a super-long-span steel truss suspension bridge built in a high-altitude, high-seismic intensity zone, and complex strong wind field environment, faces a cross wind of up to 12 levels, and gusts of more than 8 levels can be irregular According to this, if the minibus is subjected to a gust of wind greater than level 8, it may face the possibility of rollover.

[One Tunnel] The Erlangshan Tunnel is 13.4 kilometers long, the longest expressway tunnel in the high-altitude area of ​​Sichuan;

[Two groups] The 10.9-kilometer Labahe Tunnel Group and the 30-kilometer Lukang Tunnel Group.

[Altitude difference of 1900 meters] The highest altitude is 2500 meters (Kangding), the lowest altitude is 600 meters (Yaan), the highest altitude of 2500 is higher than the 2200 meters of the Yaxi Expressway, and the altitude difference of 1900 meters is equivalent to you climbing a Huashan Mountain. (Huashan North Peak is 1614 meters above sea level)

[Super-long downhill] There is a 110-kilometer long downhill section from Kangding to Ya’an. The traffic management situation of this road section is extremely severe, and will be introduced later.

[High Tunnel Ratio] The bridge-tunnel ratio of the Yakang Expressway is 82%, of which the Lukang section reaches 96%.

[Luding Service Area] The first three-dimensional service area in Sichuan. Located between Laba River Tunnel Group + Erlangshan Tunnel and Luding Dadu River Bridge + Lukang Section Tunnel Group, it can provide services such as rest, food, water refill, and toilet use.

2. After the opening of the Lukang section, can all vehicles use the Yakang Expressway?


(1) The Yalu section (0KM-K95) prohibits the passage of heavy and medium-sized trucks (yellow cards) and vehicles transporting dangerous chemicals. In other words, passenger vehicles and blue trucks can pass through the Yalu section normally.

(2) The Lukang section (K95–K135) prohibits the passage of all trucks; prohibits the passage of passenger vehicles with more than 7 seats (not included); prohibits the passage of vehicles transporting highly toxic and dangerous chemicals.

In other words, only passenger cars with seven seats or less are allowed to pass.

Military and police vehicles, fire trucks, ambulances, emergency rescue vehicles, and vehicles engaged in expressway management and maintenance activities on the Yakang Expressway are not subject to this restriction.

Information丨Yakang Expressway speed limit you need to know! More than 1,400

3. Are there any traffic control measures?


In accordance with the winter control requirements of the traffic management department of the public security organ, traffic control is carried out at the main line of Yakang Expressway K95 (the exit from Yakang to Erlangshan Tunnel), and the next station is forced to detour.

Vehicles heading to Kangding need to enter the Luding service area from the Luding off-ramp according to the signs. They can stop and rest in the service area and then follow the detour prompts to enter the Luding section through the traffic control point in the service area.

From Kangding to Ya’an, after entering the toll station from Kangding, the vehicles will drive directly along the main line of the expressway, and follow the instructions of the traffic signs to drive normally without detours.

4. What is the speed limit on the Lukang section?

Since Luding to Kangding is a group of tunnels, according to the regulations of the traffic management department of the public security organ, the speed limit for the whole journey is 80KM/H, please do not drive over the speed limit.

All the civilian auxiliary policemen of the Ninth Brigade of the Fourth Branch of the Expressway Public Security Bureau of the Sichuan Provincial Public Security Department will stick to their posts and perform their duties faithfully, and strive to create a safe and smooth road traffic environment for the masses.

(Source: Expressway Four Teams, Sichuan Daily Observation, Kangding Micro Life Compilation)