Initiate “Ling Gathering Day” together, Jiangxi Isuzu’s five themed activities and user “Ling” distance carnival

On May 10, China Brand Day ushered in its fourth birthday. Starting from this year, 5.10 will also be the “5.10 Bell Gathering Day” of Jiangxi Isuzu. On May 10, 2020, at the off-line ceremony of Jiangxi Isuzu light truck “Yingfang ES” in Nanchang, Jiangxi, Mr. Zhu Yi, general manager of Jiangxi Isuzu Automobile Co., Ltd., announced the news.

As one of the representative brands in China’s automobile industry, Jiangxi Isuzu has always adhered to the user-centered approach in the development process and made products with ingenuity and “quality”. Loyal users, in order to better appreciate and give back to users, and better communicate and exchange with users, “5.10 Ling Ju Day” came into being.


7 years of steady progress, Jiangxi Isuzu rooted in the gene of caring for users    

Since its establishment in 2013, Jiangxi Isuzu has been committed to applying first-class technology and craftsmanship to gradually improve the layout of pickup truck products. In March 2020, the sales volume of complete vehicles increased by 15.7% year-on-year, and the pickup truck market share rose to 10.7%, ranking first among high-end joint venture pickup truck brands. In 2018, mu-X Shepherd Ranger officially became the official vehicle of “China National Geographic”, and continued to create scientific research activities of “Walking thousands of miles, exploring China”. In 2019, Jiangxi Isuzu Pickup took the lead in putting forward the brand proposition of “creating a new pickup life”, and launched a series of high-end pickup lifestyle experience activities, giving the pickup lifestyle a new definition.

Now, the off-line of the ES model of the light truck wing also means that the development of Jiangxi Isuzu will enter a new stage. We have reasons to believe that in the future, the brand competitiveness of Jiangxi Isuzu will continue to rise.


Practical and firm, Jiangxi Isuzu has always been keenly aware of changes in the market structure, and is steadily walking on the road of sustainable corporate development. In addition to insisting on building a positive brand culture and striving to produce excellent products that can stand the test of the market, Jiangxi Isuzu also attaches great importance to communication with users. 

With the voice of the users, “5.10 Bell Gathering Day” comes sincerely

The rapid development of Jiangxi Isuzu is inseparable from the support and choices of users. Some of them are tired of the boring “home” life, and choose to start camping with mu-X Ranger on weekends, let the deep-seated self-driving off-road dream start again, experience the rapid power on the winding mountain road, and playfully call themselves “Big White Car Owner”. Some are loyal fans of D-MAX, and father and son soldiers marched along the border to find the original heart and high spirits of life. D-MAX has the advantages of large cargo capacity, strong power, durability, anti-corrosion and anti-corrosion, which perfectly cope with the uncertainty of the field environment.

The owners of Jiangxi Isuzu have a lot of tenacity. Blessed by their actions, they are bravely moving forward for each moment. They are a group of doers who want to do it! They share the same aspirations and interests with Jiangxi Isuzu.


Brand Day is an important bridge for effective communication between brands and users, and it is a manifestation of the high recognition of the values ​​of both parties. Jiangxi Isuzu needs “5.10 Bells Day” to have more active interactive communication with users, and users need “5.10 Bells Day” and Jiangxi Isuzu to express their emotions and support more directly.

Five themed activities, and users “ring” distance carnival

“5.10 Bell Gathering Day” was fully launched, and five major themed activities thanked users. Jiangxi Isuzu embraced users with rich activities and forms, and gave back to users with visible benefits and caring care:


Activity 1 – “Bell” from Yifang, enjoy the big gift first in May

The comprehensive pre-sale of Jiangxi Isuzu light truck Yifang ES is hot. From now until June 30, Jiangxi Isuzu and its dealers will launch a pre-sale gift event for Wing Fang ES. Buying a car will give you a 2,000 yuan fuel card. We look forward to your participation!

Activity 2 – “Bing” yuan maintenance, worry-free car purchase

The grand “bell gathering day” enjoys brand care. Car buyers on the day of May 10, 2020 (based on the date of the car purchase invoice) will enjoy free maintenance services (including engine oil, engine filter, and working hours) for the brand month of May every year for life, which is caring and value-for-money!

Activity 3 – “Ling” is away from the May Car Buying Festival

Jiangxi Isuzu Hundred Cities Linkage Customer Association. In May 2020, Jiangxi Isuzu joined hands with dealers to grandly open a user gathering in hundreds of cities, and launched a huge promotional activity for all pickup truck models. Caring throughout the whole process, answering questions on the spot, and giving away special gifts!

Activity 4 – “Bell” Wonderland Fan Science Research

Every departure has sublimation, and every journey is a new exploration. Drive your car and follow the “Chinese National Geographic” to experience the wonderland, enjoy the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, feel the charm of the ultimate scientific research, and explore the magnificent land of China from a scientific perspective.

Event crowd: all D-MAX/mu-X Ranger owners;

Activities Highlights: Hanzhong Tiankeng Group Expedition, Taihang Mountain Cross-country Expedition, Karst Tiankeng Cave Expedition, Tianshan Jinghu Exploration, Daliang Mountain Fault Zone Investigation, Ancient Huizhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Investigation, Tianshan Argali Investigation, Jinfo Mountain Black Langur Investigation, Liaohe Estuary Red-crowned crane inspection;

How to sign up: Consult dealers from all over the world to sign up, 20 people per station.

Activity 5 – “Bell” Moving Fan Festival

Gather the years to be quiet and look for beautiful moments. Discover the “5.10” in life, upload your “5.10” works during the event, repost and like, and you will have the opportunity to win a 10,000 yuan scientific examination quota, a 1,000 yuan Jingdong E card, Jiangxi Isuzu car models, Bluetooth speakers and other colorful gifts. During the event, many big names in the industry sat in the Douyin live broadcast room, and the thousand yuan red envelopes were kept grabbing!

Scan the QR code below to learn more about the event details, action is worse than action, hurry up and participate~


For the above activities, please consult your local dealer for details. We are waiting for you, just waiting for you to come!

The establishment of “5.10 Bell Gathering Day” means that the brand development of Jiangxi Isuzu has entered a new stage. From then on, May 10 is no longer just “China Brand Day”, but also “Jiangxi Isuzu Brand Day”, which is a fan carnival day for Jiangxi Isuzu. In the future, Jiangxi Isuzu, which is poised for growth, will continue to further enhance its brand value in multiple dimensions, strive to create higher-quality model products, and bring more diverse and more reliable choices to users!