Integration of culture and tourism under the concept of global tourism

Tourism is an effective means to develop the economy, increase employment and meet people’s needs for a better life, and is an important industry to improve people’s living standards. In recent years, my country’s tourism economy has grown rapidly, the industrial structure has become more and more perfect, and the market size and quality have been simultaneously improved. Tourism has become a strategic pillar industry of the national economy. However, with the advent of the era of mass tourism, problems such as insufficient effective supply of tourism in my country, irregular market order, and imperfect systems and mechanisms have become increasingly prominent. Develop all-for-one tourism, take a certain area as a complete tourist destination, take tourism as an advantageous industry, unify planning and layout, optimize public services, promote industrial integration, strengthen comprehensive management, and implement systematic marketing, which is conducive to continuously improving the modernization and intensification of tourism. , high-quality, and international level are conducive to better meet the needs of tourism consumption. —— “Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting the Development of Global Tourism”

Integration of culture and tourism under the concept of global tourism

At present, it is necessary to promote the development of global tourism as an important starting point, proceed from the overall situation of regional development, unify planning, integrate resources, and gather new forces for the development of global tourism. Vigorously promote “tourism +”, promote industrial integration, industry-city integration, comprehensively enhance the new functions of tourism development, make the development results benefit all parties, and build a new pattern of co-construction and sharing of all-for-one tourism.

1 The depth of cultural tourism experience reaches a new height

The ever-growing intangible cultural heritage items have become tourist crafts; agricultural, sideline and native products have become tourist commodities; rural mountain dwellings have become homestays; traditional folk customs have become new tourist experiences…

At present, cultural tourism is expanding the opportunities for local residents in tourist spots to find employment at home and increase their income, injecting new momentum into economic development. From south to north, from mountain villages to cities, from sightseeing to experience, tourism has become an important industry to increase people’s income and improve people’s living standards.

Moreover, the tourism industry is developing in the direction of professionalism, high-quality products, characteristics, and innovation. It has deeply explored cultural connotations and provided rich tourism cultural products. self-employed.

With the improvement of people’s living standards, the demand for a better life is embodied in the increase in the need for spiritual and cultural life and the increase in the pursuit of happiness. Tourism, culture, sports, health, and elderly care have become the “five major happiness industries”. The integration of culture and tourism, from natural scenery tourism to cultural tourism; from shallow “visit here” to in-depth cultural experience, culture enriches tourism The content also improves the cultural added value and tourism quality.

The “Guiding Opinions” proposes to explore the “four-in-one” all-for-one tourism development model of famous places, famous cities, famous towns and famous villages.

This means that global tourism will open a new model. The creation of the “four-in-one” global tourism development model will promote global tourism to enter a more refined and intensive stage.

The reason why the “Guiding Opinions” emphasizes the need to prevent a thousand cities, a thousand villages, and a thousand scenery is to ensure that the “four-in-one” global tourism development model does not follow the old path of homogeneity, but to establish differentiated cultural competitiveness , With differentiated cultural competitiveness, there is hope for cultural revival.

Integration of culture and tourism under the concept of global tourism

2. Cultural tourism generates new products

The “Guiding Opinions” proposes: in-depth excavation of historical culture, regional characteristic culture, ethnic folk culture, traditional farming culture, etc., implement the revitalization plan of Chinese traditional crafts, and improve the quality of traditional craft products and the cultural content of tourism products. Actively utilize new energy, new materials and new technological equipment to improve the scientific and technological content of tourism products. Promote ecological technologies such as resource recycling, ecological restoration, and harmless treatment, strengthen comprehensive environmental management, and increase the ecological content of tourism development.

Whether it is the mutual reflection of historical culture and modern culture, or the integrated promotion of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, it will continue to enrich the “cultural content” of tourism products. This “cultural content” will not only greatly enhance the tourist experience, but also increase capital. landing speed.

Integration of culture and tourism under the concept of global tourism 

3 Examination of cultural tourism resources under the concept of global tourism

1. Greatly expanded the extension of cultural tourism resources

From the perspective of global tourism, cultural tourism resources are tourism resources composed of all cultural factors, social factors or other factors that are attractive to tourists in a certain area.

Cultural resources provide the profound, lasting and most attractive elements for the development of tourism. With the advent of the era of mass tourism, diverse cultural tourism resources are increasingly attractive to tourists, and cultural experience has a more significant impact on tourists’ travel choices, and even becomes a decisive factor for the sustainable development of local tourism.

2. Greatly extended cultural tourism consumption

From the perspective of global tourism, cultural tourism consumption covers almost all consumption activities of people in a certain area during tourism and leisure time.

The study of cultural tourism consumption from the perspective of global tourism is a breakthrough in the boundaries of traditional tourism and a breakthrough in the concept of traditional tourism industry. Its significance lies in urging the suppliers of tourism products to develop tourism around people’s needs, not only to maximize the localization of tourists’ consumption, but also to find ways to create new demand points.

For consumers, tourism is a social activity that leaves home to seek novelty, knowledge, and entertainment. During tourism activities, people are always touching the pulse of culture, perceiving the charm of culture, and absorbing cultural nutrition;

For producers, it is not only necessary to transform the existing cultural tourism resources into salable tourism market products, but also to actively perceive and respond to people’s spiritual and material needs, which not only meets the material enjoyment needs of the people, but also satisfies the needs of the people. The spiritual development needs of the masses.

It can be seen that the development of cultural tourism consumption has unlimited space and unlimited potential.

3. Greatly promoted the integrated development of culture and tourism

Under the global tourism development model, the culture in cultural tourism must refer to the big culture, which is the mass culture including professional culture. For example, many famous tourist cities in the world are themselves famous cultural cities. Vienna, known as the “City of Music”, has become a world-renowned cultural tourism center with its relics related to many famous musicians. Prague, Venice, Paris, etc. have also become world-famous cultural tourist destinations for music, film or art.

The integrated development of tourism and culture can create many wonderful tourism products and famous tourist destinations, such as:

◆ Combining tourism with material and intangible cultural heritage, it can create innovative experience tourism, study tour and traditional village leisure tourism;

◆ The integration of tourism, cultural creativity and digital cultural industries can develop cultural performing arts tourism, themed and characteristic tourism performances;

◆ The combination of tourism and red culture can promote the popularization and normalization of patriotism and revolutionary traditional education;

◆ The integration of tourism and health care can promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine health culture, hot spring tourism, special tourism for the elderly, etc.;

◆ The integrated development of tourism and education can provide off-campus classrooms for the comprehensive quality education of primary and middle school students;

◆ The integrated development of tourism and sports will greatly promote the development of the sports industry, transform competitive sports into sports activities for public participation, and expand market influence.

Integration of culture and tourism under the concept of global tourism

Four Concerns of Deep Integration of Culture and Tourism

The integration of culture and tourism has a lot of knowledge, culture has the logic of culture, and tourism has the logic of tourism. It cannot be done well by taking it for granted, nor can it be realized by spending money. Excavate, tell a good story, seek a good project, and make a good product.

If culture and tourism are just a simple addition, although there are hometowns of celebrities and historical allusions in various places, they are still the same as a thousand cities, a thousand villages, and a thousand scenery. They have no characteristics and individuality, cannot move people’s hearts, and cannot find emotional resonance with modern people;

If culture + tourism is just a conceptual hype, it will leave unfinished cultural tourism towns and deserted man-made scenic spots after a lively period;

If culture and tourism are still “two skins”, it will lead to the popularity of tourism real estate and the similarity of tourism products, and the tourism experience will be cold and weak, without stories and warmth, and it will not go far.

Integration of culture and tourism under the concept of global tourism

5 Integration of culture and tourism requires systematic thinking

“Culture is the soul of tourism, and tourism is the carrier of culture.” This has become a consensus on the integration of culture and tourism in recent years, and it also guides the practice of various places. A festival brings a different experience to tourists; a tourism performance gives tourists a reason to stay; staying a few days longer directly drives tourism consumption several times more.

From the Fishing Festival in Xiangshan to the Water-Splashing Festival of the Dai Nationality, from the Flower Festival in Qinghai to the Folk Song Festival in Nanning, from the Dragon Boat Festival in the Dragon Boat Festival to the climbing in the Double Ninth Festival, from live performances to indoor performances, from “Impression Series” to “Eternal Love series”, from food culture to festival culture, culture enriches the experience of tourism, tourism provides funds and channels for the protection, development, inheritance and promotion of culture, and the integration of culture and tourism realizes a virtuous circle and win-win cooperation.

The genetic advantage of culture lies in resources, while the genetic advantage of tourism lies in flow. If there is no financial support and no personnel participation in the protection and inheritance of culture, it can only be “raised in the deep boudoir”. It is precisely because of the support of tourism that it has gained funds and popularity, and the culture has also gained new life and development.

Integration of culture and tourism under the concept of global tourism

Six Implementation Paths of Deep Integration of Culture and Tourism

What aspects will the deep integration of culture and tourism focus on? Industry insiders gave systematic thinking and implementation paths:

In terms of enriching tourism content, cultural sites such as traditional villages, cultural relics and museums, memorial halls, art galleries, art galleries, world cultural heritage, and intangible cultural heritage exhibition halls should be scientifically used to carry out cultural and cultural heritage tourism, and promote theater, performing arts, The entertainment, animation and other industries are integrated with the tourism industry to carry out cultural experience tourism.

In terms of improving the quality of tourism products, it is necessary to dig deep into historical culture, regional characteristic culture, ethnic folk culture, etc., implement the revitalization plan of Chinese traditional crafts, and improve the quality of traditional craft products and the cultural content of tourism products.

In terms of operation mode, it is necessary to promote the transformation of the tourism industry from “ticket economy” to “industrial economy”, from extensive and inefficient methods to refined and efficient methods, from exclusive use of enterprises to social joint construction and sharing, and from internal management of scenic spots to comprehensive law-based Governance transformation, realizing the double-chain interaction of “tourism +” and “culture +”.

In terms of marketing, further improve the level of tourism promotion and promotion of scenic spots, restaurants and hotels, dig deep into local culture, display regional characteristics, and do a good job in business activities, cultural festivals, sports events, well-known colleges, urban and rural communities, rural folk customs, and excellent ecology and other tourism publicity and promotion, and use culture to enhance the overall attractiveness of tourism.

Source: Phoenix Art

Original Title: The Integration of Culture and Tourism under the Concept of Global Tourism

Arranging: Travel Thoughts and Horses

The picture is from Unsplash, licensed based on the CC0 agreement
