Knowing how to play is a kind of ability, can you play?

“Play” is an advanced state of life.

A “fun” person must be full of curiosity about life, full of love for life, and able to do boring things with great interest.

Knowing how to play is a kind of ability, can you play?

The ability to play is constantly deteriorating. Playing is no stranger to many of us; but as we grow older, few people can “play” unrestrainedly and wholeheartedly like in childhood . While our ability to earn a living is constantly improving, our ability to play is constantly being degraded and forgotten.

Knowing how to play is a kind of ability, can you play?

95% of people can’t play. In China , more than 95% of people can’t play, less than 5% can play, and less than 1% can play professionally; “playing” has become a very luxurious thing for many people.

Knowing how to play is a kind of ability, can you play?

Players: With people who can play and interesting content as the core, there are many people who can play on the platform, so that those who want to play can accurately find people who can play, and play with them, focusing on customer experience and service. Let play create value, so that all participants become value creators and stakeholders.

Knowing how to play is a kind of ability, can you play?

Knowing how to play is a kind of ability, can you play?

Knowing how to play is a kind of ability, can you play?

Knowing how to play is a kind of ability, can you play?

Knowing how to play is a kind of ability, can you play?

Knowing how to play is a kind of ability, can you play?

1. [Player Gathering Platform] Discover and discover the best players in various fields in the world – build a global high-quality player gathering platform

2. [Panwan social platform] Let those who want to play can accurately find those who can play – create a social platform for precise connection between players and players

3. [Panwan IP building platform] Create player IPs and dig out content in depth – create a whole industry chain platform for the realization of IP in the field of “Panwan”

4. [Wanka core main line] main line: who to play with, what to play, how to play

5. [Extensive play content output] Bring together all kinds of people who can play and interesting content.

6. Wanka APP, listen to the players’ own stories, and create a Wanka unicorn in the field of pan-playing

7. Wanka APP has social networking, circles, stories, content, fans, resources and various fields

      most playful person

8. If you want to play, play with the best people

Knowing how to play is a kind of ability, can you play?