Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Departure time, May 2020, road conditions and weather for your reference.

Chengdu to Dangling

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

As soon as we set off, the mood is particularly good. It is a bit cloudy these days, and the road behind is basically cloudy and snowy. Recently, there was a blizzard in the Tibetan area. Fortunately, our route was avoided, but we still encountered blizzard at the pass.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Danba County, Ganzi Prefecture, passed by a place called Leilei Village. It was very beautiful and made a card from a distance.

Party age to Ganzi

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

I wanted to go on a walk for Dangling, but unfortunately it rained and the weather was bad, so I continued to set off.

It has been raining in Ganzi for the past two days. After the rain, many earthworms burrowed out of the ground and climbed onto the road. These Tibetan women with children gently picked up the earthworms on the ground, took care of them and sent them to a place far away from the road. On the grass, they found a new “home” for them.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

They extend their love for life to the little earthworms, and their compassion without artificiality is the nature of Tibetans. They believe that this is also a kind of practice.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Tibetans are in awe of life, and at the same time have a thorough understanding of life and death. Their deep-rooted Buddhist beliefs make their acceptance of impermanence and death more indifferent than any other ethnic group. They accept everything that has happened because they believe that the world has Multiple, not just this real world.

They pay more attention to the death of the deceased than to all worldly affairs, and they constantly recite sutras for the afterlife, hoping to be liberated.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Ganzi to Daofu

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Arrived in Dege County, which just exited the poverty-stricken county on February 18 this year. The average elevation of the county is 4235 meters.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

In the small and beautiful Dege County, there is a sutra printing institute standing peacefully. For three hundred years, the workers of the sutra printing institute have never stopped working. It is admirable to be able to form a large-scale collection of books, organize, compile, and proofread so precisely. big project.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

The 317 line is really more interesting than the 318 line. There are too many highlights, and the human landscape is invincible.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

This is the “Hogwarts Library” in the Tibetan area. The dark edition library is lit by sunlight through the windows. To prevent fire, the scripture printing house is not equipped with electric lights. The visibility of the shelves is extremely poor. But you can quickly find the one you need among the hundreds of thousands of scriptures without any difficulty, just like the hand of God.

Daofu to Qamdo

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

From Dege County, Sichuan, to Jiangda County, Tibet via the Jinsha River Bridge, you only need to swipe your ID card, and no other proof is required.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

On the way, I met an ascetic who is said to meditate here every day, with white hair, sitting cross-legged on a small dirt slope ten meters high, with a Buddhist bead in his left hand and a prayer wheel in his right hand, reciting words, very transcendent… A nearby lama came to visit, and the two seemed to have a different language and chatted happily.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

I have met many ascetic monks in Nepal, from all over the world, attending grand local gatherings.

Qamdo to Dingqing

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Do you know why Cordyceps is so expensive? Because digging cordyceps is a career that started as a baby, it is really hard to meet Tibetans who dig cordyceps on the roadside. They bring dry food and children to soak in the hillsides all day looking for cordyceps.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

This is the main income of the year. The price of Cordyceps has dropped this year, but the price of good Cordyceps is still firm.

I have met some reliable friends who sell Cordyceps over the years, and I can tell whether the Cordyceps is good or bad at a glance, but now the fake can be completely invisible to the layman. Consumers should be cautious and must find reliable sellers.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

The monkeys on the road were rampant, and they went straight to the car to eat.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Cordyceps army on the road.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Passing by Wala Wuming Buddhist College, there are many Buddhist colleges in Tibet called Wuming Buddhist College, which is the largest Buddhist college of Sakya inheritance in China.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Qiangbaling Monastery is located in Qamdo, Tibet. It is the largest monastery in eastern Tibet. It is the earliest and largest Gelug monastery in Kham, with more than 5,000 monks.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

The lamas you can see here are very easy-going and easy-going, carrying water, chatting and chatting, you smile at him and you smile naturally. Unlike some famous temples and movies, the religious life you see here will not shock you, but is relaxed and easy-going, as if all this piety is just the most common one in daily life, eating and sleeping. In the same way, nature goes deep into life.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

As an open temple, people can come and go as they please, and no one interferes even if they enter the main hall to take photos.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Zizhu Temple

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

The favorite place of this trip is Zizhu Temple. Zizhu Temple is located on Zizhu Mountain, a famous sacred mountain in Dingqing County, Qamdo, Tibet, with an altitude of 4,800 meters. There are not many people here, and regular tour groups are basically not arranged here.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Driving to Jue’en Township, Dingqing County, on the G317 National Highway, you can see the Zizhu Temple located on a high mountain. However, the road from the national highway to Zizhu Temple was a bit difficult and dangerous. The car bumped on the winding dirt road that climbed all the way. The 37-kilometer road climbed nearly a thousand meters, with bare cliffs on one side and deep ravines on the other.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Zizhu Temple is one of the oldest, most important and highest-altitude temples of the Bon religion in Yongzhong. It is also the temple with the most complete Bon teaching system. It has preserved a large number of Bon scriptures, religious ceremonies and instruments. Because Zizhu Mountain is the dojo of Guanyin Bodhisattva, this mountain has also become a sacred mountain where Bon religion believes in the supremacy.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Legend has it that in the era when Buddhism entered Tibet and gradually subverted Bon religion, ten eminent monks with the highest qualifications of Bon religion did not want to mobilize their followers to fight with blood, so they quietly disappeared with 180 of the most precious Bon scriptures. Some of them came to Zizhu Mountain and felt the magical terrain here. They believed that it was a place of natural blessings. After settling down here, they practiced silently. Then there is Zizhu Temple.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Because Zizhu Temple is located in a steep and high mountain place, it is far away from the world, so it has always maintained a pure practice atmosphere. In the vicissitudes of history for thousands of years, it has also experienced many hardships. The thirtieth Tibetan king Chisong Dezan eliminated benzene, and the Red Guards destroyed the temple… It is not easy to maintain it to this day.

“Zizhu” means six peaks, symbolizing Guanyin Bodhisattva’s wisdom and compassion to save all sentient beings in the six realms and help them move from their troubles to the road to liberation. The six peaks are lined up in a row. There are monks’ huts scattered high and low on Bianhe Mountain.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

The legend of the hollow on this mountain peak is the hole left by the Dapeng bird passing through the mountain. The monks regard it as a hanging mirror, which can reflect the hearts of the world, so it is also called “Seeing Peak”. The hut next to the hollow is said to be a cave where Bananka (known as the “Father of Tantric”, the first of the Eight Great Achievers of Xiangxiong) practiced before, and later people built it into a hut.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

When you want to release the pressure, it is better to go for a walk in Tibet. Zizhu Temple is a more tranquil pure land on this peaceful land. Coming here has to go through all the hardships and dangers, the body is extremely tired, and it is only after a journey of asceticism. No wonder Zizhu Dingzhen Russian-colored Living Buddha said: “Zizhu Temple is not for ordinary people, except for those who are very lucky.”

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

This time we hiked the secret realm and arrived at the foot of the Buga Snow Mountain, which is one of the “Seven Sacred Mountains” in Tibet, with an altitude of 7328 meters. There are many well-developed hanging glaciers in Buga Snow Mountain. Among them, the Yanrong Glacier is the most spectacular, with a drop of nearly 2,000 meters. It is the hanging glacier with the largest known drop in the world.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Ding Qing to Bianba

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

In the Qamdo area, there was a lot of snow along the way, and there was a blizzard. On the road, they encountered local people who got stuck in their car and were struggling to find rescue, and finally helped them rescue the car.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Alpine Rhododendron in bloom

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Nu River

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

In case of traffic control, our lunch is solved like this. No matter if you are a big boss or not, you have to listen to me when you come here.

Sapu Mountain

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

There are so many beautiful mountains, I only love Sapp!

Sapu Mountain is located in Puzonggou, Yangxiu Township, Ruxian County. It has been standing here for thousands of years. It is surrounded by mountains and its main peak is revered as the local king of sacred mountains. When I first saw Sapp, I knew that this was the ideal mountain shape in my heart. The almost equilateral triangle shape of Sapp’s second son and illegitimate son had appeared in my dreams more than once.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Sap Sacred Mountain is a group of peaks, standing from left to right, representing Sap’s wife, Sap’s wife and others’ illegitimate children, Sap’s second son, Sap’s eldest son, daughter, Sap, Sap private health practitioner. This way of naming the peaks, which is close to the fireworks, is eye-catching.

Walking in front of this glacier, the whole person seems to have been activated in slow motion, sitting by the water and watching the clouds curling up.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Skull Wall

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

In almost most cultures, the skeleton is the mouthpiece of death. Tibet also has skull symbols, which also speak of death, but have a deeper meaning. Here is the rare skull wall in the world, which conveys the Buddhist concept of life and death.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

It is said that when the number of skulls reaches 10,000, a ceremony will be held to throw the original skulls into the Nu River, and then save the heads again.

The specific reason seems to have been unknown for a long time, but the words of a celestial burial master in the temple can give us a glimpse of the intention of the ancestors: “Leaving the skeletons behind and building a wall is nothing more than a warning to the living to do more good deeds and seldom do good deeds. Common sense, no matter who is dead, it’s just that.”

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

The soil is fat and round, this is not ordinary fat.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

The children on the nearby Cordyceps Mountain do not need to go to school this season, and they follow their family members up the mountain to dig for Cordyceps.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

At an altitude of 4700, it is snowing and windy. It is not easy for Tibetans to find Cordyceps and dig Cordyceps every day.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!


Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Last stop in Lhasa

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

My favorite city in the country, bar none. In the past few days, the Potala Palace has not been opened yet, but it will be reopened from today (6-3), and the flow of people is limited every day, so you need to make an appointment on the official website or WeChat public account in advance.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Sera Monastery debate, starting at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

Leaving 318, we took a humanistic route to Tibet!

Lhasa after the epidemic is still the same Lhasa, but there are far fewer people than this time in previous years.

I remembered a running account, just want to keep a memory, a few years have passed, and then turn it over to see what it looked like.

Because I’m still on the road, time always feels too precious. In June, I continued to wander in Tibet and walked into Ali.

[Content comes from the off-road e-ethnic community]

Author: four hundred

Link: http://bbs.ucar.run/thread_14760332_1_1.html