Life can’t hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Life can’t hold you back, let alone a heart to go wild. Traveling every weekend has become a habit and a way of life. In time for the holidays, in order to avoid the congested crowds and traffic, the direction is still locked in the north.

Although the current grassland is still a bit desolate, it is still very attractive to me, because its mind cannot be replaced by any place. Pack your bags, embark on a journey, and head west all the way to Ulanqab. The first stop: Ulanqab – Ulan Hada Quaternary Volcanic Geological Heritage Park.

Speaking of Ulan Hada, some people have heard of it, and many people are unfamiliar. Let me give a brief introduction: Inner Mongolia “Ulan Hada Volcanic Geological Park” is located in the central part of Inner Mongolia, Ulan Hada Sumu, Chahar Right Wing Banner, Ulan Qab City In the territory, more than 400 kilometers away from Beijing, it is also the only volcanic group that has erupted in the Holocene (10,000 years ago) discovered on the southern edge of the Inner Mongolia Plateau. The crater is well protected and is known as a natural “volcano museum” for its collection of grassland volcanoes, lava landforms and barrier lakes.

I checked about the “Quaternary Epoch”, and the explanation given by Du Niang is “2.6 million years ago.” So far away, we won’t delve into it. Back to the present, the volcanic scenic area is in a semi-development state, and there is no charge!

It may be that the temperature is still cold and there are few tourists. There are not many people on this trip, and there is no one to manage it. I was lucky to be here at the end of July 2018. At that time, I was still driving a car and could drive to the foot of the No. 3 crater. Since I came back, I heard that it was closed because the garbage generated by tourists camping destroyed the natural environment, and a large number of off-road self-driving tourists ravaged the grassland and the surface. I also appeal to the majority of riders to come out to play, pay attention to environmental protection, and don’t litter.

Ulan Hada is the closest volcanic site to Beijing, so it is very convenient to get here from Beijing. Here I recommend two routes for everyone: the first one, navigate the Ulan Hada Volcanic Geopark, and reach directly at high speed.

The second option is for friends who don’t have enough time to choose. You can leave for Zhangjiakou or Zhangbei to stay at 6 or 7 o’clock the night before, cross the west line of Grassland Tianlu on the second day, and then navigate to Beijing and Tibet to arrive at Ulan Hada. In this way, you will not be very tired, and you can enjoy more scenic spots along the way, and gain more scenery and good mood.

The surrounding area of ​​the Ulan Hada Volcanic Landform is relatively remote, and the nearest town is Baiyinchagan. It is relatively convenient to eat and stay here, and you can also feel the customs of the local people here! Please inquire online for specific information.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

The panoramic navigation route from Beijing to Ulan Hada is clear at a glance.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

This is the panoramic guide map of the Ulan Hada Volcanic Geopark, but it is estimated that everyone can’t see it clearly. After searching the Internet, I found that the map is blurry, so I decided to make one myself! look down.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

From top to bottom, the four volcanoes are distributed in a chain of beads. The top one is the North Alchemy Furnace (No. 3 Volcano). Go straight along the asphalt road next to the volcano and cross G208 to arrive at Hei Nao Bao (No. 4 Volcano), Each volcano in the middle alchemy furnace (Volcano No. 5) and the south alchemy furnace (Volcano No. 6) has its own style, which will be introduced one by one below.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Seeing this promotional sign, congratulations, you have arrived at the Ulan Hada volcano site.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Here is the introduction of Ulan Hada Volcanic Geological Park. Those who are interested can click on the picture to read it in detail.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Due to government control, iron fences have been built on the asphalt road entering Volcano No. 3. There is a dirt road on the side of the road, but it is obviously a grassland. We still choose to park the car and enter on foot. Here is also a photo!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

With a change in the style of painting, let’s take a look at the summer of 2018. The car is at the foot of the mountain, which is very convenient!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

The stone tablet at the foot of the North Alchemy Furnace, in English, Chinese, and Mongolian, brings the first impression of being tall, but it changes the taste when you look at it, because generally these signs are the symbols of the scenic spot!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

The aerial panorama of the North Alchemy Furnace makes it hard to imagine the scene of the earth-shattering explosion. Today’s magnificent landscape has been achieved.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

After leaving the North Alchemy Furnace, you can go straight in the opposite direction to Hei Nao Bao, which has also been built as a tourist service center for the geological park. At the same time, this volcano is also the most severely damaged by excavation. Friends who like to pick up volcanic rocks can drive or hike up to dig.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Let’s take a close-up of volcanic rocks. Although they are big, they are very light and light. There are all kinds of them, whether they are soft or hard. “For the theme of our second half!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Turn the front of the car and continue to move forward, and the oncoming person is the alchemy furnace (Volcano No. 5)

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Parking at the foot of the mountain, “Dabai” showed up.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

The leader on the off-road road, Brother Tao’s Navarra is definitely the senior brother of “Dabai”. Show your face too!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

With a change in painting style, let’s compare the midsummer of 2018.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

As the team leader, I almost fell behind, and followed closely behind to catch up with the team, but no matter how good your physical fitness is, you can still walk on the soft and slippery volcanic rock gravel, and the howling wind in your ears is more like cheering for me Strong horn. Come on!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

I caught up with the real leader—my daughter, a little guy who is not yet four years old, who strives to be the first every time she climbs the mountain. The slope is getting steeper and steeper, and I also act as an assistant to escort her.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

The higher the climb, the brighter the sun and the fiercer the wind!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

About to reach the top! Come on.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

After successfully climbing to the summit, the wind is getting stronger and stronger. The first thing to do is to tighten the zipper and put on the hat! The style of painting has changed and there are fewer people! What are you doing?

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

The common problem of selfie maniacs is: Even if the world is about to end, I still want to take pictures! Sister Xue said, “This is the beauty of being messy.” I whispered silently, “I can’t appreciate it.”

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

I didn’t catch it at a glance, and the little guy started running wildly again. I was really worried that she would be blown down by the strong wind.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Look at this vigorous pace!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Take a photo next to the crater! Show affection! ! ! The stinky girl never forgets the phrase “I want to feel like I have long legs” when taking pictures. Look how long! It’s not easy to shoot 1.7 meters at 1.3 meters. (Seeing this, please don’t hit me, Brother Tao and Sister Xue!!!)

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Standing on Volcano No. 5 and looking at the road when we came, the one in the middle is Hei Naobao, and the one on the far right is the North Alchemy Furnace!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

The direction of travel is South Alchemy Furnace (Volcano No. 6)

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Come to the panoramic view of Volcano No. 5, which is full of morale.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Unable to control the harsh wind, she decided to retreat, and after going down the mountain, she became her world!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

In the sprint again, I couldn’t catch up.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Brother Tao proposed to find some volcanic rocks and put them in the fish tank. (At that time, I even wondered whether putting some substances in the fish tank would release poisonous fish. Later, it was verified and proved to be feasible. Next time, we will pick up more) to start our “Looking for the most beautiful volcanic rocks “action.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Look at this seriousness! “Girl, I really can’t figure this out!”

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

“Found it!”

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Daughter: “Father, look at the beauty?”

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

ME: “This is horse dung, throw it away!!!” (Before seeing a lot of horses, you can tell the difference between short-footed horses and ordinary tall horses, this time it is a practical teaching of horse dung)

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

After careful screening, I have gained a lot!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Still debating which one to choose.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Show off your “boots”.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

What is freedom? I think this is the best interpretation!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

What a joy to play!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

What is the meaning of travel? My answer is “it’s enough to see her happy”.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

After storing and arranging the “trophies” one by one, pack up and set off!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Take a sneak shot, the spacious interior space is a must-have guarantee for every trip with your family! Luggage is full.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

South Alchemy Furnace (Volcano No. 6) from a bird’s-eye view

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

The crater in the middle is like a huge “bowl”

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Change perspective.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

The advantage of self-driving is that you can stop as you go, see the beautiful scenery, stop and record beautiful things.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Get closer to the camera – click one.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

In addition to the spectacular volcano, there are also various landform wonders formed by volcanic rocks in the surrounding area. Stop and keep playing.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Brother Tao’s car shows a mirror, two cars travel, mutual protection!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

“Dabai” appeared again!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

I started to play cool, but the front bumper has done some good work, so I will install one when I have time.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Here is a family portrait, but after looking at it, I think my daughter is a “man”, this look, I am afraid I will fall in love with “off-road and outdoor” in the future, it is very stylish!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

With such a scenery, I think it would be another style to change to a car!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Adjust an angle, dance out dynamic!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

This is also a spotlight. Bad review! It may be that I have watched too many movies. When I climbed such a rock pile, the movies with themes such as “Sniper”, “Sniper Life and Death Line”, “Red Sea” and so on appeared in my mind, because I was holding a sniper rifle hidden in the rock. In line with this atmosphere, it has a good sense of picture.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

A harmonious scene! Watch out for the diva’s hands – never put down the selfie stick! Selfie maniac!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

The most satisfying photo in the itinerary, full of happiness!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

The little guy running to steal the spotlight unexpectedly made a masterpiece!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Enjoy a happy, record a beautiful!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Family portrait, thanks to Sister Xue for her selfie stick, it finally came in handy!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

“Three women in one play, two men working hard”

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Blow, blow, don’t be afraid even in the mess, blow, blow, it doesn’t matter, I click!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

The only solo photo. Ten thousand words are omitted here “Who knew it was me!”

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

As the sun sets, greet the arrival of sunset.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada


Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Just take a picture, it is beautiful!

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Due to the weather, I couldn’t take a satisfactory sunset, but I enjoyed the process. Just like life, no matter how much you pay, you may not get what you want, but maybe you are missing a chance, so make yourself better. When the sun reveals its most dazzling moment, press the shutter and grasp it Chance. Learn, grow, and become stronger in the process.

Life can't hold you back | Traveling through the Quaternary, revisiting Ulan Hada

Beautiful shots, fun to play, almost withered by the wind! A good meal is essential, and you still have to experience the ice hot pot when you come here!

The article is written here and it is time to end. The trip is not over, and the excitement will continue!

Companionship is the longest confession of love. Maybe I really don’t have the financial ability to enroll my daughter in various extracurricular classes, so let’s show you the world in another way! Learn, grow, and get better together while traveling! If this is also the life you yearn for, please leave a comment below and look forward to walking along the way.

As usual, a small slice of the volcano is served! Please enjoy!

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