[Lifestyle] Exploring Yubeng in Meili Paradise

Encounter the most original scenery in the most original way. Hiking Yubeng, measure this lost peach garden with your feet.

Traveling has become extremely easy in this era. If you are in Beijing and go to the remote South Pole, you only need to take a 50-hour flight and then walk for an hour to reach it. Travel has also become extremely difficult in this era. After the development of information, currency has become the driving force of the tourism industry. Various commercial attractions have grown rapidly, and few lands that have not been invaded by commerce exist.

[Lifestyle] Exploring Yubeng in Meili Paradise

To borrow a sentence from Charles Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities” to describe people’s travel nowadays, “It was the best of times, and it was also the worst of times.” Because of this, when people mention Yunnan, a major tourist province, they may think of Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake, the colorful south, or zero-fee and low-cost tour groups, black guides and vendors everywhere.

Few people know that hidden at the foot of Meili Snow Mountain in Yunnan, there is a Yubeng Village known as the “Xanadu” written by Tao Yuanming, and also dubbed “If you don’t go to heaven, go to Yubeng” by travel friends. Yubeng, which means scriptures in Tibetan, got its name because there is a big rock shaped like a scripture beside the village. Perhaps because there is no road here, Yubeng was saved from becoming a “hardest hit area” for traditional tourism.

[Lifestyle] Exploring Yubeng in Meili Paradise

Yubeng is located in Yunling Township, Deqin County, at the eastern foot of Meili Snow Mountain, Yunnan. Surrounded by mountains, it has a unique geographical environment and few people. The most distinctive feature is that since ancient times, Yubeng Village has only had one post road leading to the outside world, and it cannot be opened to traffic. All the materials in the mountains are carried in by mules and donkeys. Pedestrians can only choose to walk or ride a donkey when entering the village. .

The uphill is 12 kilometers, the downhill is 6 kilometers, and the 3,700-meter-high pass must be crossed. Such a situation also forces all the people who come to Yubeng Village to measure it step by step with their feet and feel it bit by bit. If you encounter bad weather such as rainy and windy, it is not easy for those who have hiking experience to walk in Yubeng Village. Therefore, hiking in Yubeng has become one of the most classic hiking routes in Northwest Yunnan.

However, the beautiful scenery of Yubeng is the best gift for all those who come here. Because it is located at the foot of Wuzi Peak under Niancimu Peak in Meili Snow Mountain, the scenery is unique and beautiful, and you can feel the tranquility isolated from the world.

[Lifestyle] Exploring Yubeng in Meili Paradise

Yubeng is divided into upper and lower villages. The upper village can lead to the Sino-Japanese joint mountaineering base camp for climbing Kawagebo, and the lower village leads to Yubeng Waterfall. You can see the scenery of Meili Snow Mountain when you look up. Experts at home and abroad believe that this is the epitome of Shangri-La. Some netizens joked,

“If you love someone, take him (her) to Yubeng, if you hate someone, take him (her) to Yubeng”

Tips :

Yubeng is a paradise for photographers, where you can capture the scenery of Snow Mountain Goddess Peak and Wuguan Peak Rizhao Jinshan. When the weather is fine, the best location to photograph the beautiful snow mountains is at Nazong Pass and the Shenpu Inn in Yubengxia Village. The sunshine on the snow mountains is at 6:30 in the morning in spring and summer, and at 7:30 in the morning in autumn and winter.

[Lifestyle] Exploring Yubeng in Meili Paradise

How to reach Yubeng? To reach Yubeng, you first need to reach Lijiang, and then from Lijiang to Deqin. It is more than 10 kilometers from Deqin to Feilai Temple (the starting point on foot). After arriving in Deqin, the bus to Feilai Temple is 5 yuan per person, and you can carpool for 10 yuan per person, or chartered a car for about 40 yuan.

The Yubeng landscape, Shenpu, Xiaonong Base Camp and Ice Lake are attractions worth visiting for everyone who comes to Yubeng. On the south side of Kawabog Peak, there is a waterfall pouring down from hanging rocks, which is called “Yubengshen Waterfall”. The scenery of Shenbao waterfall changes with the seasons. In spring and summer, the ice and snow melt and the water flow of the waterfall increases. In the rainy season, the inextricable waterlines hanging down from the mountain like hada are very spectacular.

Xiaonong Base Camp: Xiaonong Base Camp is the station for climbing Kagbo Peak in Meili Snow Mountain, with an altitude of 3900 meters. It was built by members of the Sino-Japanese joint mountaineering team in 1991, and it is also the only way to reach the ice lake.

The ice lake is a frozen lake. The clear ice reflects the golden mountain of sunlight, making this ice lake even more sacred.

The best time to travel, Yubeng has different beauty in different seasons. Among them, from August to early November, the color of Yubeng is the brightest. Buckwheat flowers bloom in August and September, chamaejasma in September, and the mountain is golden yellow in October. November to December is the most beautiful season to see Meili Snow Mountain. From December to April, it usually snows, and it is more likely to close the mountain around the Spring Festival.