Look up! An unparalleled visual feast is about to be presented

In this golden autumn season, the 14th Alxa Heroes Conference in 2019 will come as scheduled. Every year, the hero meeting is like going home for the new year. As the “year” approaches, what will be the difference in this year’s “year” for off-road people?

After continuous exploration and transformation, heroes will develop and grow in their efforts. In addition to the traditional core events and rich themed activities, one of the highlights of this year is the aviation cultural tourism activities themed on aerobatics performances, presenting the world’s top aerobatics performances to millions of spectators.

The Alashan Heroes Club’s flight performances mainly include aerobatics, hot air balloons, drone night shows, skydiving, etc., adding luster to the Heroes Club and celebrating its birthday.

Look up! An unparalleled visual feast is about to be presented

Note: According to the weather and flight support technical conditions during the performance, the flight commendation time and performance content may be adjusted in due course. Special flying performance team

It consists of the Xtreme Stunt Team, the Paul Bennett Performance Team and the Stuart Performance Team. At that time, there will be performances of single planes flying around the venue, as well as formation flights of two planes, three planes and four planes.

Look up! An unparalleled visual feast is about to be presented

Look up! An unparalleled visual feast is about to be presented

Look up! An unparalleled visual feast is about to be presented

drone show

Zero-degree high giant UAV formation, turning the night sky into a screen, using technology to present art, unlimited creativity, brilliant. For the UAV performance of the Alxa Heroes Meeting, we used ingenious design and gorgeous lighting to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the motherland while showing the theme, logo and other shapes of the Alxa Heroes Meeting, and simulated off-road vehicles and The shape and animation of the aerobatic flight, and finally the slogan “The Return of the Heroes, Long Live the Motherland” and the shape of fireworks, pay tribute to the heroes of the Heroes Club, express love to our motherland, and bring a visual feast to tourists.

Look up! An unparalleled visual feast is about to be presented

Look up! An unparalleled visual feast is about to be presented

hot air balloon

Hot air ballooning is one of the five major aviation sports. It has two main flight forms, one is tethered launch, and the other is free flight. The hot air balloon show in our Alxa Aviation Carnival belongs to the former, that is, the hot air balloon is fixed in a certain place with 3 ropes, and only moves up and down under the pilot’s operation. In this way, the huge sphere and dazzling colors create a steaming and lively atmosphere, coupled with passionate music, will inject a unique romantic atmosphere into the dream desert, and add a beautiful scene to this hero conference. A magnificent, a cavity of pride. 

Look up! An unparalleled visual feast is about to be presented

Look up! An unparalleled visual feast is about to be presented


There are two skydivers, namely Gu Wenyuan and Shi Chunyan. They are both members of the China Aviation Association and have participated in many domestic and foreign skydiving competitions with outstanding results. This time, the two skydives carried the Chinese flag and jumped from the sky to pay tribute to the 70th anniversary of the motherland.

Look up! An unparalleled visual feast is about to be presented

Look up! An unparalleled visual feast is about to be presented

Let us look forward to celebrating the 70th anniversary of the motherland together in the way of cross-country people.