Mountain tourism is heating up! The domestic tourism market may usher in the era of “mountain vacation”

editor’s note

He Yafei, secretary-general of the International Mountain Tourism Federation, mentioned in an interview with the Sino-Singapore Jingwei client that at this stage, tourists are no longer limited to seeing beautiful scenery and tasting delicious food when traveling. The project includes experiencing the unique culture of mountainous areas and enjoying the unique ecological environment.

As a modern way of tourism, mountain tourism has been developing at an extraordinary speed in the past two years. Statistics show that mountain tourism has accounted for 20% of the total global tourism, and it is showing a trend of increasing year by year.

It is understood that mountains account for about 1/4 of the world’s land area, and 75% of the countries in the world have mountains. The area of ​​mountains, hills and plateaus in China accounts for 69% of the country’s land area. Industry insiders pointed out that relying on abundant mountain tourism resources, the domestic tourism market may usher in the era of “mountain vacation” in the future.

Mountain tourism is heating up! The domestic tourism market may usher in the era of

Photo by Chang Tao, New Longitude and Latitude in the mountain data map

Mountain tourism market continues to heat up

Mountains are not only important tourism resources, but also ecological resources that human physical and mental health can rely on. Mountain tourism is exactly in line with people’s advocacy of returning to nature and pursuing health and happiness, and has been pursued by more and more tourists.

It is understood that there are various types of mountain tourism, including not only climbing, hiking, exploration, investigation, field expansion and other special projects, but also functions such as sightseeing, leisure, health care, sports, summer vacation, research and so on. It is a modern tourism with rich content. Way.

On July 9, 2018, Shao Qiwei, vice chairman of the International Mountain Tourism Alliance, said at the “2018 International Mountain Tourism Alliance Beijing Forum” that with the continuous development of the global tourism industry, the mountain tourism industry is rising rapidly and has become a driving force for the development of the global tourism industry. important force. According to the statistics of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), mountain tourism currently accounts for 20% of the total global tourism, and shows a year-by-year growth trend. Its potential and prospects are very considerable.

At the same time, the domestic mountain tourism market is gradually heating up. According to the “2017 Mountain Tourism Consumption Report” released by, in 2017, the number of people booking mountain tourism products through the Lvmama platform increased by about 70% year-on-year. It has become a popular mountain tourism destination in China.

Dai Bin, president of the China Tourism Academy, introduced to the Sino-Singapore Jingwei client that China has unique advantages in developing mountain tourism. First, mountain tourism resources are abundant, and the area of ​​mountains, hills and plateaus accounts for nearly 70% of the country’s land area. %; second, the humanistic tradition has a long history, and many mountainous areas are linked to religious culture, literati calligraphy; third, the living standards of residents have improved, and the population advantage has become prominent.

“Our country has a population of 1.4 billion. With the development of economy and society, ordinary people have money in their hands, and the demand for travel is becoming stronger and stronger. Coupled with the improvement of traffic conditions, the mountains have become accessible, and more and more people are beginning to choose Mountain tourism.” Dai Bin said.

The Tourism Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences once pointed out in a related report that China’s mountainous areas have diverse forms, rich mountain landscapes, and diverse mountain folk customs. Based on these natural advantages, China’s mountain tourism may be at the forefront of the world.

Can the era of “mountain vacation” be expected?

It is understood that mountain tourism has a long history in China. After the 21st century, China’s mountain tourism market has entered a stage of large-scale development.

According to the data, after several years of development, China’s mountain tourism is changing from the traditional model focusing on famous mountain sightseeing to a comprehensive development model, including mountain sports tourism, mountain sports tourism, mountain ice and snow tourism, mountain summer tourism, mountain vacation travel etc.

However, in Dai Bin’s view, tourism demand is still the basic demand for mountain tourism in my country. He pointed out that under the current circumstances, most of the tourists visiting mountain-type scenic spots still focus on viewing mountains, water and scenery.

Lvmama also mentioned in the aforementioned report that in 2017, among the tourists who booked mountain tourism products through the Lvmama platform, more than 40% of tourists chose mountain tourism, and about 30% of tourists tended to experience mountain culture. 15% of tourists choose mountain leisure travel, and 10% of tourists choose mountain vacation.

“Objectively speaking, the current domestic market demand for mountain vacations has not yet fully developed, and is still in the market introduction period.” Dai Bin said.

But it is undeniable that mountain vacation is becoming a major development direction of mountain tourism in our country.

Wei Xiaoan, president of the Leisure and Vacation Branch of the China Tourism Association, mentioned in an interview with the Sino-Singapore Jingwei client that vacations have become a rigid demand in the international tourism market.

“Currently, the world’s major resorts are all in coastal areas. However, China’s coastal resources are insufficient, and it is impossible for Chinese people to go overseas for vacation. Therefore, in the future, Chinese people are likely to turn to mountains and villages for vacation. From From this perspective, mountain tourism is bound to become a hot spot in China’s tourism development.” Wei Xiaoan said.

Mountain tourism is heating up! The domestic tourism market may usher in the era of

Photo by Luo Kun, Xin Jingwei in the mountain tourism data map

Work together for development

In the development process of my country’s mountain tourism, all parties in the market, such as scenic spots and travel agencies, are actively contributing their own strength.

Take the Yeyuhai Scenic Spot in Shuicheng County, Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province as an example. The track of the small sightseeing train spiral viewing section in the scenic spot was recently certified as the “highest spiral ascending straddle monorail bridge” in the world. It is understood that the starting point of the Yeyuhai Scenic Sightseeing Small Train is located in Haiping Yi Cultural Town, and the end point is Yushe Forest Park. Among them, the circular diameter of the track steel beam in the spiral viewing section is 60 meters, the slope is 6%, and the slope is as long as 720 meters. It is a three-and-a-half-story spiral structure. When driving to the spiral section, there will be a landscape similar to “little train climbing stairs”.

In the eyes of industry insiders, the “little train that can climb stairs” not only endows the function of connecting various scenic spots in Yeyuhai Scenic Area, but also brings tourists a brand-new viewing experience and transportation experience, and promotes tourism products to be more refined, High-end development.

In fact, travel agencies also play an important role in the development of mountain tourism. The relevant person in charge of Lvmama Group once mentioned that travel agencies need to further strengthen cooperation with governments around mountain resources and tourist attractions in various places, integrate food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping, entertainment and other elements, and develop a diversified mountain tourism product line , and at the same time conform to the trend of the Internet, cooperate with scenic spots to promote the construction of smart tourism, and comprehensively help the brand building and development of China’s mountain tourism.

It is worth mentioning that the International Mountain Tourism Alliance was officially established on August 15, 2017, in order to promote the sustainable development of mountain and ecotourism, promote international exchanges and business cooperation in the tourism industry, and summarize and promote the successful experience of mountain tourism development. According to public information, the International Mountain Tourism Alliance was initiated by Guizhou, a major mountain tourism province. It is the second international tourism organization established in China and the only professional international organization defined by mountain tourism.

In 2018, the International Mountain Tourism Alliance announced the initiative to establish “International Mountain Tourism Day” to the world, and decided to designate May 29th as “International Mountain Tourism Day”. On May 29 this year, the first “International Mountain Tourism Day” will be held in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal.

He Yafei, secretary-general of the International Mountain Tourism Federation, mentioned in an interview with the Sino-Singapore Jingwei client that at this stage, tourists are no longer limited to seeing beautiful scenery and tasting delicious food when traveling. The project includes experiencing the unique culture of mountainous areas and enjoying the unique ecological environment.

He Yafei pointed out that in order to meet the new needs of tourists for tourism products, tourism formats, tourism services, etc., there must be new supplies, and the realization of new supplies requires continuous innovation in the industry. He introduced that the International Mountain Tourism Alliance is to provide an international platform for mountain tourism-related institutions and enterprises. On this platform, people in the industry can communicate, promote, collide and cooperate with each other to jointly develop new tourism products. project.

Article reprinted: Sino-Singapore Jingwei