News 丨 Bomi mudslides are now open to traffic; Bingchacha big quicksand is temporarily impassable

-This article is reproduced from the public account: 318 National Highway Tour-

Bomi mudslide on July 30

At 18:00 on July 30, 2019, the Tibet traffic police released a message. Affected by the recent rainy weather, at 15:45 on July 30, 2019, a mudslide occurred at 3890Km of Yupu Road Section in Bomi County, Nyingchi City, National Highway 318, and there were no casualties.

The Tibet Internet Police released the news. At 19:00 p.m. on July 31, traffic has resumed!

There is an armed police traffic detachment in this section, and the Sichuan-Tibet line is maintained all the year round. This is a mudslide and it will be repaired soon.

News 丨 Bomi mudslides are now open to traffic; Bingchacha big quicksand is temporarily impassable

The Malkang landslide section resumes unilateral traffic…

News 丨 Bomi mudslides are now open to traffic; Bingchacha big quicksand is temporarily impassable

The Bingchacha Great Quicksand is temporarily impassable due to the weather

News 丨 Bomi mudslides are now open to traffic; Bingchacha big quicksand is temporarily impassable

National Highway 215 has been blocked in Waka Town Quzi Section

“The latest news about the collapse of National Highway 215: It is estimated that it will take 2 to 3 days to rush through the road”

According to the latest news from the staff of Waka Town, Derong County, due to the mudslides in the Quzi Section of Waka Town, Derong County, National Highway 215 and near the Quzong Bridge, the roadbed collapsed about 20 meters long, and the debris flow accumulated about 300 cubic meters.

According to the on-site inference of the emergency repair personnel, it is estimated that it will take 2 to 3 days to rush through this section of the road. At present, the relevant departments are urgently evacuating, persuading and relocating passing tourists. Since this section of the road is located at the node of the Tourist Route around Yading, there are many passing vehicles and tourists. .

News 丨 Bomi mudslides are now open to traffic; Bingchacha big quicksand is temporarily impassable

News 丨 Bomi mudslides are now open to traffic; Bingchacha big quicksand is temporarily impassable

News 丨 Bomi mudslides are now open to traffic; Bingchacha big quicksand is temporarily impassable

Dragon Road Collapse

News 丨 Bomi mudslides are now open to traffic; Bingchacha big quicksand is temporarily impassable

There was also a traffic jam three kilometers ahead of Tiger Leaping Gorge


News 丨 Bomi mudslides are now open to traffic; Bingchacha big quicksand is temporarily impassable

News 丨 Bomi mudslides are now open to traffic; Bingchacha big quicksand is temporarily impassable

The above two pictures are from member Dumb

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