No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Luya Mountain has a long-standing reputation in the off-road circle. Some people criticize it as the second largest off-road net red holy place in the north, (the first must be Laozhanggou). Just a place to play.

I also know my car is not well suited for crossing muddy bogs in the summer. I only have a 2-inch lift, 3.5 average power, a center lock, and a huge car body, but I feel uncomfortable. After reading a lot of cross-travel posts, the more I look at it, the more I can’t stop, and my heart is always itchy. So we set off on May 2, with 2 bicycles.

Prepared a full set of camping equipment such as tents, 0-degree sleeping bags, stove gas cylinders, canopy, moisture-proof pads, meals, water, etc., in case you can’t wear it within a day, you can only sleep in the mountains. Are you still going? go!

Because Luya Mountain has two points, it is a safer place than other difficult crossing routes. One is that the whole journey is not too far away, and it is close to the provincial road. If it is impossible, you can walk to a place with a signal to call for rescue. The second is that there are basically no cliffs on one side of the road during the whole process. Even if there are major failures or emergencies, basic life safety can still be guaranteed. In addition, my wife and I have been fond of outdoor sports for many years, have certain experience, and have never been reckless outdoors, and have always been cautious. Therefore, before I set off, I asked my wife for her opinion. My wife asked me what to do if my bicycle was in danger. I said: if the road conditions are good, take the counterclockwise loop. She said yes, let’s go!

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Before departure, I dried the outdoor equipment that had been frozen for the whole winter. This time I brought a four-season tent and a three-season tent. In case the car falls down, we can only sleep in the mountains and bring two tents to see the temperature at that time and play it by ear.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Two 0-degree sleeping bags and one 5-15-degree sleeping bag. Waterproof bags, reinforced ground nails, canopy, etc. are not listed one by one.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

It is recommended that you bask in the sun every time you go out and come back after using it, otherwise the moisture will easily breed bacteria, especially the close-fitting sleeping bag.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Two inflatable moisture-proof pads, and a bag that has been carried for more than ten years. I was still using Dortmund in the early days, but later I replaced it with Osprey, which is lighter. Also, I’ve always found a tent to be more comfortable than a car, and many people disagree on this issue.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

There is no roof basket, and I tied the escape plate to the roof bar. It doesn’t feel much at high speed, and the mud tires can’t drive fast. Later, it turned out that the escape board is really easy to use, and I plan to buy two more.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

All clothes and camping equipment are placed in the rear seat and fastened with seat belts to avoid abnormal noise caused by bumps and vibrations. I only put rescue equipment and water in the trunk, and I also brought an ARB single-cylinder air pump, so that it is convenient to pump up the car at any time. Inside the red box are trailer ropes, tree hugging belts, 2 pulleys, 4 U-hooks, cable flags and so on. To be honest, these rescue equipment were only used once in Ulan Butong, and they were still used to save others.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Different from the trunk, the trunk is mainly used to store muddy rescue and maintenance tools that are easy to access. The interior of the compartment is defined as a dry and clean space, and 2 large bags in the back row can handle all camping supplies.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The OME big yellow barrel has been used for 2 years and 50,000 kilometers, and the front cutout is a bit collapsed. Before departure, a 1.5cm gasket was specially added, which made the crotch a touch of red.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The makeup photo before departure, clean, white and fat.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The big black bar on the front looks clumsy, but in fact it weighs less than 20 kg, which is very light. I chose to start at 3 pm, and arrived at Luyashan International Hotel in Ningwu County after 9 pm. The journey was 489 kilometers and the journey was smooth. All of them were large cars with high beams. My Arctic Light spotlights are very useful, cheap and affordable, but I haven’t used it once, so don’t trouble yourself when you go out.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

On the morning of April 3rd, we set off into the mountain. The flight track of Luya Mountain is very rich on the Internet. We passed 3 fire checkpoints along the way, handed over the lighter, and arrived at the disembarkation point at 9:30. Also at the next point, I met the nobleman of this trip to Shanxi, the Sanju brothers of the Bobcat Column. This good brother and his family of three went into the mountain the day before and got stuck in a small fork in the road. The car was frozen in the mud all night. He took his wife and children down the mountain to look for rescue. I belong to the “successor”. What is the charm of Luya Mountain, so we went to find out.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Without further ado, he pulled his brother up and down the road into the forest. It was relatively easy when I entered. I felt that the mud was not too deep. The tires still maintained the tire pressure of 2.8 for high-speed running. The first 500 meters did not even pick up the D crotch. I ran all the way in, and the first big mud pond was cut at the sharp turn. Low 4, and ran for nearly 1 kilometer. When my brother got stuck at 500 meters, I felt that the adhesion of the tires had deteriorated. I kept turning left and right, and felt that the front wheels could not buckle on the hard road under the muddy water, so I locked it. locked. The road went smoothly, and we reached the car trap point 3km after the exit.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The brother got in the car and scratched the bobcat, but there was still no movement, so he decisively got on the winch. At this time, Luya Mountain really showed her charm to me. The seemingly not so wet surface is covered with groundwater and frozen land underneath! Not only did the bobcat fail to pull out, but it also dragged my car forward. I stepped on the brakes quickly, and the winch was so powerful that it pulled my front wheel deeply into the ground. I felt the front of the car drop little by little while sitting in the car. Shen, that scene was quite shocking! Quickly stop and get off the car and get on the pulley.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

My wife was helping to deal with the tree hugging belt, and picked a big tree with a suitable angle and seemed relatively strong.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Because the road is narrow, the space is small, and the mud pit is deep, it is difficult for the car to get out of the ruts and cannot turn around. Therefore, our two cars travel in this way: I will retreat 100 meters first, hang the winch to drag the Bobcat for 100 meters, and then I will retreat again, and then I will go back. Drag, retreat, drag, use the winch as a means of transportation.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

These words are easy to say, but the process is really painful. In order to avoid the two vehicles being trapped at the same time, we kept a distance of 100 meters at all times, which required the cables to be connected in series with 3-4 trailer ropes to be able to reach each other. Jin, every time it is moved up and down, it is very laborious! Moreover, Luya Mountain basically has an altitude of about 2000, running up and down on the small plateau makes people collapse.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Fortunately, we got along very well with this bobcat brother. No one complained. They encouraged each other, talked and laughed, and maintained a good rescue attitude. You must know that this is very important. A long time of helpless and laborious rescue is very depleting of fighting spirit. If the team has a bad temper, conflicts, or acts recklessly, it will not only be detrimental to the preservation of physical strength and scientific rescue, but may even lead to greater danger. From this point of view, brother Sanju and I get along very well. Not only are we similar in age, play style, thinking, experience, and hobbies, the greatest gift Luyashan gave me is knowing such a good brother.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

After working for 3 hours with low blood sugar, from 10:00 to 1:00 noon, we dragged our two cars five or six times before moving our two cars to a relatively dry road. If I had known earlier, we had traveled less than 200 meters in these 3 hours.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The scenery of Luya Mountain is really amazing, the endless virgin forest, under the straight pines and cypresses, is the soft ground covered with pine needles and fallen leaves.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

It is almost impossible for the tires to get out of the ruts. The shallow one is 20-30 cm, and the deep one is 40-60 cm. Although it is not as good as the one-meter-deep mud pond in the rainy season, compared with May in the dry season, Luya Mountain is the limit for Pajero and Prado. Raising a car by 2-3 inches is already the highest level of challenge!

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The most amazing thing is that the mud in Luya Mountain really lives up to its reputation, it is really sticky! If it sticks to the hands and shakes off the mud, there will still be a yellow-black mud mark on the hands. The tire treads are all filled and become slick tires. There is no way, I can only deflate them. I put four STT pros in 1.3.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The places where you can take pictures are all relatively good road conditions. The road surface in the picture does not look rough, but who knows the adhesion. After each rescue, Brother Sanju and I would find relatively clear water in the mud to wash our hands. Off-road people don’t care much, as long as they are safe and happy in the wild, they don’t care if they are clean or not.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

This is a relatively deep section of the road, the rut is about 40cm, you can’t get out, you have to go in if you don’t go in, if you want to ride on the shoulder of the road, there is no way, if it is slippery or not, it will be adjusted for you in one fell swoop, comfortable and comfortable.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The mud soup is yellow, the mud is black, and there is ice under the mud. I don’t know what it is under the ice, it may be Nima. Hey, the mud is all over the chassis. Fortunately, we don’t have large negative wheel sets, so we won’t get mud all over the car. That kind of 6-inch raised Wrangler must have covered the whole car.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Just relax your mind, go in when you need to, and pull when you need to. It’s best to crawl and try to see if you can pass. If you can’t, scratch your feet twice.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

I have worn this pro-trek worth thousands of dollars for 10 years. I went to the mountains and seas with me. It is very durable, but the paint on the surface is seriously peeled off. Every time I go out to play, I take a picture of it. I don’t know what to do next. That moment came to an abrupt halt.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The land that is soft and rich in moisture left a deep impression on me! On the left side, you can vaguely see the four tow ropes connected together, which are fancy.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

My wife is operating the winch. My wife has been with me in the field for these years. Among the female compatriots, she should be considered very rich in field experience, and she can work and endure hardships without complaining. No matter how difficult the road is, I feel very at ease when I take her out.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The rescue is proficient, drinking hot tea in a thermos cup with one hand, pulling up the cable with the remote control machine with one hand, stepping on the brake with one foot, and tapping the beat with the other foot.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The dirty work in the mud is done by our gentlemen. This time I brought fishing pants, but I was too lazy to change them. This time I wore the wrong shoes in Luya Mountain. I should wear a pair of high-top waterproof hiking shoes. The river-tracing shoes I wore were obviously not suitable for this muddy pond. They were not only slippery, but also easy to fall off. Later, I went barefoot. Those with feet are not afraid to drive off-road.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Stepping in with one foot, it is difficult to pull out. It is difficult to stand firm and walk steadily in the mud soup. How the hell is this mud made, it’s slippery and sticky!

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

In a slightly open place, we completed the U-turn of the two cars with difficulty, and the follow-up road conditions were judged to be good, so we no longer needed to back out. Unexpectedly, the good times didn’t last long, a bird of prey came in head-on, and I rode on the mud peak when I missed the car, and the front of the car was lifted. After scratching twice, I quickly gave up and got off the car to persuade Brother Raptor to go back. He didn’t have rescue equipment and a winch. He lost his speed and fell all the way out. When you are out and about, safety comes first.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The bobcat behind me pulled me off the mud pile, and with the escape board, I scratched out of the original rut and walked into a not so deep rut. Once I gained speed, don’t hesitate to control the accelerator. Ensure continuous output of power, as far as you can go, and stop until you confirm the safety of your feet.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

It is gratifying to look at the road I have traveled. Brother Sanju yelled excitedly after rushing out of the swamp. I was directing on the side of the road, and seeing him finally walk out of the mud pond after 24 hours, I was also very excited and yelled like crazy! Awesome!

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Finally walked out of the worst part of the road, suddenly sleepy, physically and mentally exhausted! Don’t worry, you have to go back on foot, first, to buckle the escape board in the muddy water, second, to check whether there are any rescue tools such as pulleys, and third, to confirm whether there are any sundries and garbage.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The Pajero of the Sanju Brothers, with 2-inch elevation + mud tires + MR front bumper + auxiliary fuel tank + spotlights + roof rack + winch, is armed to the teeth and gums, and the color scheme is coordinated and unified. Not only does it use top-level equipment, And the aesthetic taste is also very good!

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Finally, I can relax in stages, smoke a small cigarette and drink some water. My wife inspected these two Japanese off-road vehicles that were temporarily accompanied but formed a deep friendship in a short period of time, and praised that this is what hard-core off-road vehicles should look like!

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

My Dabai was not scarred. During the L4 raid on the mud, the rumbling engine with full stamina gave me great confidence! Just like playing in the desert, if you have confidence in the car, the car will give you confidence. This is a game where people and cars are integrated, bold and careful!

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Sanju’s original ecological pollution-free mud slick tires, the 2019 car is covered with mud accumulated over a century, this story is a bit interesting.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

My Dabai, 100,000 kilometers in 4 years, northern Sichuan and southern Tibet, has been to everything else, and has made an appointment with Brother Sanju, and then I will go to some places that I shouldn’t go!

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The quiet forest, the roaring engine, the copying and copying on the radio, the hearty and unbridled screams after rushing out of the mud, the chats between the brother and his wife and my wife, and the laughter of the children, this is the story of two families and two cars in Luya Mountain. How much has this old mountain and old forest experienced?

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

After leaving the mountain, I looked at the mud ideas thrown into the car, and remembered Cai Ming’s words: What a precious mud idea! Maybe the post-90s and post-00s don’t know this sentence anymore.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

It’s all mud, with a pine woody, damp smell in the top note, a burning rubber smell mixed with exhaust gas and tire friction in the middle note, rotten wood and cow dung in the back note, fruity aroma, and the metallic smell of an overheated gearbox , the tannin is not heavy, what a thief!

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

It took half a day to get rid of the mud that blocked the line of sight.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

I am cleaning up the bad car hygiene, my wife is replenishing my strength, the difficulty is not shown on the map, the experience is the experience!

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Taking a photo with Brother Sanju, “Will you come back if I give you 10,000 yuan?” up! It is also worth mentioning that the precious son of the Sanju Brothers, the young man is very good, he participated in the rescue all the way without complaint, and he was still cheering for the adults on the sidelines.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

After leaving the mountain, I went back to the hotel smoothly. Sanju, the bobcat brother, went back to the hotel to catch up on sleep for two days. I went to wash the car, but knocked on three doors and refused to wash it. The fourth brother finally accepted the offer from Piggy Page. The two brothers in the car wash shop washed for an hour and only did a rough wash. I doubted my life when I rinsed the chassis. After returning to Beijing, I washed the expensive car again, and it basically looked like it. Moreover, according to the performance of the high-speed return to Beijing, it did not cause damage to my car in Luya Mountain, but the dynamic balance lead in the wheel hub should be running. It fell off, and the direction shook slightly at 100+ on the way back to Beijing.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

At this point, the crossing of Luya Mountain is basically over. What needs to be explained is:

1. The original plan to travel counterclockwise from north to south is too naive. My car can’t stand it, I can’t stand it, and my bicycle can’t stand it.

2. In fact, I only went deep into Luya Mountain for about 3 kilometers. After completing the rescue of the bobcat, we retreated at the same time, and the round trip was only 6 kilometers.

3. In this short 6 kilometers, 80% of the muddy roads, we have rescued each other more than ten times, and we have really used the means of escape as transportation.

4. The biggest experience is that mud is really sticky and friends are really precious!

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Suggestions to friends who have not been to Luya Mountain in non-winter:

1. Please be cautious when crossing in non-winter season. Just take a look at the plain car. 2-inch lift + mud tires are a must. Don’t drop any rescue tools such as winches.

2. Do not go there by single vehicle. 2-3 vehicles are the best configuration. It is best to have two winches at the front and rear of the leading vehicle. Teamwork is very important.

3. The beginning of May should be the dry season, but the road is already so difficult, it is hard to imagine what Luya Mountain will be like in the rainy season. It feels at least 50% more difficult than mine this time.

4. Contact the rescue at the foot of the mountain in advance. It is best to bring a satellite phone for easy communication. Stay overnight and pay attention to safety. There are wild boars in the mountains.

5. If it is judged that the crossing ahead is unreliable, it is best to retreat in time, safety first, safety first, safety first.

After rushing out of Luya Mountain, the Shanxi brothers took me across the northwest edge of the Luliang Mountains. The next point was Fenshuiling Village, Ningwu County. We followed the Xiaodonggou River upstream and walked through the wet, cold and water-rich plateau moss. I vaguely identified it through the map. This small river is also one of the small tributaries of the source of the Hui River. It rolled up the ice residue and mudstone from Luya Mountain, and melted in the Sanggan River all the way. After passing through the Guanting Reservoir, it was renamed the Yongding River, and finally flowed through The Haihe River flows into the Bohai Sea.

No brothers, no off-roading. This trip to Shanxi made me deeply understand the meaning of this sentence. On the second day after Luya Mountain, under the leadership of the Sanju brothers, Pajero and Prado walked through the drizzle, crossed the basin and Haizi, passed through dense forests and ridges, explored the way in the mist, and stopped by the stream.

This comfortable off-road life formed a wonderful contrast with the reloaded crossing of Luya Mountain the day before yesterday. People become friends with each other, cars and cars are like brothers.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The two Japanese relatives also united sincerely and formed a small team sharing weal and woe.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Brother did enough homework in Auwei and took me through the mountains and mountains to find strange landscapes.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

It was raining intermittently that day, and the sky was clean and cool, refreshing.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The road met a narrow road, and the two took out their engineering shovels to repair the road and passed safely.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The roots of the big tree can’t move anymore, so walk carefully.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Looking at the scenery by the lake, the rain is getting heavier and heavier. It’s hard to imagine. If I didn’t meet Brother Sanju yesterday, I broke into Luya Mountain by bicycle and encountered heavy rain. Scared!

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The quiet lake, no tourists.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The bobcat is in high spirits, like a master in the forest.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Brother leads the way, I don’t need to find the way, I can enjoy the beautiful scenery outside the window at ease, thank you brother!

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Walked to the depths of a meadow and parked the car by the creek.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The clear stream is splashing. The turbulence is not deep, and the calm is not shallow. After thinking about it, the same goes for people.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

The creek all the way to the south is the upper reaches of the Hui River.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Handsome Bobcat, I have always liked Pajero, the posture is very upright!

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

I have photographed many brothers’ cars, and the more I look at them, the more I like them.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Going down the stream, the water surface becomes wider and wider.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

When I got tired of 150, I also bought a v97. I watched Dakar and Jackie Chan’s movies when I was a child, and I have an inexplicable affection for Mitsubishi!

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!


No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

My big white body is too rounded, it doesn’t look so hard.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

But the suspension travel of 150 is really not bad. The front axle is independently suspended, which is not an exaggeration, and the rear axle can walk with twisted buttocks!

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Thinking that this small stream can not only flow into the Sanggan River, but also flow through the Haihe River into the Bohai Sea, it is amazing. I admit that I want to go to Sanjiangyuan.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

I ran into a group of elves on the side of the road, staring at us curiously with their ears open.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Climb to the top of the mountain and sing a folk song.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Climb the peak and look at your hometown, the yellow sand is thousands of miles long.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

There was a bell ringing from somewhere, and the sound knocked on my heart.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

When encountering fog on the road, traveling through mountains and mountains, you can encounter any weather.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

A group photo of the colorful front bumper and the big stone.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Racing style wheels are only competitive when they are dirty.

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

Brother’s hub is the same as mine, tacit understanding!

No brothers, no cross-country, cross Luya Mountain, conquer the quagmire!

After completing the day-traveling, I set foot on the way home in a comfortable mind and body.

[The content comes from the off-road e family community]

Author: pajia
