One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China


Finally set off again. The target of this trip is the whole territory of Jiangxi. (I hereby declare that the author has no intention of infringing on the portraits of the characters appearing in the post. If I see it and think it is inappropriate, please let me know and delete it immediately).

The hitchhiking woman is engaged in UI design, which is app pattern design. Back to Anqing’s home from Shanghai. The company laid off staff yesterday, and the rented house just expired today, so I packed up the bedding, so there are a lot of things, and the trunk and rear seats of the whole car are full, and I keep telling me that I am sorry. The service area is rushing to pay for the meal.

She said that although she was mentally prepared and the company was quite interesting, she still stayed up all night last night. In fact, everyone has this kind of experience, this is life, everything will pass, it’s just that when going through these turning points in life, you don’t always feel so safe.

On the way, I experienced a soul moment. When the car was stuck in a traffic jam, the car couldn’t step on the brake again, and slowly approached the car in front. The feeling of helplessness and despair came to my heart again.

I’ve been rear-ended by the car in front of me because of this. Fortunately, this scene has been in my mind many times. Immediately, I lifted my foot, pushed the neutral gear, and pulled the handbrake. The whole process took only 1 second. It’s okay, my heart is beating wildly. It is estimated that when the brake is applied, the accelerator is still touched.

Depart at 9 o’clock, and it is already 4:30 pm when we arrive in Susong County, Anqing. I missed an exit on the highway, so I had to go to the next exit and turn back, driving more than 50 kilometers. The whole journey was more than 700 kilometers and took 7 and a half hours, which set a new record for my long-distance driving.

Put down the woman and go straight to Mount Lushan.

Due to the low season, the original price of tickets is 160 discounts. The car charges 45 yuan, and you can drive directly up the mountain. This unexpected surprise, I thought I was going to climb the mountain. The second surprise is that the hotel booked by Ctrip is in the scenic spot, next to the former site of the Lushan Conference. Park the car in front of the hotel. The third surprise, due to the low season, or maybe because of my good character, the sister at the front desk upgraded my room for free. It’s worth it. After checking in, I asked my sister where I could have dinner, and my sister pointed me to a bowl of noodles next to the hotel. The noodles are not very dripping, but it is enough to fill the stomach.

Back to the hotel, I used the excuse of coming to Mount Lushan for the first time, and asked to introduce the scenic spots and chat with my sister. My sister carefully recommended the route. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, the itinerary basically follows the east and west routes guided by my sister. My sister’s mother was born in 1974, younger than me. When talking about Lushan Love, I said that this trip must be seen, and Zhang Yu is my goddess. The face of the younger sister flashed a woman’s natural homosexual expression, but she said that she could not accept the bland taste of that era. Now they love to watch those romance scenes with ancient costumes and martial arts…

Lushan Love Cinema is on Congling Street, 1 km away from the hotel. The movie theater kept playing Lushan Love, and my sister suggested that I could watch it at night. I drove for 5 minutes to the Lushan Love Cinema, which I had admired for a long time, and asked a tourist woman to take a photo for me at the door. Movie tickets 40.

Finally, my dream came true. I watched “Love in Lushan Mountain”, which I love very much and never get tired of watching, in Lushan Mountain. As soon as I entered the screening room, I saw that classic kiss. Maybe I was influenced by the atmosphere in the theater, so I booed briskly, which drew the laughter of the women in the back row. Lushan Mountain is beautiful, but Zhang Yu is even more beautiful. That youthful smile and figure made me suddenly understand that my love for Lushan Lian is not so much my obsession with Zhang Yu, as it is my nostalgia for my youthful years…

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

The room is nice, clean and tidy, everything you need is there. The windows are still made of wooden frames, which is very sentimental.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Hotel main entrance

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

An excuse to come to Lushan Mountain for the first time, please introduce the scenic spots, and chat with my sister.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Lushan Love, which I miss so much, is the top priority of this trip.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Lushan Love, which I miss so much, is the top priority of this trip.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

My Goddess. Shanghai woman Zhang Yu.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

As soon as I entered the cinema, it was the classic Chinese first kiss scene.


There are many poem inscriptions left by literati and poets in Lushan Mountain since ancient times, and many famous poems have been published. In modern times, a British man took a fancy to the scenery and climate here, and invested in many holiday villas, and Lushan gradually became a large-scale summer resort. Later, Lao Mao built some more, and Lushan became the recuperation base of the central leadership and the Academy of Sciences, and it was not open to the public. In the 1980s, tourism was gradually opened to the outside world, and the common people finally saw the beautiful mountains, beautiful waters, and quietness of the emperor’s house, as well as those beautiful villas.

In fact, although you can enter the scenic spot by car, you should buy a sightseeing ticket for the scenic spot. You can sit anywhere for tens of yuan and go anywhere. Driving sometimes takes a little distance, 1-2 kilometers. Walking is a bit tiring, driving is easy to get stuck, and it is not easy to park.

Drive to the east line in the morning. Park the car in the Hanpokou parking lot and walk into the scenic spot. Cable car round-trip ticket 50. The scenery of Hanpokou, especially the scenery on the cable car is the essence of the scenery of Lushan Mountain. Unfortunately, when there is heavy fog, you can’t see anything, which is extremely regrettable.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

I don’t know the true face of Lushan Mountain, but because I am in this mountain, I understand that what I’m talking about is fog.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

It is said that if the weather is good, you can have a panoramic view of Hanpokou on the cable car

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Dakou Waterfall requires an additional 35 tickets. Li Bai’s so-called flying stream goes straight down three thousand feet, which is a distant view. Now let you look under the waterfall, it is no different from ordinary small waterfalls. Due to the dense fog, I could only see 30 feet.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Lulin Lake, when Zhang Yu and Guo Kaimin met each other, they couldn’t wait to jump into the lake and swim towards each other.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Back then, Zhang Yu and Guo Kaimin used the pretense of learning English (I love the morning of my motherland) in this place where they flirt with girls. Now it is occupied by a large group of aunts. Of course, Zhang Yu is also an aunt now. Why! Why do people live so long.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

No. 1 Lulin, Lao Mao’s former residence.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

No. 1 Lulin, Lao Mao’s former residence.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

The old Mao’s residence now displays some photos of the central leaders in Lushan, and some ancient poems about visiting Lushan.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

The old Mao’s residence now displays some photos of the central leaders in Lushan, and some ancient poems about visiting Lushan.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Guling Street on the Hill

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Guling Street on the Hill

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Meilu Villa. Good mountains, good waters, and quietness have only belonged to the emperor’s family since ancient times.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Meilu Villa. Good mountains, good waters, and quietness have only belonged to the emperor’s family since ancient times.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Meilu Villa. The only villa on Mount Lu where both Mao and Jiang lived.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Meilu Villa.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Meilu Villa.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

How does kerosene drive a compressor? I don’t understand, I hope you can enlighten me if you understand.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Song Meiling’s painting.

Go back to the hotel, see my sister again, and book another night. My sister asks for praise. Immediately write it down and show it to her, and my sister is satisfied. My sister lives next door to me. I am 206, she is 207. I know what the judges are thinking, but it’s useless, nothing happened.


Wake up early and visit the former site of the Lushan Conference and the Anti-Japanese Memorial Hall next to the hotel. The former site of the Lushan Conference was a movie theater. Lao Mao held several meetings here, and witnessed many historical events in that special era: Peng Dehuai was killed here; Very good, as if time traveled to that era.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Lushan is the place where Chiang Kai-shek published his famous anti-Japanese war essay: “…There is no distinction between north and south, no distinction between old and young, no matter who you are, everyone has the responsibility to defend the land and resist the war…” Some photos and cultural relics are displayed in the Anti-Japanese Memorial Hall.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Mount Lushan is actually an excellent place for tourism and vacation. The east line is a range of natural scenery, more than 1,000 meters above sea level, Hanpokou, Sandie Spring, etc., with sea of ​​clouds and mountains, infinite scenery; Or those places in Lushan Lianli. Went in the morning: Ruqin Lake, Huajing, Xianren Cave, Yubei Pavilion, Tianqiao, Jinxiu Valley. It rained suddenly at noon, so I went back home and stayed another night.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Ruqin Lake

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

In order to rush to take a photo, the aunts have already started arguing.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Lao Mao’s poem said: A fairy cave is born, and the infinite scenery is on the dangerous peak. I don’t know why those Taoist celestial masters like to live in this cold and damp cave.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

fairy cave

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

fairy cave

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Yubei Pavilion is the place where Zhang Yu and Guo Kaimin met by chance while hiding from the rain, and Zhang advised Guo to quit smoking.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

If there is no fog, the scenery should be quite good.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China


One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Behind is the abyss


Get up early and go directly down the mountain to Donglin Temple. My sister is still sleeping, so I say goodbye on WeChat, even though I said goodbye to her last night. Donglin Temple is at the foot of the mountain, leaving the Lushan scenic spot. Manually shift to 3rd gear, the car slides all the way down the hill, saves fuel and brakes, brakes slightly when turning sharply, and honks the horn.

Donglin Temple is being expanded, and in “Love on Lushan Mountain”, the two drink smart spring water together, and the place where the photo is taken next to the God of Love is no longer visible. Near noon, according to the hotel sister’s suggestion, eat a vegetarian meal.

Unexpectedly, it was an experience that I had never had before. The rules of Donglin Temple are very strict, you are not allowed to make noise when entering the temple, walk on the right side, and three people do not stand side by side. You can’t just kneel on the mats for worshiping Buddha – the current mats of the Buddha statues are for the master. Soho is free. When queuing up for vegetarian food, a monk held up a sign: Silence, turn off your phone. Men and women line up separately. When I entered the dining hall, I saw rows of long tables with tableware neatly arranged.

After being seated, I heard the monk chanting “Namo Amitabha” for about 15 minutes. There is a sheet of instructions on the top of the table, the placement of the tableware, the etiquette of eating, how to express whether you want or not when lay volunteers come to add food; what to read before fasting, what to read after fasting, and some rules such as doing good deeds and accumulating virtue . There are about 200 people in the dining hall, and the whole eating process is silent, neat and standardized, just like militarized management.

When everyone recited the Buddha’s name and recited the fast, they were quite shocked. Donglin Temple is promoting Buddhism to all living beings, promoting good and suppressing evil, and doing a decent meal with a fast meal. Compared with the price of a bowl of plain noodles in Jing’an Temple in Shanghai, which costs 30 yuan, the environment is full of people, rushing to coax the children…

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

I saw a lot of people holding the food over their heads, and I don’t know what they were doing, maybe they were delivering food to the Bodhisattva.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Men and women line up separately, waiting for vegetarian food.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

I didn’t dare to take pictures at all. These photos were taken secretly at the risk of death, and they are very precious.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

I didn’t dare to take pictures at all. These photos were taken secretly at the risk of death, and they are very precious.

Check the Guanyin Bridge and confirm that it is indeed the filming location of the Lushan kiss scene. Decided to go to Guanyin Bridge. No regrets. It is more than 50 kilometers from the back of Lushan Mountain to Guanyin Bridge, which takes one hour. Guanyin Bridge is a stone arch bridge built in the Northern Song Dynasty, across the canyon stream.

If it wasn’t for Lushan Lian, I would basically not come back. This scenic spot is no different from the Grand Canyons in Zhejiang, but there are more historical and cultural things, such as Chiang Kai-shek’s palace, celebrity stone carvings, and the glacial relics of the fourth season.

In order to pursue love in Lushan Mountain, I still climbed the mountain and looked at the water. The map on the ticket marked the filming location of Lushan Love, but since there was no tour guide, I could only compare it with the movie camera, and I was roughly sure, or a highly suspected big rock, was the place of the kiss scene. There are also pools for swimming in bathing suits.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

At that time, Zhang Yu praised the ingenuity of our ancients on the Guanyin Bridge.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Ancient stone carvings under the bridge arch.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

The high degree of suspicion seems to be this big rock. Back then, Zhang Yu blamed Guo Kaimin for being dull and kissed Guo proactively. The two of them sat on this rock.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

glacier remains

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Where Zhang Yu and Guo Kaimin swim in swimsuits. Back then, wearing swimsuits on the screen was like nude scenes now.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

see that

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Feng Yuxiang’s inscription

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Qixian Temple, did not go in.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Here the author took a sip of the clear spring.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

The husband and wife tree planted by Jiang and Song Meiling.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

The husband and wife tree planted by Jiang and Song Meiling. Jiang Gong was romantic when he was young, and after his marriage with Soong Meiling, he remained as dedicated as before. There was no sexual news, and he converted to Christianity. I don’t think it’s just political needs that can be done. This aspect is more commendable than Mao.

One car, one piano and one mobile phone, traveling all over Jiangxi, China

Chiang’s Palace

Goodbye, Lushan!

People in Jiangxi call Lushan Mountain Yinshan, and those who go to Lushan Mountain will go to failure; they call Jinggangshan Mountain Yangshan, and people who go to Yangshan Mountain will go to victory from then on. But I followed the footsteps of Lushan Lian with my feelings, ignoring these utilitarian superstitions.