Opel and Buick will launch self-designed brand new coupe SUV instead of changing skins

A few days ago, some overseas media reported that Buick has started to design a brand new coupe SUV model. According to Helen Emsley, executive design director of Buick, the new car will be designed by Buick itself, instead of following the new model of Opel and Vauxhall.

Opel and Buick will launch self-designed brand new coupe SUV instead of changing skins

According to reports, the clay model of this new coupe SUV has been displayed in a small range. It will have a sporty fastback design and a very sculptural line, with a large-sized front grille and narrow and long lamps. The outer profile resembles an unfolded wing shape.

Opel and Buick will launch self-designed brand new coupe SUV instead of changing skins

According to Bob Boniface, Buick’s global design director, this new car is still in the concept design stage, but the overall design style will continue to the mass-produced models. We will keep an eye on other news about the new car.