[Opinion] Wang Di, Heng Ainos Camping: Experience on Camp Planning and Layout

Regarding the layout of the camp, I think it should be summarized based on the three elements of site selection and the four aspects of construction.

[Opinion] Wang Di, Heng Ainos Camping: Experience on Camp Planning and Layout

(Wang Di, Chairman of Guangdong Heng Ainos Camping Technology Co., Ltd.)

The first is the location advantage, which involves the overall layout. When selecting a site, if there are no cities with a population of more than one million within a diameter of 100 kilometers around the camp, it will cause great difficulties for future operations, because the camp will ultimately focus on serving people, so this is the first element.

The second is the transportation advantage, because although the camping industry has begun to , after all, there are not many people who own RVs, and we need to serve more tourists who travel by car. Therefore, when we enter the camp for self-driving tourists , we must satisfy the transportation advantages of airplanes, high-speed rails, and cars.

The third is the support advantage. Whether there are rich scenic resources and natural landscapes around the camp to support it, so as to increase its own attractiveness, extend the stay time of tourists, and maximize profits. At present, RV camping associations in various provinces across the country are also planning the layout. Such a layout is more reasonable, because it not only needs to meet people’s economic income, but also meets the needs of changing camp construction in the future.

[Opinion] Wang Di, Heng Ainos Camping: Experience on Camp Planning and Layout

I think the four aspects of camp layout construction are: “beautiful scenery, delicious food, beautiful clothing, and beautiful people.” Camp construction relies on natural scenery, but if you want to keep guests, you cannot do without the culture of “eating”. Now most campsites focus on barbecue and self-service. Not only are the types of dishes scarce, but the dishes are also average. More special and branded meals should be introduced into the campground to improve the score of the catering link and pay attention to the high requirements of Chinese people for food culture.

The so-called “beautiful decoration” refers to camp accommodation facilities and outdoor camping supporting equipment, including RVs, containers, wooden houses, tents and other accommodation equipment. The biggest difference between campsites and hotel resorts is that you can experience more different styles of non-standard accommodation and outdoor camping life, which is more innovative and closer to nature.

“Beauty” represents activities. In the process of camp planning, design and construction, in order to enrich the camp activities, it is necessary to create activities suitable for different age groups and different groups in the camp. For example, implant competitive sports into camps as leisure activities ; implant popular science sports and entertainment for teenagers into camps; implant leisure activities for middle-aged and elderly people into camps. Because the camp is more suitable for family travel, if it can meet the leisure needs of the old, middle and young generations, there will be more reasons for guests to stay instead of the so-called daze in the camp. Therefore, creating activities suitable for public participation is critical to camp operations.

[Opinion] Wang Di, Heng Ainos Camping: Experience on Camp Planning and Layout

In the construction of campsites, according to the “Recreational Campground Construction and Service Specifications”, in accordance with the comprehensive and standardized model, we strive to form a standard complex with a wide coverage and many service objects, while emphasizing the characteristics and shaping differences to avoid camping. There are stereotyped and similar constructions everywhere. Then I think the future development of this camp is very promising.