Ordinary people’s heroic dream: Who will challenge the 2019 Third Pole Ultimate Off-Road Rally?

As we all know, except for the

Antarctic, Arctic

And the third pole—

Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

This highland with an area of ​​2.57 million square kilometers

Rising from the ground in the southwest of my country

Become the youngest and highest plateau on earth

Known as the “Roof of the World” and “Asian Water Tower”

world famous

Satellite aerial view of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Drawing/Yellow Label

Ordinary people's heroic dream: Who will challenge the 2019 Third Pole Ultimate Off-Road Rally?

Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

West from the Pamirs and the Hindu Kush

East to Hengduan Mountains

From the Kunlun Mountains and Qilian Mountains in the north

South to the Himalayas

The average altitude is over  4000 meters

Satellite photographs the topography and main mountains of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Ordinary people's heroic dream: Who will challenge the 2019 Third Pole Ultimate Off-Road Rally?

at this

The most unique geological-geographical-ecological unit on earth

hide too many secrets

Fascinated by countless scientists

It also allows many self-driving enthusiasts to go on and on!

you may have traveled a lot

But the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is always an unfinished dream

You may have been to Tibet, or even went there again and again

But I’ve always wanted to go the lesser-known route

appreciate the difference

Tibet not known to the public

2019 (third term)

Third Pole Ultimate Off-Road Car Rally

Highest car race in the

Longest distance car race in the

The Most Challenging People’s Race in the World

It’s a very crazy, unconventional line

The core stage is the desert of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

More than 7000 kilometers

Special stage over 3000 kilometers

The average altitude is above 4500 meters

Approximate route map of last year’s (second) third-pole ultimate cross-country rally

Ordinary people's heroic dream: Who will challenge the 2019 Third Pole Ultimate Off-Road Rally?

This is a public event

Only production cars are accepted

Refuse all kinds of professional modified cars

Ordinary people's heroic dream: Who will challenge the 2019 Third Pole Ultimate Off-Road Rally?

This is an innovative game

The stage chooses a mixture of road surface and off-road terrain

There are asphalt roads, gravel roads, herdsmen’s roads, country roads, ruts, etc.

Ordinary people's heroic dream: Who will challenge the 2019 Third Pole Ultimate Off-Road Rally?

Ordinary people's heroic dream: Who will challenge the 2019 Third Pole Ultimate Off-Road Rally?

Innovative new concept of mixed competition system

The whole schedule includes rally stage, U2 cooperative cross-country stage, assembly stage, point-seeking stage and other stages

Scoring is reflected in points

Ordinary people's heroic dream: Who will challenge the 2019 Third Pole Ultimate Off-Road Rally?

This is a new way to play

Under the premise of escorting by a professional team

A group of self-driving people on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Play while racing, challenge yourself

Not only can you harvest memories worth blowing for a lifetime

And the brotherhood of sharing weal and woe!

Last year, the rescue team led by Nail, the moderator of the off-road e-family Toule family, carried out rescue in Zari Nanmu Co.

Third Pole Ultimate Off-Road Rally

A heroic dream belonging to ordinary people

Will you come?

Ordinary people's heroic dream: Who will challenge the 2019 Third Pole Ultimate Off-Road Rally?

When you look up at the stars, they’re raising their hands to touch

Ordinary people's heroic dream: Who will challenge the 2019 Third Pole Ultimate Off-Road Rally?

When you have dreams in your heart, they run across the land

Ordinary people's heroic dream: Who will challenge the 2019 Third Pole Ultimate Off-Road Rally?

Action, off-road life can be fulfilled

Ordinary people's heroic dream: Who will challenge the 2019 Third Pole Ultimate Off-Road Rally?

2019 (third term)

The announcement of the third ultimate off-road car rally is as follows

Friends who want to sign up, please pay attention

Sponsor (tentative)

Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television Bureau of Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province

Tibet Nagqu Culture and Tourism Bureau

Tourism Development Bureau of Ngari Region, Tibet

Culture, Radio and Tourism Bureau of Kashgar, Xinjiang

People’s Government of Shuanghu County, Tibet

People’s Government of Yecheng County, Xinjiang


Chengdu Ultimate Off-Road Sports Event Planning Co., Ltd.

Henan Ultimate Off-Road Sports Event Planning Co., Ltd.

Co-organizers (tentative)

Yushu Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television Bureau

Nangqian County Bureau of Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television

Zhiduo County Bureau of Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television

Qumalai County Bureau of Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television

Chengduo County Bureau of Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television

Zaduo County Bureau of Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television

Event Guarantee

Off-road e family Toule family

film and television cooperation agency

China Auto Network Tencent Video iQiyi Video

Authorized partner media

“China Self-Driving Geography” by Auto Friends

media support

Xinhuanet, People.com.cn, China Youth.cn, China.com.cn, Sina Sports, Tencent Sports, Phoenix.com, CIBN China Internet TV, Off-road e-family, Sohu Che Youhui Aika, Tibet Satellite TV, Sichuan Satellite TV, Youku, Lays Sports, Central People’s Broadcasting Station China Traffic Radio FM: 99.6, China Car Satellite TV, China Travel Satellite TV, Elephant Media Human Geography Channel

photography support

Off-road e-family off-road film association

Competition designated liquor

Wuliang welcome wine Ultimate off-road special wine

strategic cooperation

off-road e family

Competition time : September 6-21, 2019 (tentative)

Event scale: 50 cars

Event attributes: long-distance car off-road rally mixed race

Competition system standard: a mixture of the following competition forms – rally: cross-country: U2: rally, etc.

Location: Qinghai, Tibet, Xinjiang

Stages: 12 (tentative)

The whole journey: the whole journey is about 7,000 kilometers

Special stages: about 3,000 kilometers

Competition base camp:

Yushu City, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province


From 09:00 to 18:00 on September 4th, drivers’ administrative reports and vehicle inspections.

From 09:00 to 11:30 on September 5th, driver administrative registration and vehicle inspection.

At 15:00 on September 5th, the meeting of all players.

Welcome dinner at 17:30 on September 5th.

Participating vehicle requirements:

This event is a long-distance car race for mass-produced off-road vehicles. All participating vehicles are required to be legal vehicles certified by the traffic control department of the People’s Republic of China. Participating vehicles must have complete licenses, legal and valid. There are no divisions, displacements, or genders in this event.

1: Participating vehicles are light off-road vehicles with no more than 8 seats and a displacement of less than 8000 CC.

2: The participating vehicles are brought by the applicants, and drivers of different genders can share the same vehicle for the competition.

3: The basic parameters of the vehicle shall not be changed (engine, frame, wheelbase, wheelbase).

4: Participating vehicles can be lifted safely. Vehicle shock absorbers are required to be installed in the original parking space. The number of shock absorbers in the original car must be maintained. Additional shock absorbers are not allowed. Competition tires are optional, and installation of roll cages, safety seats, Safety equipment such as multi-point seat belts.

5: The appearance requirements of the vehicle are consistent with the driving license. If the additional equipment other than the driving license is inspected and interfered by the traffic control department during the race or driving and affects the race, the driver shall bear the consequences.

6: Participating vehicles must carry at least one fire extinguisher of no less than 2 kg.

7: Participating vehicles must be equipped with front and rear tow hooks.

8: The vehicle inspection referee has the right to reject vehicles that do not meet the safety standards.

9: Compulsory traffic insurance, third-party commercial insurance (not less than 500,000) and passenger seat insurance within the validity period must be held by the participating vehicles.

10: Participating vehicles must be equipped with GPS (Garmin series gpsmontana650.62s.60csx.76 series). The main functions need to be mastered.

11: One mirror, one first aid kit, one pack of matches and one red flag (50cm.50cm) are required for each car.

12: Each racing car carries two days of dry food, drinking water, and essential medicines for altitude.

13: Each car carries a tent for the car group, and the owner of the car is equipped with sleeping bags and moisture-proof pads that are not lower than minus 10 degrees.

14: All participants must wear safety helmets (mandatory)

15: A trailer belt with a length of not less than 5 meters and a bearing capacity of not less than 3 tons.

Registration period: May 20, 2019 – August 31, 2019

Registration is limited to 50 cars (2-3 people are recommended for each car) , and the fee includes 15 days of accommodation, racer clothing, race insurance, rescue fees, etc.

Registration contact: “China Self-Driving Geography” is the official designated registration organization, and students who are interested in registration can scan the QR code to enter the group☟

Ordinary people's heroic dream: Who will challenge the 2019 Third Pole Ultimate Off-Road Rally?

(If you can’t scan the code or the group is full of hundreds of people, you can contact customer service Yaoyaoling to pull you into the group, or add customer service Lulu to send WeChat: zijiadilikefu2 , note: the third pole, pull you into the group)

Drivers who have selected their car numbers for this race must go through the registration procedures within seven days from the announcement of the No. 1 announcement, otherwise the selected car numbers will not be retained.

The range of car numbers for this year’s race is from 0200 to 0299. No matter how the participating vehicles reach the finish line along the race route during the race, this number belongs to the driver for life.

Competition service description:

1: This competition is held under a special geographical condition. 70% of the competition road sections are held above 4 kilometers above sea level, which has a lot of unpredictability. Most of the accommodation conditions along the way are poor and the reception capacity is low. There may be a shortage of rooms in the local area, and the arrangement will be based on the principle of giving priority to women and the elderly. The remaining vehicles and staff of the organizing committee will be camping. The organizing committee will not accept complaints.

2: Most of the races are held at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters. Drivers register cautiously in line with their own responsibility.

3: During the competition stage, if the vehicle breaks down and cannot be repaired, the organizing committee is only responsible for rescuing the participants until the next assembly point is completed. The faulty vehicle shall be handled by the participants themselves, and the fault cannot be eliminated before the start of the next stage on the next day to continue the competition. exit the game.

4: Participants please read the No. 1 announcement carefully before registering. If you have registered, the organizing committee will be deemed to have agreed and accepted the above requirements of this competition. The organizing committee will not accept any complaints during the competition.

something else:

1: Since most of the stages of this auto race are held at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters, the standard configuration of the participating car group is three people (driver, co-pilot and pilot, technician) and two-person car groups are also accepted.

2: If there is a reduction in the number of members of the three-person racing team during the race, the team with one less person can continue to participate in the race, and if there is more than one person, it will be regarded as a withdrawal.

3: The registration fee will not be refunded for those who withdraw from the competition for any reason or are dismissed due to serious violation of competition discipline after the start of the competition.

4: In order to show a fair race, the arbitration committee is composed of two selected drivers and one organizer.

5: The timing of the stage is accurate to the second, and the timing of the rally stage is accurate to the last two digits of the second.

6: This competition is based on the points system. The first place in each stage gets 100 points, the second place 90 points, and so on. After the tenth place (including the tenth place) all get 10 points. win.

7: There is no tied ranking in this event. In the event of the same points in the end, the organizing committee will arrange a 400-meter straight race to determine the winner.

8: Since this competition is held in a place with difficult geographical conditions and high altitude, the organizing committee has the right to change, shorten or cancel a certain stage, and will not accept complaints.

Ordinary people's heroic dream: Who will challenge the 2019 Third Pole Ultimate Off-Road Rally?

This year, stories on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

will be written by you

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