Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)


Peshawar is a city guarded by AK.


Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

I am finally going to Peshawar today. I have been a little regretful for not being able to go because of terrorist attacks three years ago.

When I got on the bus, I was both excited and nervous.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

I have long heard that Peshawar is extremely closed. Some tourists were shot dead because of their revealing clothes. It is also an area with a high incidence of terrorist attacks.

Curiosity about a place is sometimes due to danger, which may be the root cause of the rebellious period.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

When approaching Peshawar, he and Lan Xin armed themselves with turbans, anyway, they should have a little sense of security.

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My friend happened to know a local. She had helped this Pakistani friend in Kashgar back then. When she learned that her friend had arrived in Peshawar, this friend came to the station early to pick us up.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

This Mr. Dawood is a big man with an aura of more than 200 jins. He wears a white long coat, black vest, and a big iconic beard. He looks quite bossy.

After chatting with him after getting in the car, I found out that he is super humorous.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

I wonder if women traveling in Peshawar need to wear hijab, he replied, it depends on yourself, you can wear it, and no one will kill you if you don’t wear it.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

After arriving at his shop, I found that Lao Yu had disappeared, so I asked him, where is my friend? He said, go out with my friend, don’t worry, my friend will not kill him.

Because he knows what we worry about, he always makes jokes like this.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

But everything did not become easy because of this. In the days in Peshawar, security police followed us with AKs every day. From the moment we checked into the hotel, there was an additional security policeman at our door, and as before, he also served us for free.

This kind of 24-hour personal bodyguard is also a guide, an interpreter and a security policeman, which is quite touching.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

Peshawar is completely different from what I imagined. Perhaps in my impression, he should be old and backward, but when our car drove into the city, I felt a very modern atmosphere. Viaducts, high-rise buildings, shopping malls, parks.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

Peshawar is the city with the most ethnic characteristics in Pakistan. It was designated as the capital by King Kanishka I of Gandhara in the Kushan Dynasty in 58 BC. It is also the second largest city in Pakistan.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

Of course, what attracted us the most was the Old Town of Peshawar.

Like Kashgar, the old city has several gates. Mr. Dawood told us that when Peshawar was in chaos, the city gates were closed at night, people outside the gates were more dangerous, and the city was relatively safe.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)


Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

▲Make a carpet

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

▲Straw weaving

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

▲Wood carving

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

▲Clay pottery

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)


Mr. dawood took us to visit the handicraft museum, where there are many craftsmen, weaving, pottery, embroidery, and various handicraft displays. very interesting.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

Of course, there is another special feature of Peshawar, which is quite curious to us, that is the gun shop here.

There are many gun shops in Peshawar. The guns here are basically assembled. As long as you have a gun license, you can buy a gun that suits you here.

Of course most people use guns just to protect themselves.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

I heard that a Chinese bought a gun here and took it back to China by land, but was detained at the port.

China does not allow ordinary people to carry guns.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

The old town of Peshawar is very lively, and there are a variety of small shops, and it is dizzying to walk through it.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

All kinds of grilled chicken and fried fish are also very tempting.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

There is always a constant stream of people on the street, the most special is the women wearing burka, this kind of clothing is more common in Afghanistan, because Peshawar is close to Afghanistan, so it is also affected by it (because it is rare in other cities such clothing) , This kind of clothing that makes it difficult to distinguish the front and back completely covers the woman, her face is tightly covered, and there is only a row of mesh for observing the outside world.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

Judging from the appearance of this kind of clothing, it is estimated that no one will recognize who it is.

Pakistan | Re-take KKH, start again in memory (6)

I finally came to Peshawar, which I was thinking about, but it was the day when I had the worst cold. I sat shivering in Mr. Dawood’s shop, so I missed the itinerary that Mr. Dawood arranged for us.

But for me, it only takes one glance to fall in love with a place. From the moment I first arrived here, I knew I loved it.

If I remember a place in my heart, I will definitely go there again.