Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Due to network problems, the autumn activities will only be released in winter.

Inadvertently, the tail of autumn has quietly arrived, and I wanted to see the red leaves, but I couldn’t catch the last train. After half a year of silence, everyone became restless again. After an appointment in the group, it hit it off, so let’s wear Baokang again, so everyone staged a snowstorm crossing of the Baokang line under the leadership of the captain Sleepy and the wrench!

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Although everyone has crossed the Baokang line twice, the routes are different each time, because the so-called Baokang line is actually a general term for several routes in an area, including Baokang, Xiaokang, Hanmei, etc. Several different lines. This time our route is to enter the mountain from Zhonggang Village in Baoxing, cross the small pass, go north after arriving at Lianghe Village, pass through alpine meadows, turn over the most challenging big pass, and then descend to Sanchakou and change to the west On the other hand, it goes up again, climbs over the wooden shell beams with the highest altitude, and finally goes down the mountain through Hanniu Township to Danba County.

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

At noon on the first day of November, four Pajeroes and one Prado, more than a dozen brothers gathered at the Universal Wrench factory on time. After eating the famous braised pork rice, they headed straight to the Famous Expressway.

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Along the way, everyone lined up and continued westward after meeting the cute deputy captain “Gunpowder Gun” at the Chongzhou ramp. After about ten kilometers, an accident happened. The team leader’s V75 local GDi had an emergency.

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

We found a repair shop on the side of the road, lifted it up to check and deal with it briefly, and continued on the road.

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

With the presence of a great master, all the problems will not be a problem, and the universal wrench can be used by yourself, and the problem can be eliminated with two strokes. In order to experience a different experience, we bypassed Ya’an, got off the expressway directly from Jiaguan, passed through Tiantai Mountain, Gaohe Town, and went to Qionglu Road. Pass through the Xishan Tunnel in Zhenxi, climb all the way to Shuangshi Town, cross Yazikou to Lingguan Town in Baoxing, and then go north through Baoxing County to reach Zhonggang Village, the end of the first day.

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

In order to enter the mountain for the first batch, the convoy set off at dawn the next morning. The flat, non-paved road was not difficult at all. Everyone was sorting out their mood when suddenly a challenge came. Due to the heavy rain last night, just a few kilometers away from the village, a large landslide area blocked the way, muddy water flowed on the road, and the landslide completely covered the 20-30-meter-wide road surface. Visual inspection It is two to three meters thick and there are many tree stumps and water ditches in the middle. The villagers on the side of the road are also persuading us, saying that it has just collapsed, and we must not survive today, so we should turn around and go back.

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

But we were unwilling to give up lightly. Car No. 1 Xiaohan tried to charge, but was soon stuck in the mud ditch and couldn’t move forward, so we went back to choose the line again. The right side seemed to be a little smoother, so car No. 1 tried again , Hang up the low four, keep the accelerator at more than 2000 rpm, and rush over with a roar. Then there is the Prado of Guozi’s classmate. Although it is a new car, it is unambiguous at all. Next, the gunpowder gun’s flat-topped V45, stepping on the newly replaced mud tires, passed through at a leisurely pace; then the leader’s V75, with the rear lock on, strolled in the courtyard. According to him, it was idling. worn. The student Wukong at the back also wanted to learn from the team leader, but the throttle was too low and he got stuck in the middle, so he had to go back and charge again. After the manual 73 of the migrant workers came over, everyone continued to set off as a team.

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

The scenery along the way is beautiful, the dirt road spirals up, and gradually comes above the snow line. The new snow on the road has no ruts, and we are more sure that we are the first team today. Stop and go all the way, release the drone, and come to the small pass without any pressure.

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Surprisingly, asphalt has been paved on the top of the small pass. It seems that as an off-road vehicle crossing route, the playable time of Baokang Line has entered the countdown. On the way down the mountain, I was blocked by road paving machinery for a while, and I came to Lianghe Village, a transportation hub, along the temporary new road. If you go south along the paved road, you can go from Jintang Town to Kangding, but we don’t hesitate to turn right and go north, heading towards Xiaojin.

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Opening and closing the gate of the cattle pen all the way, we entered an alpine meadow pasture, where there were groups of yaks, and the terrain gradually opened up. The scenery of snow-capped mountains and plateaus gradually emerged. The eyes are in heaven, but the feet are hell. The road is not only unpaved, but also much bumpier than the unpaved road in Baoxing just now. There are small shell craters one after another, and large horizontal ditches one after another. The splash of muddy water hits the windshield, but that’s where the fun is for us. Crows are flying in groups on both sides of the road, drones are afraid to fly again, and wine bottles are clinking in the trunk. The altitude slowly rose again, and we began to circle up the mountain. Just after halfway up the mountain, car No. 1 found that the road was completely covered with snow, and the accelerator began to become difficult. So I downshifted to four-wheel drive, and swayed my buttocks all the way to repair the direction and gradually approached Da Pass.

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

The time to show the strength of the team finally came. Everyone got out of the car and performed their duties. Under the command of Brother 7, the head of the team dragged the No. 1 car out with a tow rope. With the efforts of Liu Kun, he re-attached the anti-skid chain. Under the organization of Brother Seven and the Universal Wrench, migrant workers and Brother Xin are working hard to clear the snow. The number of other cars behind gradually increased, but unfortunately not many people came up to help, so we continued to do it ourselves. Car No. 1 tried to charge again, broke through the snow wall, and moved forward for more than ten meters. After passing a curve, it was blocked by deeper snow. Since there was no rear lock, it had to retreat aside.

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

The last car of the migrant worker was at the end. Because the slope was too steep and the road surface was too slippery, the car slipped. Fortunately, it was finally controlled. Liu Kun braved the severe cold and high altitude to start tying snow chains to the cars behind, and finally gradually fixed the chains of the cars behind. The strong wind mixed with snowflakes blew on everyone’s faces, and it became a problem whether they could go down the mountain today. If you can’t go down the mountain smoothly, it is very dangerous for so many cars to be stuck overnight at the pass.

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

At this time, the hero appeared, and the leader put on the low four, locked the back lock, and started the most heroic self-rescue. The GDi motor roared, starting from the first snow wall just now, came to the corner, took over the No. 1 car and became the pioneer. Hitting the snow wall over and over again, advancing a few meters every time, usually getting stuck in the snow after two dashes, and then being dragged out by the powder gun behind with the tow rope, and then rushing again. After more than ten rounds, the snow wall at the corner was finally broken away, and the road rushed to the pass along the straight road.

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Down the pass, there was another snow wall, so the group leader had to get out of the car to explore on foot. Panting heavily, he walked back and forth and decided to continue charging. Therefore, he reversed back for a short distance first, and then accelerated to launch a general attack on the snow wall. The only GDi in this group screamed and pushed away the snow wall, and the snow waves flew on both sides of the bumper, like a pull of ice and snow, and finally successfully rushed out of the snow barrier area. One by one, the cars behind drove down the pass along the snow track opened by the head of the group. Everyone at this time is lamenting the bravery of the head. Because he not only let us get out of danger safely, but also gave the other cars behind the hope of getting out of trouble.

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

After going down the mountain for a few hundred meters, we came to the fork. Encouraged by the encouragement just now, we decided to continue to climb over the wooden shell beams to Hanniu Township. At first, everyone was mentally prepared to face greater difficulties, and they didn’t even take the snow chains. As a result, they didn’t expect that although the last pass was the highest in altitude, it was the lowest in difficulty. After flipping over without any risk, he took the chain and quickly went down the mountain. At an altitude of 3,200 meters, I stopped to light a fire to cook, and it was already 4:30 pm for lunch. Brother 7 showed off his outdoor cooking skills again, frying twice-cooked pork, and the universal wrench also showed everyone the unique skill of cooking with an engine.

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

After the meal, the journey went smoothly, arrived in Danba, and stayed at the Beauty Valley Hotel, the price/performance ratio was not bad. On the third day, we ran all the way and returned to Chengdu at noon.

Pazhongju Sichuan Brigade Baokang Line Crossing the Wind and Snow

Gather strength, because you are wonderful


Thanks: PA Zhongju Sichuan Brigade for providing materials and participating teammates

ALLinOFFROAD Pazhongju is the abbreviation of “Pajero (China) Club”. It is an off-road e-family Mitsubishi family’s offline communication platform. The closer” off-road cultural concept.

Pazhongju advocates light off-roading and sharing happiness. Advocate a healthy life for people and vehicles, be keen on social welfare, and convey positive energy in society. Influence and guide car users across the country to participate in activities such as public welfare and environmental protection, caring support, and concern for socially disadvantaged groups.