Pazhongju-Yunda Dehong team went to Burmese refugee camps for charity activities


Winter is coming, and the tropical climate of the China-Myanmar border is also getting colder. Pajero (China) Club – Yunnan Brigade. Dehong Team organized teammates to go abroad to Muse City, Myanmar on Sunday, December 9 to donate clothes and food to children in refugee camps.

       The club met at 9:00 in the morning, the players wore uniforms, and the vehicles were decorated with team flags, and the donated materials were delivered smoothly. At noon in Muse City, I was warmly received by the staff of the refugee camp and international friends, and played games with the children. The Dehong team not only brought material support on behalf of the club, but also brought spiritual support from friendly neighbors, and more importantly, it brought faith to the children.

       Pa Zhongju has long adhered to the combination of cross-country and public welfare. Light a lamp, and the world will not be alone. Thumbs up for you!

Pazhongju-Yunda Dehong team went to Burmese refugee camps for charity activities

Pazhongju-Yunda Dehong team went to Burmese refugee camps for charity activities

Pazhongju-Yunda Dehong team went to Burmese refugee camps for charity activities

Pazhongju-Yunda Dehong team went to Burmese refugee camps for charity activities

Pazhongju-Yunda Dehong team went to Burmese refugee camps for charity activities

Pazhongju-Yunda Dehong team went to Burmese refugee camps for charity activities

Pazhongju-Yunda Dehong team went to Burmese refugee camps for charity activities

Pazhongju-Yunda Dehong team went to Burmese refugee camps for charity activities

Pazhongju-Yunda Dehong team went to Burmese refugee camps for charity activities

Pazhongju-Yunda Dehong team went to Burmese refugee camps for charity activities

Pazhongju-Yunda Dehong team went to Burmese refugee camps for charity activities

Pazhongju-Yunda Dehong team went to Burmese refugee camps for charity activities