Peace of mind, return to work escort, SAIC Volkswagen provides all dealers with exclusive comprehensive protection for return to work

With the positive development of the epidemic prevention and control situation across the country, economic work is gradually returning to normal. In order to help dealers do a good job of protection and countermeasures after resuming work, the Volkswagen brand of SAIC Volkswagen provides an exclusive comprehensive protection plan for resumption of work to all its dealers, and uses meticulous care to make dealer partners feel more at ease and confident. Serve customers and escort them.

Peace of mind, return to work escort, SAIC Volkswagen provides all dealers with exclusive comprehensive protection for return to work

During the joint fight against the epidemic, the Volkswagen brand tried its best to provide dealers with the necessary mask support for daily protection, so that the staff after returning to work can feel at ease on the job, and at the same time, the customers who come to the store can gain peace of mind. In addition, the Volkswagen brand also provides each dealer with an exclusive comprehensive protection plan for returning to work, providing claim settlement protection for multiple liability risks caused by the personal and property safety of customers entering the store, which mainly covers: health loss related to infectious diseases in the store, accidents Injury and property loss, accidental injury and property loss caused by test driving, personal injury caused by eating and drinking in the store, and accidental loss caused by vehicle parking are five major risks. for a period of 1 year. This move will eliminate the troubles of resuming work for dealers and help them provide customers with high-quality products and services with more confidence.

In this “epidemic” war without gunpowder, the Volkswagen brand and dealers have worked together to launch “five peace of mind services”, “Hui Angel Care Plan”, “multiple car owner care gifts”, “logistics nearest delivery service” and other multiple As a pragmatic measure, some dealers have even devoted themselves to the frontline of the fight against the epidemic. SAIC Volkswagen has always provided strong support for dealers, and fought side by side with dealers to overcome difficulties together. Although the epidemic is fierce, there will be an end, but there will be no end to caring peers. The spring breeze has arrived, and the flowers can be expected. After the epidemic, we will welcome the future with a better appearance.