Personalized “Official Subsidy” Helps You Realize MINI Freedom

MINI, the British brand under the BMW Group, has been an innovative pioneer in the industry since its birth. From manufacturing cars to culture, life, and living, MINI uses all innovative and fun ways to create the most emotional experience for fans and users. Today, MINI, which does not take the usual way, once again captured the hearts of many trendy people with its unique and innovative way, and launched the A series of financial policies and the principle of “money gives way to feelings” have allowed more people to realize the freedom of MINI this spring.

Innovate in inheritance and practice the most In “home magic skills” in history

The garage can lock the MINI, but it can’t lock the MINI’s playful heart. Over the years, MINI has continuously upgraded its products and service experience with its restless enthusiasm and innovative experience that understands people’s hearts most, and has integrated the unique passion of the brand into every consumer touch point. We hope to welcome more exciting travel life together with more people who pursue freedom and high quality with more unique and outstanding products and more customized services.


A year ago, MINI, keen on “attitude”, boldly played a cross-border hotel, and the world’s first SUV roof tent hotel was born. At the same time, driving the MINI COUNTRYMAN away from the crowds and driving into the natural scenery has become the most individual and craziest novelty in people’s eyes. This spring, MINI, which does not take the usual path, has taken innovative experiential marketing to a new level – settled in station B (bilibili) to start the live broadcast business, just to “cloud MINI” with you who are equally interesting, during the epidemic During the period, I will share with you the magic news. This stylish car brand with both “fun” and “personality” once again used innovation and persistence to carry out “my style and my style” to the end.


“Cloud nomad” – a MINI, two people, 24 hours in the wilderness. “Cloud Museum” – a voice, many years of memory, Yuntan MINI Museum, revealing the alternative legend of the old Internet celebrity MINI. With its unique creativity and intangible network signals, MINI has brought “As long as you want, I have it” to the extreme, and the experiential marketing represented by MINI has also been pushed to a new height. Who would have thought that we, who stay at home, would “personally” travel around because of a sudden live broadcast? Who would have thought that, as the first car brand to cooperate with Bilibili for a 24-hour non-stop live broadcast, the cumulative number of viewers of MINI’s live broadcast for the first time in Bilibili exceeded 1.4 million, and the highest live broadcast popularity reached 100,000 people! This has turned the British gentleman who has attracted countless “fans” into a trend model passed on by word of mouth. Many activists who were not satisfied with the live broadcast immediately booked a test drive online, secretly looking forward to the day when they could hold the MINI steering wheel in their hands—fate, it’s really wonderful.


Knowing that like-minded “spiritual rich people” are rare, MINI took advantage of the good time and used live broadcasting, the freshest form of exploration at the moment, to make the three words “on the road” a part of people’s self-awareness, growth, and maturity. A wonderful story full of wit and wit. In April this year, MINI will continue to launch creative live broadcasts such as “Underground Track Cloud Competition” and “MINI Owner Cloud Tide Party”, so that the healing sunrise and sunset, the adrenaline-soaring plateau rally, and the red-faced night around the stove Talking about the beautiful scenery closest to the starry sky and the Milky Way, using the most MINI way to overcome distance obstacles, making everything perfect and impeccable.


All dreams should come true in spring, including MINI

Those who have a story never compromise easily, and you who have a story will not stop at “clouds” and travel around the world. How many people have MINI in their hearts, but silently put back the poems and distant places that went to the world of mortals together in their pockets. How many people want to pay for their feelings, but find it so difficult to say that they love you in the “in front of me”.

This spring, MINI will reciprocate your long-term love with courtesy! As of June 30 this year, these “official subsidies” to realize the MINI dream will surely help you realize the freedom of MINI as soon as possible – the whole series of 0 down payment preferential financial leasing schemes, so that the moonlight family with dreams and late bloomers can also enjoy the scenery Drive a MINI; the long-lost “British Green” returns again with a brighter and more eye-catching attitude. The upper body MINI COUNTRYMAN dominates the spring with the only car color in the SUV, and also enjoys “official subsidies”; “For explorers The Changyue maintenance package of “Helping Power” provides 4-year 60,000-kilometer free maintenance to escort self-driving exploration; there is also a 1% monthly interest rate discount, which is exclusive to old BMW/MINI car owners.


Now may be the best time for you to welcome poetry and distant places with MINI! With the blessing of ultra-low monthly payment and 0 interest rate, raising MINI is far less “feely” than you imagined! Let’s go to places we’ve never been, do things we haven’t done, meet people we haven’t met, and use the best mood to reap the best of ourselves—with MINI, “use the most nerdy way, spread the most “Happy Wild” is the most In, trendy, and dreamy joy in life this spring!