Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

In the past few years, I have driven into Tibet five times and walked through many routes. Because of my love for snow mountains and glaciers, I have been struggling with the map to find out whether there is a road from Bomi, passing through countless snow mountains and glaciers to reach the hinterland of Tibet. This year, I finally heard that this road has been opened, and I couldn’t wait to meet my friends from the Sichuan-Tibet Independence Group, and set off on May 1 to start the ice trip!

Character, vehicle introduction:

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

The open road car, the flagship of the Everest 2.0T, is smooth and smooth all the way, passing five levels and killing six generals, caring guards. Replaced five AT3 all-terrain tires + 17-inch wheels.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Wrangler two-door version, 3.6 naturally aspirated, hard bench should be the common problem of Wrangler at present, high altitude and high reaction, the accelerator will be powerless, hard climbers are good at climbing, but they still encounter difficulties in the car, and we will talk about it later.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Two cars for three people, is the luxury version enough?

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

group logo. Stand on your own.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

It seems that we went to a fake Sapu mountain. Let’s express the joy of the road shaker after rescuing the Wrangler out of trouble with a group photo.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Before using the 7900 radio station for commissioning, the preparation work is very important.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Use the 7900 radio station to debug the two-vehicle joint station

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Viagra, label: Great God, coolie. Second Wrangler. It was the first time I went to Tibet, and after I came back, I went directly to the throne of the Sichuan-Tibet Great God. He was the only one who shoveled snow and dug holes in the snow with bare feet.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Tang SIR’s label: Mengge Wrangler’s first trip to Tibet was insufficiently prepared, and he had a high anti-cold cold, so he flew back and failed. This time I entered Tibet for the second time and drove by myself for the first time.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Naturally, this one belongs to me. Here is a photo of Zhang Siwen, who drove into Tibet five times by himself, and is also the leader of the independent group. Everest driver.

Official departure on May 1. Nantong – Wushan. May 2 Wushan – Chengdu.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Via the Dabie Mountains, Shennongjia to Wushan, there is nothing to say about the public route.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Wushan Grilled Fish deserves a review.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Forcibly living 1,280 kilometers a day in Wushan is for these two.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Wushan is cloudy and rainy.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

must have in chengdu

High altitude starts today. May 3 Chengdu-Siguniang Mountain-Danba. The hotel is beautiful.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Depart from Chengdu in the early morning, pass by Yingxiu, and go directly to Siguniang Mountain. If you want to appreciate the most beautiful scenery, you have to take the pass.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

I heard that the young man fought barebacked at a high altitude for 10 minutes, but he still had nothing to do. Viagra took a military shovel and went to help, and he immediately reacted haha. The simplest thing is to use the road shaker to smooth the snow!

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

From the Chengdu Plain to the 4,500-meter Balang Mountain Pass within three hours, we are not ordinary people!

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

The old scenery is gone, so I won’t mention it. Siguniang Mountain.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Danba East Madingguo Mountain View Hotel, I was overjoyed by this hotel. For me who stayed in Danba for 3 times, it seemed to me that I had come to a paradise.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Viagra is the first time to see so many snow-capped mountains, and my eyes are tired haha

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

The room is surrounded by snow mountains.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

The hotel is on the top of Dongma Mountain, and there is a cement road with a width of one car at the beginning of the mountain. There is no problem with smooth driving, and the slope is steep.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

I work and drink tea, let me pretend to be a jerk haha.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Coincidentally, a hotel is engaged in reception tasks, tourists are brothers, of course we join in it together. Nice to meet you Beijing couple. Made great memories.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

The local people’s drinking capacity is really unusual. When we go to high altitudes to drink in plain areas, our drinking capacity is reduced by half. All the employees in the hotel are good at singing and dancing.

May 4 Danba – Zimei Pass – Yaha Pass – Xindu Bridge

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

The old scenery, Yala Snow Mountain Observation Deck.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

I feel comfortable all the way, because I am about to see Gongga Snow Mountain, the king of Shu Mountain. The unfortunate news followed, and we went to Jiagenba Township, where our Jiangsu BOSS boss Yan had taken over and was stepping up construction. Pacific Construction closed the entrance of Jiagenba. Gongga Township Jin. We went around to Gongga Township in the south, which is also the chassis of Pacific Construction. It’s strange that the formation of this scenic spot can be described as awesome.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Entering Neishan, I went to the Internet celebrity first, and I was at a loss. I drove the car to nowhere. I couldn’t find the groom and I didn’t have a motorcycle. After two hours of walking, I returned decisively. When we came out to explore, it was not an adventure. It was already there at five o’clock. At least there are still two hours to go back and the risk is too high. Immediately after going down the mountain, go to Zimei Pass. It is said that the scenic spot has been closed for repair. If you want to see the snow-capped mountains, go to Yaha Pass. We went straight to Yaha Pass like headless chickens.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Yaha Pass, I said you don’t let me in, let me go out, and headed to Yaha Pass with an uneasy heart. The timing was just right, and we wobbled to the Yaha pass in 40 minutes. After exploring the road, we drove the car directly from the pass to the top of the mountain.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

The strong wind on the top of the mountain made me hungry and cold, so I kept warm in the car and waited for the sunshine to shine on Jinshan.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

I only watched half of the sunset in Gongga. Maybe it’s luck. The last time I came here was at the Zimei Pass, and this time at the Yaha Pass, I saw the other half of it haha.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

In the evening, retreat from Jiagenba countryside to Xinduqiao. After hiking, Gao Fan was basically paralyzed and went to sleep without eating. Let’s continue with Sichuan dishes and wine.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

On the road of Gabucuo, I vaguely saw the king of Shushan.

From Xinduqiao to Batang on May 5, and from Batang to Basu on May 6.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Haizi Mountain is still the same Haizi Mountain, with the same scenery.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Jueba Mountain pass.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

The 318 self-driving camp near the Jinsha River in Batang is still good.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

This picture is a good thing.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Not much to say about 72 turns. In the evening, stay at Basu Dora Shenshan Hot Spring Hotel.

Deep Ranwu Lake on May 7, a feast for cross-country people on the southern Sichuan-Tibet line.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

I have been to Ranwu many times, and I have already been moved by the mountains and rivers here. I got up early and set off to cross the Anjiula Mountain to Ranwu.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

When you don’t reach the intersection of Ranwu, there is a sign for Laigu Glacier National Park. Turning in from here is another world.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

After driving for 5 minutes, there is an idyllic scenery surrounded by snow-capped mountains behind the cement dead end road.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Viagra likes to take pictures so much that he has to ask me to take pictures.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

The Wrangler began to test his knives.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

POSE king

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Ranwu Lake, a classic photo of Laigu Glacier Mouth.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

We walked 30 kilometers in the direction of Zayu, and there was a fork in the right hand that was not very obvious. We turned into the Renlongba Glacier and crossed a small river first.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Renlongba Glacier, its scale and momentum are as complete as the developed glaciers around Ranwu Lake, but it is still in the undeveloped stage. Due to the large number of rivers, it is necessary to enter here with a 4WD SUV or above. Especially in summer.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

This is also the easiest glacier to enter. After getting off at the mountain pass, you can walk forty minutes to reach the foot of the glacier. Other glaciers around Ranwu Lake are not allowed to enter.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

In May of this year, the water in the frozen lake is still in the state of blue ice, which is quite spectacular.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

In May of this year, the water in the frozen lake is still in the state of blue ice, which is quite spectacular.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

The snow is white, but the danger is under your feet. Because the ice layer is so thin, it is easy to collapse, so you need to be careful when entering and exiting the water.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Why photos can’t rule out its momentum

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Start the first flight of the drone.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

renlongpa glacier

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Aerial screenshot

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Aerial screenshot

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

To enter the two glaciers on the left and right, you have to cross many rivers, and the form in the river channel is safer. The right hand is the main glacier, which can be climbed, the left hand glacier is inaccessible.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Aerial photo of the glacier on the left

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Due to the abundant rainfall in July and August, the appearance of Ranwu Lake is not so green, dark blue and clear. You will see a fake Ranwu Lake.

This is the way to the left-hand glacier. You only have to go up the river, get off at the end and walk for half an hour to the lake.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Ranwu 318 self-driving camp, I stayed here last year. Absolute weather and geography all in one. Let you linger and forget to return, you must live here when you come to Ranwu.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

This year, a batch of landscape rooms were newly built, which cannot be entered during the day, and the temperature in the rooms is above 40 degrees after direct sunlight.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

You can’t go in during the day, and you can only enjoy the time of drinking tea at the door.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

I live in a room alone, and it seems that something is really missing. Brother Meng was exhausted after hiking, fell asleep and fell asleep, and it was left for Viagra and I to have a drink.

May 7th, Laigu Glacier, Bomi

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Ranwu in May cannot be described in words, so I can only feel it myself. The best viewing point for reflection is at the entrance of Laigu Glacier.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

The beauty here, the mountains, rivers and waters here are all an ink painting scroll in the early morning when the sun rises

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba


Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Laigu Village, recently there was a fire in Laigu Village on WeChat. In this small village in a secret place, every household is already busy. Why, go up the mountain to dig Cordyceps! But there is no other time to talk to others, time is money.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

I have been to Ranwu Lake many times, but it is the first time I have come to the ancient glacier. The location of the glacier is not ideal. The glacier is not visible from the viewing platform when taken with a mobile phone. It can only be said that this place is just average.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

However, the beauty of Laigu Glacier is occupied by this green lake like precious jade. The beauty is so amazing, the beauty is so pure.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Lao Chuanzang said, this is the old scenery, needless to say.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Bomi said that it is the Alps in Europe. It is better to say that the Alps are like here. Tibet is a miracle of world-class landscapes. Tibet is the third pole of the earth. It is not easy for foreigners to come here once. I am proud to be Chinese.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Today I live in Gangmei Village in Bomi, so I don’t need to introduce the top names. No matter how beautiful the hotel is, I can live here for a long time to live in my own loneliness.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

The characteristic tree house in Gangmei Village

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Feng Shui is very good.

On May 8, the Sichuan-Tibet Central Line will start today

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

The Sichuan-Tibet Central Line, which is not serious to everyone, will start today, and I will introduce the journey of the Sichuan-Tibet Central Line in detail. Leaving the spruce forest, a bridge is being built here, and it will be much easier to get in and out of the hotel here in the future.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

After passing the Tongmai Bridge, turn down the road to Yigongcuo and start entering the Sichuan-Tibet Central Line.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Walking along the lake, you must fill up the gas station at Yigongcuo Tea Factory, and there will be a gas station at the side dam later.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

The scenery of Xanadu in Yi Mercury Township.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

After passing Yigong Township, the cement road was cut off, and the tormenting dirt road, washboard road, etc. began.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

There are only snow-capped mountains, forests, no human habitation, and even animals are hard to see.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

After four hours of bumping, we arrived at the first township – Bagai Township. All the way up and down the dirt road. Stop by three Tibetan grandmas on the way to Zhongyu Township in Bagai Township.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Glaciers like this can be seen everywhere

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

From Bagai to Zhongyu Township, due to the strong smell of ghee, we opened the windows and rushed to Zhongyu Township at the fastest speed. Road construction has started on this line, and it is estimated that the cement road will be available next year or two. Diaoshui directly across the river to Jinling Township.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Viagra really can’t stand the ghee from the three old Tibetan grandmas. Haha, the co-pilot is going to get motion sickness. What surprised me the most is that the old grandma spit out a mouthful of phlegm and rubbed it on the co-pilot’s seat superior. I’m going to get carsick too. Our industrious Viagra immediately washed the car, and he was the one who suffered the most and was the most tired.

This is the three-fork intersection in Zhongyu Township. Go west to Jiali to Mozhugongka Road. I heard that you can go directly to Lhasa. Go north to Jinling, cross Xiagongla Mountain, go to Bianba, take S303 to G317 to Nagqu, we choose Going to Jinling, because 1, we contacted the cadres of Jinling Township for a happy evening gathering, and 2, our goal is Sap Shenshan. The entrance to the snow mountain behind is the entrance to Jinling.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

As soon as you enter the ditch, it is spectacular. The snow-capped mountains here are tall and straight. The road here is also being built, and it is estimated that it will be open to traffic next year.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Due to road construction and many heavy vehicles, the speed is only about 15 kilometers per hour.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

The road is completely deserted. Travel through virgin forests.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Telecom cables are slowly being pulled into every village.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

With a fierce and unusual tiger mouth, there is only one word for driving here, slow down!

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

It is estimated that during the rainy season in July and August, driving here is like passing through the gate of hell. It is recommended not to take this road during the rainy season.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

At this fork in the road, there is a small dirt road that goes directly to Sapu Mountain for more than 100 kilometers, and it takes about 6 hours to reach Yangxiu Township. But the road conditions are extreme, so don’t go during the rainy season. I guess the Wrangler is short of fuel, so I can only walk from Jinling, which is a short distance, to Bianba.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Did the quicksand here think of Bingchacha? But there are such landslides everywhere here, and Bingchacha can pass through bicycles, but not here.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Seeing this village, Jinling is within easy reach.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

At the entrance of Jinling Township, Jinling Township is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, but there is no water. There are only three dry toilets in the whole township, one for the government, one for the school, and one for the police station. I didn’t dare to go in, it’s more convenient for men.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

All our cadres in Jinling Township have a sofa bed. He said that he is usually busy with work and has little time to sleep at home, and often sleeps in crowded Tibetan homes. This is the epitome of our front-line cadres in Tibet.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

The young man in the green coat is our township cadre from Anhui. After drinking in his thirties, he also bluntly said that he could not adapt here, and the perseverance of the inland young man who can survive is amazing. The best condition in the township is their house haha, but there is no water, and he has to ride a motorcycle to the top of the 4,000-meter mountain to fetch water for use. We were dumbfounded, this is the real life of their aid-Tibet cadres.

Pioneer! Sichuan-Tibet Middle Line, Bomi, Bagai, Zhongyu, Jinling, Bianba

Candid shot haha, this is the water hyacinth he used to fetch water from the mountain. Have a good dream today!