Play with the people who know how to play the most – Wanka

The ability to play is constantly deteriorating. Playing is no stranger to many of us; but as we grow older, few people can “play” unrestrainedly and wholeheartedly like in childhood . While our ability to earn a living is constantly improving, our ability to play is constantly being degraded and forgotten.

 Play with the people who know how to play the most - Wanka

95% of people can’t play. In China , more than 95% of people can’t play, less than 5% can play, and less than 1% can play professionally; “playing” has become a very luxurious thing for many people.

 Play with the people who know how to play the most - Wanka

“Knowing how to play” is the most important soft power in the next 30 years. In the future world, when most jobs are replaced by artificial intelligence , where is our value? In the United States, the primary industry accounts for less than 2% of the population, but it feeds 300 million Americans and exports a lot of food. The population of the secondary industry is less than 10%, but it is still a big manufacturing country in the world. So where did the rest of the savings go? Most people have entered various entertainment and sports service careers and went to play” . In the future, all industries may be the entertainment industry. Only those who dare to play, love to play, and know how to play have the opportunity to become the real big winners in social changes. Of course, this kind of play is healthy play, enjoyment, wide range of interests, and many friends, not simple sensory stimulation or money consumption. The former is an experience of bliss, the latter an indulgence of laziness.

 Play with the people who know how to play the most - Wanka

Play with the best people. As the criticisms of the traditional tourism industry continue to emerge, more and more mid-to-high-end consumer groups no longer choose to go out with travel agencies, but choose to drive by themselves; but in the process of self-driving, everyone encounters a new problem. You can go anywhere, but no matter how you do the strategy before the trip, you will still be confused when you arrive at the destination. You don’t know what to play or how to play; if you are sick, you need to find a doctor. Play together, let someone who can play take you to play, and teach yourself how to play while playing.

A decentralized ecological platform for global high-quality players.

In the original centralized business system, it is difficult to find a platform that allows customers to accurately connect with people who can play; the centralized platform focuses on resource control, and squeezes these KOLs through various measures to ensure its own interests. of maximization.

A truly healthy ecosystem is to break the centralized business model and form an open and fair ecological environment, so that people who want to play can directly and accurately find people who can play through the platform, and can communicate and interact on an equal basis and choose freely , Independent transactions.

Wanka & Wanchain , the world’s first decentralized and self-ecological platform for high-quality players. Including: the bottom layer of technology, ecology, community, mechanism, consensus, and application 6 core systems form the unique competitive advantage of Wanca & Wanchain.

Play with the people who know how to play the most - Wanka

The community economy created by playing, earn money while playing. WanChain takes “play” as its core, uses blockchain technology and mechanism, and combines its own business to make all participants in the ecology become value creators and stakeholders in the process of playing. Through trading, evaluation, sharing, referral, participating in activities, contributing content, initiating public welfare, etc., you can get Wanchain’s exclusive Wanbei Rhino, which can be used for consumption transactions, product purchases, and experience services in all links of the platform and ecosystem. Play with the best players, participate in offline activities, etc., so as to fully mobilize the enthusiasm and participation of the participants .

Play with the people who know how to play the most - Wanka

Playing can create value, you can have fun while playing, and you can get something from playing; playing can also transmit positive energy.

If you want to play, just play with the best people.