Public welfare ▎Jaguar Land Rover Hope Primary School makes happiness continue

Public welfare ▎Jaguar Land Rover Hope Primary School makes happiness continue

Recently, Jaguar Land Rover Hope Primary School in Zhaotong, Yunnan ushered in a special Children’s Day. Nearly 600 children and a loving visiting group composed of Jaguar Land Rover employee representatives and the media jointly celebrated a Children’s Day carnival themed on “Colorful Summer Fun and Enjoyment in the Garden”. Ms. Wang Yan, Executive Vice President of Public Relations and Corporate Communications of Jaguar Land Rover China, and Mr. Tim Howard, Executive Vice President of Jaguar Land Rover China and Global Manufacturing Audit, interacted closely with the children on the spot and sent cordial wishes and encouragement.

Public welfare ▎Jaguar Land Rover Hope Primary School makes happiness continue

Ms. Wang Yan, Executive Vice President of Public Relations and Corporate Communications of Jaguar Land Rover China, distributed cotton candy to the children

Returning to Happiness Creates an Extraordinary Children’s Day Experience

Last June 1st, Jaguar Land Rover grew up with the children with family and friendship; this year, in order to let the children enjoy the same happiness as urban children at the best age, Jaguar Land Rover returned to happiness itself and created an unprecedented event for the children. carnival experience. The delicious food, games and performances that only appeared on TV in the past came to the children in surprise, leaving them with the most unforgettable memories of Children’s Day so far.

Public welfare ▎Jaguar Land Rover Hope Primary School makes happiness continue

Jaguar Land Rover employees carefully prepared a talent show for the children of Hope Primary School

At the carnival, Prof. Dr. Ralf Speth, Global CEO of Jaguar Land Rover, who has always been concerned about Zhaotong Hope Primary School, also specially sent festival blessings to the children. Through a video, Dr. Shweder wished the children to be healthy and happy every day on the road of growth, and to face everything with the most beautiful smile. At the same time, caring employees of Jaguar Land Rover also purchased urgently needed materials such as curtains and medicines for the school, and took practical actions to protect the happy growth of children.

Public welfare ▎Jaguar Land Rover Hope Primary School makes happiness continue

Prof. Dr. Ralf Speth, Global CEO of Jaguar Land Rover, sent children’s day blessings to the children

Continue to invest in the construction of “Happy Campus”

Different from other companies, Jaguar Land Rover has not stopped supporting the Hope Primary School since 2014. Adhering to the public welfare concept of building a school and cultivating people, Jaguar Land Rover has carried out a series of public welfare projects around the two aspects of software and hardware, allowing the school to A sea change has taken place. The caring employees who participated in this visit said that the school’s computer rooms, laboratories, dormitories and other hardware facilities are comparable to the campus standards of first- and second-tier cities. The launch of the “Dream Classroom” teaching support project has significantly improved the school’s teaching soft power. Today, the school’s comprehensive education level has risen from the last in the town to the top five in the town, and its single subject ranking has also entered the top ten in the county.

Public welfare ▎Jaguar Land Rover Hope Primary School makes happiness continue

Continue to carry out public welfare projects to help upgrade hardware facilities such as computer rooms, laboratories, and dormitories in Hope Primary School

As Ms. Wang Yan said, “We are committed to creating an equal educational opportunity for children in Hope Primary School and urban children, so that they can ‘go to school’ and more importantly, ‘go to school’.” Jaguar Land Rover has used itself for five years Persistence every day, fulfilling the promise to the children.

Join hands with multiple parties to promote win-win value

Public welfare ▎Jaguar Land Rover Hope Primary School makes happiness continue

The launch of the “Dream Classroom” teaching support project has significantly improved the school’s teaching soft power

For a long time, Jaguar Land Rover has always adhered to the public welfare concept of “value co-creation, sharing and win-win”, and strived to promote the sustainable development of Hope Primary School. Based on the existing foundation, Jaguar Land Rover will continue to improve the software and hardware conditions of Hope Primary School in the future, and strive to build it into a veritable “most beautiful green village primary school”, so that the happiness will continue. In addition, it is also committed to building Hope Primary School into a public welfare platform, bringing the Jaguar Land Rover family including employees, car owners, and dealers into the public welfare camp, continuously enhancing social influence, and creating greater public welfare value.

Founded on May 28, 2014, Dream Fund has entered its sixth year of development. In the new stage of development, the Dream Fund will continue to join hands with public welfare partners to focus on the three major areas of innovative quality education, social care, and China-UK exchanges, focusing on the development of young people, and helping more Chinese young people grow up happily and bravely pursue their dreams.

Source: China Economic Net (invaded and deleted)

Image source: Internet (invasion and deletion)