Re-engraved classic LEGO Toyota LC40 model

From the point of view of the completion of the model, this LEGO version of LC40 well restores the unique styling features of the BJ42 when the LC40 series reached its peak. The details are also perfect enough, including chassis parts, suspension leaf springs, engine belts and so on. And the roof of the model can be disassembled like a real car.

Re-engraved classic LEGO Toyota LC40 model

Re-engraved classic LEGO Toyota LC40 model

Re-engraved classic LEGO Toyota LC40 model

Re-engraved classic LEGO Toyota LC40 model

Re-engraved classic LEGO Toyota LC40 model

Re-engraved classic LEGO Toyota LC40 model

LC40 is a classic work connecting the past and the future in the early stage of the development of the Toyota Road Patrol family. Thanks to the durable off-road positioning of the leather, the LC40 was not officially discontinued until 1984. The market positioning at that time was quite similar to the current LC70.

Re-engraved classic LEGO Toyota LC40 model

Re-engraved classic LEGO Toyota LC40 model