Reading丨Yu Qiuyu: The real scenery is only in the heart

-This article is reproduced from the public account: Ruxue Media-

Reading丨Yu Qiuyu: The real scenery is only in the heart

When we watch snowflakes fall, or see the sun rise slowly behind a mountain, or see a ray of light mysteriously and ethereally shoot into the house, it may give us a glimpse of the deepest place of peace and beauty in our hearts.

Reading丨Yu Qiuyu: The real scenery is only in the heart

The real scenery is only in the heart

Author | Yu Qiuyu

This is an impetuous era.

Therefore, it is necessary to study in depth how to overcome one’s own impetuousness. This is a fundamental social problem, and it is also the key to the governance of people’s hearts.

For young people, their talents and potentials can only be brought into play when their minds are calmed down. Otherwise, all talents will constrain people’s development.

The heart is the basis of all experience, it creates both happiness and pain; it creates life and death. The first level of the mind is the “ordinary mind”, which is the mind that can think, plan, desire, and manipulate, the mind that can get angry, the mind that is melancholy, unstable, and capricious. But in addition, we have the nature of the mind, which is eternal and untouched by death and by anything outside.

Reading丨Yu Qiuyu: The real scenery is only in the heart

After all, mind is the essence of everything.

The sages and sages in history used different terms to modify the truth they realized, but they were all explaining the basic nature of mind.

Christians call it “sin”, Hindus call it “Brahman”, and Buddhists call it “emptiness”. All religions must have a basic core, and require their believers to evolve and understand this core throughout their lives. The core of this is xinxing.

Modern civilization has given us infinite benefits, allowing us to understand the infinitely complex world, but another aspect is far inferior to our ancestors, that is, the understanding of the mind.

Psychologists analyze people’s thoughts and emotions in an extremely cumbersome manner. The result of such analysis is to describe people as black holes full of contradictions and infinite complexity. It’s not that these theories are wrong, but their emergence is a sign of a worrying trend in modern civilization: we are moving farther and farther away from a pure, clear mind.

Reading丨Yu Qiuyu: The real scenery is only in the heart

We are usually dominated by various emotions, thoughts and desires, but sometimes, we can still feel our hearts very clearly and deeply:

  • It may be enjoying a beautiful piece of music, it may be lingering in the quiet and clear nature, it may be tasting the bits and pieces of daily life.

  • When we watch snowflakes fall, or see the sun rise slowly behind a mountain, or see a ray of light mysteriously and ethereally shoot into the house, it may give us a glimpse of the deepest place of peace and beauty in our hearts.

These moments of light, peace, and joy have happened to each of us, and they are unbelievably beautiful.

Desires make us exist, and the mind determines the quality of our being.

Yan Hui, who lives in a back alley, only has rough food and clean water but is extremely happy; the religious ascetic can feel the happiness that ordinary people can hardly feel under the extremely harsh living conditions. Yes, happiness itself is not determined by how much you get, but how much you feel.

Reading丨Yu Qiuyu: The real scenery is only in the heart

Because the mind has never been properly understood, as it does not understand itself, countless philosophical ideas and propositions have arisen. What’s more, because ordinary people don’t understand or recognize their xinxing, they continue to wander in the three realms and six realms, experiencing pain. Therefore, not knowing your own mind is a serious mistake.

How can I change my situation?

This requires quiet observation of one’s own heart, which seems simple, but actually represents a change in attitude towards life.

From looking outwards to looking inwards, from focusing on the pursuit of outward pursuits to concentrating on touching one’s inner life. This is a new experience for most people. We avoid the life of looking inward, because most people always have fear of their own hearts, and because we think it is not important, and we are nostalgic for the exciting, noisy and busy life.

In this fast-paced world, looking inward is considered cowardly and passive. Yes, we complain about our overly busy life, but we continue to be busy in order to be able to pay for “leisure”, that is, follow a tour group to a place that is also full of people.

What we don’t really understand is that real wealth, real leisure, and real scenery are only in people’s hearts . Any of these visions can open the mind to the boundless suffering in the world. Let people understand the vast and profound pain in this world from here, and let people’s love start at this moment.

Reading丨Yu Qiuyu: The real scenery is only in the heart

slow down. In fact, many people’s lives are flustered and impetuous, with little time to savor and appreciate the beauty of life. Slow down the pace and live delicately with those whose souls are interdependent.

Take a little time every day, concentrate on meditation, and return to our original life: the heart of a child .

In times of anger, greed, jealousy, annoyance, resentment, lust, fear, anxiety, and confusion, think carefully about whether it is worth it. Sometimes people get certain benefits that can be calculated, but they pollute the living water that is the source of life. What kind of loss is this?

Recall those who have given us love, care, and help in memory, and review every detail of love. Reflecting gratefully, awakening our love, imagining it flowing from our hearts, first with those closest to us, then relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, neighbors, then strangers, even those we dislike or Difficult people, even those we consider “enemies.”

Finally, let our minds become wider and wider in love.

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