Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Mention Jiangnan Style

The first thing that comes to mind is

Exquisite carved beams and painted buildings in Suzhou gardens

The Tenderness of Willows and the Moon by the West Lake

And this small city in Jiangsu and Zhejiang

The landscape is amazing and shocks the world

The beautiful woman who walks out is also once in a thousand years

few people know

It’s so low-key that it hurts

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

this small town

can let us experience

The meaning of “lotus leaf He Tiantian, fish playing among lotus leaves”

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

this small town

can lead us to find

The cleanliness of “the house is clean from dust and clutter, and the empty room has leisure”

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

this small town

can let us appreciate

The springs in the mountains are flowing, and the autumn leaves are magnificent and picturesque.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

She is Zhuji

The famous hometown of Xi Shi

Hometown of Vietnam

In ancient times, it was also a prosperous famous area of ​​Qiantang

Here the mountains and rivers are hidden and picturesque

Waterfalls in groups Lin Haitao

It is a well-deserved paradise

you will regret it if you don’t come

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Picture: Lord Admiral Forever

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Thousands of years ago, a woman washing yarn by the stream was spotted by others because of her outstanding beauty. Since then, her fate has changed drastically.

Thousands of years later, we follow the footsteps of her life, and when we come here, we will still be as impressed by the beauty here as the Yue people at that time.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Picture: Yangliu Yiyi

The beauty has long been turned into a pile of loess under the feet, and these vivid stone statues by the Huansha River will stay here forever.

They were laughing and talking by the stream, washing their clothes, and the clear stream water splashed on them, making them even more beautiful and moving. At this time, a passerby passed by and was amazed by this scene…

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Picture: Yangliu Yiyi

Xishi’s Hometown takes displaying ancient Yue culture as its theme, and various exhibition halls and ancestral halls will show you the time-honored romance with their simple appearance.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Picture: Yangliu Yiyi

In addition, the scenery here is also very charming.

The flowing water of the small bridge in the misty rain, the upturned eaves under the dense green shade, the fragrance of lotus in the sapphire pond…all tell you the purest and moving Jiangnan style.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Address: No. 2 Zhuluo East Road, Zhuji City, Shaoxing City

Self-driving route: Hangzhou——Shanghai-Kunming Expressway—West Huancheng Road—Yaojiang Tunnel—Xishi Hometown

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Wuxie Scenic Area is a national-level forest park with natural forest springs. It is a pure natural forest oxygen bar and an excellent place to escape the summer heat.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Picture: Lord Admiral Forever 

Wuxie Lake is beautiful and picturesque. Take a cruise boat and go boating on the lake. The distant mountains are like black clouds, the smog is hazy, and a pair of ink paintings are in front of you.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

In the scenic area, there is a waterfall with 50% off water, which is the essence. The silver ribbon gradually descends, which is very shocking.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

The local people call the waterfall Xie, and one water is divided into five levels, so it is called “Wuxie”. Wuxie Waterfall was famous all over the world as early as 1400 years ago in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

As soon as autumn comes, this place becomes a kingdom of fairy tales, with colorful autumn colors and colorful forests.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Because the scenery is so beautiful, students often sketch here.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Figure: Wrangler Meteor

Address: Wuxie Town, Zhuji City, Shaoxing City

Self-driving route: Hangzhou——G60 Shanghai-Kunming Expressway——Provincial Highway 308——Wuxie Scenic Area

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

This is the place with the largest cultivation area of ​​torreya in the world, with more than 30,000 ancient torreya trees.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

These old trees are twisted and twisted, with different postures, which make people never tire of seeing them.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Strolling on the mountain trails, the ancient trees are dense nearby, the clouds are flowing in the distant mountains, the air is fresh and enters the lungs, and it is very pleasant to cultivate one’s body and mind.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Photo: big fish 

Address: Dongxi Township, ten kilometers southeast of Fengqiao Town, Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province

Self-driving route: G60 Shanghai-Kunming Expressway – S26 Zhuyong Expressway – 303 Provincial Highway – Torreya National Forest Park

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Dongbai Mountain is the first of the famous mountains in central Zhejiang, with beautiful scenery on the top of the mountain, including the beauty of the alpine meadow of Tuer Ridge and the mountain scenery of Qiandao Lake.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

There are many white and huge windmills on the top of the mountain. The nearby vegetation is dense, the mountain flowers are in full bloom, and the distant mountains are hazy and green. The sound spectrum of the windmills forms a beautiful piece of music, which is very pleasant.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

In order to see the sunset and sunrise on Dongbai Mountain, tourists often camp on the top of the mountain.

When I wake up from a big dream, I see the magnificent and picturesque distance. No matter how tired the journey is, at this moment, it will be compensated.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Address: The junction of Dongyang City, Zhuji City and Shengzhou City in the middle of Zhejiang Province

Self-driving route: Hangzhou——G60 Shanghai-Kunming Expressway——S26 Zhuyong Expressway——G1512 Yongjin Expressway——Dongbaishan

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Sizhai Village is the most representative group of buildings in the south of the Yangtze River in the Qing Dynasty. Among them, Sishengju is named “Thousand Pillar House” because of its large scale and very rare, with more than a thousand pillars.

It is conceivable that a house in the Qing Dynasty had a thousand pillars, what a rich and shocking scene it should be.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

How long have you not woken up to the sound of birdsong, the fresh air with the fragrance of plants, and the gurgling sound of clear and transparent water in your ears…

Si Zhai Village can satisfy you. The houses here are well preserved. People here work at sunrise and rest at sunset. They are simple and natural. If you want to come, Guiyin mountain forest should be so leisurely and wanton.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

The alley is deep, the walls have been stained with gray and black marks by time, the bluestone road under the feet is covered with green grass, the sun shines, and the time of a hundred years seems to be stagnant here.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

The ancient carvings in Sizhai Village are exquisite and beautiful. Even after a hundred years, you can still feel the painstaking efforts of the craftsmen. If you like ancient residences, you must not miss it.

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Photo: big fish

Address: Sizhai Village, Dongbaihu Town, Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province

Self-driving route: Hangzhou——G60 Shanghai-Kunming Expressway——S26 Zhuyong Expressway——211 Provincial Highway——303 County Road——Sizhai Village

 Recommended for summer travel! After a summer with an average temperature of only 22°C, I don’t want to leave here!

Jiangnan flavor in the haze

not elsewhere

in Zhuji

The mountains and rivers here are beautiful

beautiful scenery

Whether it’s summer

or a weekend getaway

I made you come and don’t want to leave


 – END – 
